

  • I'm always happy to have new friends :) It's so hard when you've been there and done it once to go "Why bother- I'll just end up back here!" But you've got to work over that. Each day is a new challenge and a chance to do something healthy.
  • I'm 22 and just getting back into this.Please feel free to add me anyone :)
  • I'm very much an all or nothing person and I know that's what's affected me. One bad day "Oh I'm crap at this I can't do it" when really what I should be doing is going, okay one bad day let's try again tomorrow. Bad week? Lets have a good week. Celebrate the one little thing you do each day, even if it's just drinking 1…
  • Sweetheart, even if you manage to loose "only" 20lbs (Way to go on the 15 by the way!) you are STILL 20lbs lighter then you were at the start. That's why I failed last time, I was down to my lowest weight I can remember at 200lbs; about 20lbs down. For me it still wasn't low enough so I gave up and went back to the sweets…
  • Personally I don't think squash is too much of a problem. I have mine fairly weak, at least it gauntnesses I get in my water, I'm sure maybe some health food shops might have natural squash without the aspartame/artificial sweeteners.
  • For me it was drinks. I love coke; and would probably have a bottle 2/3 times a week. There is 200 calories in a coke. That's a kids size popcorn chicken at KFC! Same with my beloved energy drinks. Even stuff like orange juice, because juice is healthy right? Nope. Sadly not. So now I'm on flavoured water or diet…
  • Hi, I'm Hannah (nearly) 22 and from England. I've found the friends I've got on here so helpfull. Before I would have a bad day and want to forget the whole "diet" thing. Now, I log it and they give me encouragement even just for tracking for the day! MFP rocks!
  • Interesting, this once again gave me higher calories than MFP (1,700 daily goal here- lowest 1,810 over there). I'm thinking I'm going through metabolism re-set at the moment, but if after my 2 month trial at 1,700 doesn't work out then I'll definitely try this.
  • The main problem people have is because it's 14lbs to a stone. People think diving their weight in lbs by 14 will work but it doesn't! 12 stone is 168lbs 12 stone 11 is 179lbs 12 stone 2 is 170lbs So yes she has lost 9lb! Well done to both of you!
  • Got some of these chilling in my freezer right now! I used double the amounts for a bigger silicone cups, and used chocolate soy protein because that was what I had on hand. Replaced the sweeter with 2 tablespoons of sugar instead (again what I had on hand) and it still only works out to 45 calories a piece! Fantastic.…
  • I like the idea of a challenge. Maybe as a post in the thread. It takes a bit of remembering sure but if you have enough friends from the group and mention it in your status every so often it might remind others. Something like push ups, squats or crunches would be cool as well.
  • The largest big gulp is 1.9 liters. Drink that in water- That’s your 8 cups a day. In Coke. 800+ calories and 234 grams of sugar. In Dew, over 1,000 calories and 276g of sugar In Pepsi, 852 and 210 grams of sugar. When I make a standard 8 inch sponge I use 180g of sugar. There is more sugar in the these soft drinks then…
  • I would suggest upping your calories. You're pretty much HALVING your calories going down that low. Maybe try 1,600 or so- you want to be eating at at least your BMR, whatever that may be. I'm at the start of my journey for real this time, and I've found that if I track EVERYTHING, the good the bad *and* the ugly that…
  • The advice I've always heard is Alcohol then a pint/large glass of water after. Helps keep the calories in check, counts as your water for the day, reduces drunken-ness and helps the hangover the next day!
  • I have M.E or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I'm not sure if I'm the kind of friend your looking for because at the moment I'm having a good stage. It could flare up at any moment though and some days are obviously harder than others. As well as loosing the weight I'm attempting to keep mine in check by exercising. I have a Wii…
  • The app makes it so easy to track, so I track everything. Even if we go out for tea or have a takeaway I just go for the nearest thing I can find. For example I had chicken nuggets and a chicken burger with chips for tea last night from our local takeaway. They don't give nutritional information so I entered it as…
  • The only thing to do is to loose it slowly and healthily. I see people all the time around me who are dropping 20lbs or so and then all of a sudden gain them back. That's because their life style is not maintainable. I still have to stop myself from the mindset of "low calories is guaranteed weight loss". When I did this…
  • My arms are huge! And have been for a long time- it's a genetic thing. Each of us has places we loose weight first and places where it goes last. For me I loose of the top first. A few years ago (and 20lbs ago!) I was down to a size 14 regularly in tops, my bottoms I was still a 20! Some 18's but not many. I didn't loose…
  • I think we all need a giant poster with that on sometimes. I had a minor breakthrough yesterday. I'd got up late, run out of the house grabbing a CUPCAKE! on the way out of the door, I went to grab an energy drink and got a full calorie one by mistake. On the way home from the group I went to I was starving so I grabbed a…
  • Veggie Kabobs are one of my favourite things on the BBQ. Fresh bell Peppers, Mushrooms, Small Onions, Cherry Tomatoes, courgettes! Om nom nom.
  • I'm 21 and living in Gloucestershire at the moment though originality from Lincolnshire (and I miss it!) moving to Newport (Wales) in the next 6 months hopefully for work. Always looking for new friends for motivation.
  • Hi guys! I'm Hannah, 21 (nearly 22), I'm currently underemployed but waiting for a job to open up somewhere (passed the interview etc- just got to wait for a position to be open) I'm currently 227lbs. Ideal goal of 150, ultimate ultimate goal (that I don't think will happen) of 140. I've lost some weight a few years ago…
  • I would like to get rid of about 80lbs and I'm actually serious about doing it this time. Been back on the wagon for 5 days so far and lost nearly 3lbs, and I had 2 treat meals in that time. I'm hoping that by being sensible, budgeting and allocating for "fun" events and foods I can still loose the weight. Anyone who is…
  • I'm a knitter. Less weight means fewer inches which means less wool, which means cheaper! Currently 227 (and just started) at 190lbs I want to knit myself a tank top and at goal (150lbs) I want to do myself a chunky cabled cardigan; at the moment a chunky one would just make me look huge! I've not yet determined…