

  • I can see where you are coming from. I look at it from a different perspective. I am 28; my youngest is 3 and my oldest is 7, so I started having kids when I was younger than you. Yes, it was my decision. I wanted to have my children, get them through school, and be young enough to enjoy them being out of the house! I will…
  • I do this and buy the egg roll wraps to make buffalo chicken wraps. Super delicious!
  • Baking, cooking, reading, knitting, going to a karaoke bar (to watch--not sing!), dancing, and time with the husband! After reading my list, I realize I seem much older than 28!
  • So my bil mom got a boob job paid for by insurance. She claimed that her self-image was bad and this was just the thing to cure her.
  • Not all people will appreciate your thoughts, so you either need thick skin or a filter!
  • I was raised in a home with one parent completely against guns and the other pro-gun. I learned to treat guns with a certain level of caution, and as an adult I choose to have guns in my home. My children know the guns are around (although they are still too young to know where or to be able to reach them). They have seen…
  • I am pretty spoiled...we have to have a cool (cold!) bedroom for my hubby to sleep, so I get snuggled deep into the covers. The hubby rubs my back for a while and then we talk. That is OUR time to catch up with each other. We usually get into bed around 10:00 and I drift off to sleep around 11-11:30. That said-I have never…
  • Yesterday it got up to 109--expecting the same today :(
  • Together 2 1/2 years then engaged. Before we started dating, though, we had been very close for 5 years or so.
  • Lemon drop martini=yum!
  • I am looking to add way more veggies to my diet (although, I just love meat too much to give it up completely!). Add me if you don't mind me poking around your diary for nutritious ideas :)
  • $240 every two weeks. This includes all toiletries, cleaning products, diapers, etc for a family of five. I eat around 1400 cal a day and eat a mix of everything-whole grains, dairy, meat, veggies (fresh and canned).
  • ...the girl with the loud mouth and red hair!
  • Conversation with my daughter just last night: "Mama, I want some dessert!" "What kind of dessert?" "Something yummy--like strawberries maybe?" I am a mother of three and they ALL view fruit, yogurt, and honey as dessert. Those are the "sweets" they get! It's a choice every single time I buy groceries to purchase…
  • “I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!” ― Dr. Seuss
  • Add me! We need to support each other!
  • The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon...fantastic!! I read the Game of Thrones series, the Harry Potter series, the Twilight series, 50 Shades of Grey series, Hunger Games series, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (the whole series), and I am currently in the middle of The Dresden Files series. I have read everything by…
  • Chasing a two year old through stores because he "haves to potty now" but won't FOLLOW me to the bathroom! Getting a 7 year old and 6 year old into leotards and tutu's for dance class!
  • I drink because I DO like the taste :) I have several friends that do not drink because they think it tastes bad-and who am I to judge--I don't like mushrooms because of the taste, but I am not judged for that ;) I will say, though, that when you go out, go with a friend that does drink and just give her the drinks you…
  • Total loss is about 22 pounds...I have gone from a 38 to a 34/36, but remained the same cup size :( I am treating them the same way I treat my hips/thighs...as stubborn fat that will eventually go away when I get my body fat overall down to where I am happy!
  • Hubby and I went to see it IMAX 3D--loved it :)
  • I think there is a balance for every couple. I am fairly "independent" in that if I want something done, I will just do it. I don't wait around for my husband or expect him to take care of it. On the other hand, if I start doing something, most times my husband will come and work beside me. He also doesn't hesitate to ask…
  • I have 3: 7-girl, 6-girl, 2-boy...I would have liked to have another, but the hubby had his end taken care of, so no more for us!
    in Kids? Comment by DianatheRed May 2012
  • Love storms..... likes to wear red!
  • Capricorn
  • Trifle bowl: layer strawberries, whipped cream, and angel food cake! Looks super decadent and is not ALL bad! If you feel like it, you could even add a block of 1/3 less fat cream cheese to the whipped cream and it will be more cheese-cakey ;)
  • Must be the day for this. I wasn't happy this morning and it is taking everything I have not to dip into my children's candy! I slipped yesterday, though! Just keep in mind that one mistake won't kill you. Forgive yourself, exercise hard, and watch your intake the rest of the day. Start anew!!
  • I used to give bra fittings...you would be amazed at how different a woman's actual size is from the size she "has been wearing for years". Go to someone that knows what she is doing and have her measure you. Then you have to try on the bras to find the one you like--our girls are all different and the brands/styles vary…
  • We met in 3rd grade...were in the same class! BUT we became close friends in 8th grade, started dating our senior year in high school, and May 28th will be seven years married :)
  • I am a total freak about this! In my home, I am the finance person because I HAVE TO KNOW down to the penny where everything is. I am a planner by nature and I can't plan for things without having the money waiting there for me to spend. My husband has had to learn that when I say we don't have money, I mean we don't have…