Groceries $$



  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    For a family of 3, including a 3 year old...I spend around $400 per month. I try to buy meat when there is a meat sale, and have been doing local produce and veggies (our local grocery store sells them, as well as farmers markets). We do eat meat. I keep my calories at 1350/day.
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    About 300-500 bucks a month for a family of 2. Living in DC, the price of everything is so expensive compared to when I lived in Florida. Now that the weather is warmer, I am going to the farmers markets more often to get the produce because the stuff in the stores is looking downright disgusting (went into Giant to get a red onion, majority of them were ROTTEN, so gross). Only buy chicken and turkey when it comes to meats. However, Whole Foods has had some deals on their ground beef and shrimp recently so I stocked up on that.

    I'm in MD, not far from DC.... groceries are def expensive!!!!
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    Around $650 for a family w/2 adults and 2 kids (3yrs & 6yrs, both boys). I eat around 1300-1600 cals a day. My hubby & kids eat whatever they feel like. Sometimes my 6yr old eats as much as me, growth spurt I guess right now. We do eat meat, sometimes organic. Def foods w/o dyes, my son is sensitive to the dyes - they make him very hyper!! I tried to do the Feingold Diet becuase of that but found it very time consuming and even more expensive. So now I just make sure the foods dont have dye and try to cook from scratch most of the time. Now that summer is here I hope to save a little and get our veggies & fruit from the amish, cheaper and much fresher!!!

    Oh and this total does include toilet paper, toothpast, laundry det, soap, etc.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Approx. $500-600 for my wife & I. But we live in the country of "everything expensive" - Canada. I'm in the 2200 calorie range, my wife 1600 and eat meat.
  • Lesley2901
    Lesley2901 Posts: 372 Member
    About £300 a month for 3 adults. My daughter and I are both on 1200 calories (but tend to eat over that on the days we go to the gym) and my partner is on 1750. We eat quite a healthy diet and meat is included.
  • JediMaster_intraining
    JediMaster_intraining Posts: 903 Member
    For 2 adults who eat meat and try to incorporate fruit and veggies when we can it's anywhere from $200- $300.
    My calorie goal is 1450 and my boyfriend eats a heck of a lot more than I do! He's always hungry but still not fat!
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    I'll spend around $800-$900 month, for 5 adults and 3 teenagers. We have a small farm, so I buy NO meat, eggs or milk. I'm eating around 2300/day. Most, if not ALL, meals are homemade. I'll buy bread for sandwiches, but things like english muffins, pizza crust, baguettes, biscuits or breads for dinner are made from scratch. We also have a large garden, so the tomato sauces, potatoes for homefries, etc, are things we canned last year. I freeze berries for smoothies and berry sauce, etc. The perfect meal is homemade waffles, using the milk from the goats, and the fresh eggs, homemade berry sauce or HM maple syrup, bacon or homemade breakfast sausage from the pigs and some tasty homefries, canned from the garden :-) Maybe even HM toasted english muffins with HM jam :-D
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    This is a hard one...I have to shop weekly and even then usually end up at the store at least once in between. Depending what I have run out of and what recipe I am trying I would say about $300 per week. That rarely includes my Husband. He works a lot and hates most leftovers.He is a fast food addict and eats about twice a day. He is ridiculously unhealthy and a waste of money for me to cook a meal for him because either he doesn't eat it when he gets home or will never take it to work with him the next day or two.

    Currently I eat 2600 plus calories, I have 3 daughters and I run a small daycare(currently 4 full time). I am not frugal at all. I buy quality and Organic & grass fed as much as possible. We eat beef, bison, chicken,turkey, fish and lamb. I make all of our meals and many snacks but theres always crackers and cereal stocked in the pantry. We all occasionally eat out. I used to eat out maybe once a month or less but lately we have been so busy on weekends that I have ate out about once per week, sometimes two.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    Wow, we spend in a week what you all spend in a month. But, we have 6 kids and 2 adults. And three of our children are teenage boys with the fourth being a teen next year.

    This does include all toiletries and I pack the boys lunch, no school lunches for them. The boys are eating machines and need food all of the time so I have to keep the freezer stocked with stuff. We go through a gallon of milk a day! So on milk alone I spend $100/month

    And now that gas and diesel have gone up per gallon, my food bill has jumped up a lot....our food bill is a house payment!

    We are omnivorous and I do not buy any name brand...everything is generic!
  • travelprincess
    travelprincess Posts: 73 Member
    For a family of 4 we spend $800 a month but that also includes house items like laundry soap, TP etc. Our home is very diverse though. My hubby likes full on meat and potatoes meals, I am trying to eat light, my 17 year old is a vegetarian and my 6 year old is picky.
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    When it's just me about $250/month depending on what staples I need to buy and how well I do hitting sales and using coupons. I eat meat but not very much, usually only when I go out. When My husband is home that number goes up to about $600 and his lunch is provided at work. I am more apt to actually cook and he eats meat most nights. I've noticed that the bill has started to go down since we both cut out some of the processed crap foods from our diets, which seems backwards to me since you always hear how expensive it is to eat healthy. I shoot for 1200-1500 calories/day he is usually at 2000-2500.
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    I would say I spend 150 to 200 ( includes non food paper goods ect) a week for a family of 4 adults and 8 day care kids. I also never ever buy meat at the grocery I only buy from local farmers/locker plants. I budget $150 a month for that and buy a whole cow every 16 months and a pig once a year. Like to know my food personally. I do barter eggs, chicken , turkeys for my family consumption from a friend. I also grow a huge garden and can and freeze many veggies and fruit. I could get cheaper food but not worth it in my opinion.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    $400-$500 a month for 5 total - 2 adults (1 mostly vegan), 1 teenager, and 2 elementary school kids...more in the winter, but once the farmer's markets get going I can get great produce at awesome prices, plus I make trips to Sharp Shopper and Costco to buy in bulk and keep the overall cost down...I usually focus on quality over quantity, so will pay more per pound for grass fed organic beef or pasture raised pork (love the local farms), but serve less of it - the kids are all huge so clearly this strategy is not stunting their growth...we also eat a lot of whole grains (rice, quinoa, etc) and stay away from processed foods...which seems to help in keeping the budget down - where I am a pound of quinoa costs about the same as a box of kraft mac & cheese, but the quinoa goes a lot further and has much more nutrition...I do my own gardening as well so that will kick in and cut my grocery costs about another $100/month from July-November...assuming the garden does well and doesn't get demolished by critters, which does happen some years...
  • cavewoman15
    cavewoman15 Posts: 278 Member
    2 adults, eat meat for every lunch and dinner, my calories are 1340 but we're both really active, and i probably eat back 300-500 more calories a day. my partner's calories are probably a couple hundred higher, so maybe 4000 calories total each day.

    we spend an average of $100 a week on meat, produce, and dairy. we almost never go out to eat (maybe 2-3 times a month). no non-food included in this bill (except the occasional bottle of wine or 6 pack of beer). i bulk up on meat (pork loins, chicken, bags of shrimp) on some weeks, not on others, but average is probably $100.

    i know i could cut this down by going to the farmer's market, but i haven't made a habit of that.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    We spend about $150 a week for a family of 5.

    Right now my husband and I are both having to eat about 3000 calories a day (he's lifting weights to gain muscle, I'm breastfeeding/pumping 60 ounces a day, which means I need and extra 1200 calories). We eat mainly organic food and we do eat meat.
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    About £100-£150 a month. I live alone & eat meat. I try & buy local fresh fruit & veggies when available. I am trying to eat 1500 cals a day.
  • DianatheRed
    $240 every two weeks. This includes all toiletries, cleaning products, diapers, etc for a family of five. I eat around 1400 cal a day and eat a mix of everything-whole grains, dairy, meat, veggies (fresh and canned).
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 553 Member
    $350 - $400 a month, including cleaning products, personal products, etc. family of 3, mostly meats, fresh produce and dairy. Try to stay away from the stuff in the aisles. We make alot of stuff from scratch to home (pastas, sauces, bread, etc.) We are hoping to cut it even more, we just started our first veggie garden about a month ago! We live in the northeast US
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    Family of 4...I'm pescetarian, the family are omnivores, we're all locavores... we spend around $500 a month when we're growing the majority of our produce and around $800 a month during the off season. My cut is between 1700-1800 a day.
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member
    We spend about $200 per week at about $800 a month....for 2 adults.

    I am trying to eat healthy .... my husband not so much.....

    We buy different snacks, meats and breads....stuff easy for him to cook when i am not at home and stuff that i can cook when i am at home....i like alot of fish which he will not eat unless it is fried....

    San :)