Need to lose 50 or more pounds, I bet you can relate!



  • Going4Healthy
    Going4Healthy Posts: 38 Member
    Since there are so many of us in the same situation.... I started a group called Weight Loss Warriors. Look for an invite!
  • pink_geranium
    pink_geranium Posts: 32 Member
    I don't have that much to lose "anymore"... but I am still on this weight loss journey myself.

    In January of this year I weighed in at 242 lbs, I set out to lose 72 lbs to get me in a healthier BMI!!! That was the most I had every weighed in my life... even when pregnant I was lighter!!! So if any one can relate to having to lose quite a bit of weight I sure can! Now that I am only 3.4 lbs away from my goal weight I am BEYOND happy. But this is just the beginning... I still have more changes I want to make to my body, stage 2 of the weight loss journey - focusing on body fat!! So feel free to send me a invite. I post daily challenges to complete, quotes, recipes... whatever I can to keep in touch with my friends on here. And good luck everyone with your journey YOU CAN DO THIS... each day you get closer!

    Well Done !
    I just joined this morning and have 60-70 lbs to lose. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  • GabrielleZelda
    GabrielleZelda Posts: 190 Member
    I think this is an unfair thing to say. Weight loss is weight loss, regardless of the specific amount you have to lose. I've lost 70 pounds and some people I have met here only need to lose 5-10 lbs. But more often than not, they have been the ones to offer me the most helpful advice. The only difference between us, is that they were able to put a stop to their poor habits before they gained 4-5X the amount that we did :P.

    And I think your nutritionist would understand better than ANYONE! She knows what to do to prevent herself from gaining weight and has extensively studied the metabolic mechanisms to help people like you and I.

    I understand that it is frustrating beyond anything else, to look at people working out at the gym who only have 10 pounds to lose, while you have a third of yourself to shed. But we all have to start somewhere, and it's unfair to judge them and assume they don't know where you're coming from.

    I wish you much luck and hope you find all the support you need!
    Please try and stay positive :) You have as much to offer to someone who has 5 pounds to lose as they have to offer you.
  • beebee0925
    beebee0925 Posts: 472 Member
    I started off at 374 pounds. Right now I'm at 345 pounds. I have about 120 to lose. I need as much motivation I can get as well.
  • FearTheFool
    FearTheFool Posts: 29
    I would like to get rid of about 80lbs and I'm actually serious about doing it this time. Been back on the wagon for 5 days so far and lost nearly 3lbs, and I had 2 treat meals in that time. I'm hoping that by being sensible, budgeting and allocating for "fun" events and foods I can still loose the weight.

    Anyone who is also serious about this can add me!
  • DynamicD86
    DynamicD86 Posts: 3
    Finds it very inspiring to see people's weight tracker move toward their goal, I know I'm only working on day 8 right now, but it does seem like such a long ... long ... Loooong journey
    Glad I'm not doing it along.
    Send me friend requests ... keep me honest!
  • BandForAlyAnne
    BandForAlyAnne Posts: 321 Member
    starting weight 289.6

    current weight 238.6

    goal weight 148

    51 lbs lost 90 lbs to go! add me if you want!
  • wfleming729
    wfleming729 Posts: 10 Member
    i have 69 left to lose and that is just to get down to a weight i would feel comfortable to get pregnant again at wihtout feeling gross again. my ultimate goal is 92 lbs. add me i am always looking for others to help me and me help them, any one can add me!
  • gannie200
    gannie200 Posts: 1
    i can relate!!!!!.... i started my fitness pal a week ago and only lost 7 lbs it feels like forever to complete my HIGH GOAL OF 70LBS..but i know that i'll get there if i stay committed to this thing!! :)
  • teresadutton
    teresadutton Posts: 232 Member
    I am exactly the same way. I try not to look at the big picture..its just to big. I try to focus on 5 or 10 pounds at a time. LOVE MFP message boards and friends!
    I know the feeling I've lost nearly 20lbs and still have another 60 to go, it can get very intimidating and disheartening when you look at the bigger picture.

    I've been trying to focus on just the next five pounds and then the next and trying my best not to look at the big number on the scales but the small one it's come down by, which seems to work for me.

    I'm a lifelong yo-yoer as well but I have to say the message boards and friends on MFP are excellent and they have me motivated like I've never been before.

    I hope we can all do the same for you, feel free to lean on me anytime.

    FR sent.