timeasterday Member


  • I just completed my first week back to running after exactly 8 weeks off. So far no issues. I was doing 1-min run / 4-min walk intervals for 40 minutes on Tue/Thu then for 60 minutes on Sunday. All on trails. This week I'll switch to a 2/3 interval and each week add another minute of running. After 4 weeks I should be…
  • Laura - glad to hear you are back running again! I hope all goes well for you. I'm still not cleared to run again. Gotta keep working on my psoas muscle and get that stretched out. Those 3-minute stretches are hard to hold! But it takes that much time to actually lengthen the muscle. Been having some SI-joint pain too…
  • Have a merry Christmas everyone! Today makes 5 weeks without running. Last week I took a short hike (2.8 miles) and was sore, but in a different area. No deep hip pain any more, the pain is more in the main hip flexor - the psoas muscle. I'm still riding the stationary bike and doing upper body strength training. A week…
  • Everyone is making great progress and getting in some good running! It's been 3 weeks + 1 day since my last run and maybe, just maybe I might be able to do some brief run/walk intervals by the end of the year. I'm doing some stationary bike and upper body strength training twice a week and some abs/core stuff on other…
  • My 2014 focus was training for my first marathon which was completed one month ago. I pushed too hard this year and haven't been able to run lately due to a possible stress fracture (which I probably already had before the marathon!). So now I'm taking a hiatus from running and in 2015 will focus on building back up again,…
  • My coach had me do a few long runs with half of the mileage (or more) at goal marathon pace. That helped me get a good feel for sustaining that kind of pace. But overall I was usually running a 9:30 pace and my marathon last weekend (my first) was a 8:39 avg pace.
  • Ran my first marathon on 11/8 - the Rock n Roll in Savannah. Had a great race and beat my expectations, finishing in 3:48:59.
  • Just got home from Savannah and my first marathon. I had a great race and finished even faster than I thought I would. Official time was 3:48:59. The night before the race my coach gave me a strategy: run the 1st mile slow then get into a comfortable pace until mile 18 where I could start speeding up if I felt like it.…
  • Thanks! I'm feeling much better now. My wife is still sneezing & coughing a little but getting better. The marathon is this Saturday. I'm getting nervous!! I keep checking the weather forecast for Savannah. They keep lowering the morning temperature forecast, which is perfect! Now looking at 42°F at race time and clear…
  • Sorry to hear that Ceci! Hope you get to feeling better soon! I started feeling a sore throat on Monday and immediately started taking Airborne twice a day. My throat is still sore today but no other symptoms have developed. Now my wife is getting it.
  • Less than two weeks until my first marathon. I'll be watching this discussion!
  • I'm finally in taper mode for the marathon! Saturday I did my longest run ever: 21 miles at 9:10 avg pace. I felt great during the entire run. Not so great when I stopped running. Every muscle in my legs ached. I had to walk around for a while to get my legs to calm down. Now I feel very confident about hitting 3:50 or…
  • Yesterday I did my longest run ever: 19 miles at 9:16 avg pace. I felt pretty good until the last half mile (which was uphill). The cooler/drier weather helped a lot. I felt much better than a week ago when it was warm & humid. I'm a little sore today here & there and walking a bit slower than usual. This coming weekend…
  • I have the same model. It's super bright and lightweight.
  • Not much new here. Just trying to get through the last two weeks of heavy mileage until I can start tapering. Had another visit with the chiro yesterday after dealing with some lower back pain that was throwing off my form. She cracked my back pretty good in a few spots and worked out the tightness on one side. She said my…
  • Thanks! Still going through some frustration now but not as bad as last year. This week it feels like everything hurts and I'm not sure why. Too expensive to keep going back to the doctor. I just need to get through this marathon and then take a break. Gotta think about what I want to do next. At one point I was all hyped…
  • Yesterday I ran the Michelob Ultra 13.1 race and had a good time while enjoying the cold weather. It was around 50°F at race start but very windy. It took a couple of miles to feel warm. I wasn't trying to "race" this one, just seeing how it felt to run my goal marathon pace of 8:47/mile. The course was pretty hilly but I…
  • Way to go!!! That's freaking awesome!
  • Eat a lot. Try not to sit around too much. Get a good night's sleep. Take a rest day the following day.
  • I just need to build up to a 20-mile run by the 4th week and then begin a 2-week taper for the marathon.
  • My wife does that on several of her shoes - skips the first lace holes. She has bunions on both feet but not very severe. Just enough to make many shoes uncomfortable. A wider toe box would help.
  • I finished off a pretty good week of training with a 17.5-mile run yesterday. That was my longest run yet and I averaged a 9:10 pace. The cool weather and light mist really helped me feel great the entire way. For the week I had a little over 43 miles. In September I had 3 weeks over 40 miles which I have never done…
  • I just got back from the Great Smoky Mountains and had a pretty good race up there. I was going to take it easy but I felt good and kept pushing the pace a bit faster each mile to see how my achilles would respond. Never felt any pain the entire half marathon. Course was tough on my legs & ankles due to severe banking on…
  • Thanks Robbie! I'll be taking it a little slowly so I don't aggravate my achilles.
  • Yep, we are doing the full. Going to have a bunch of people from our local running group down there so it should be a good time. I am also looking forward to cooler weather. We have a half marathon up in the Smoky Mountains this Saturday and race morning is forecast to be 57°. I can't wait for that!
  • WooHooo! Way to go Romy!
  • With a year of solid training (and staying 100% healthy) you MIGHT hit 3:30. Your goal for your first marathon should be just to finish. A few months ago I was dreaming of a 3:30 marathon, never entertained the idea of sub-3. Now I think 3:30 might even be a stretch after training all year. Focus on building your base for…
  • Well done on your half Donna!! Congrats! Yeah, this heat can't go away fast enough.
  • Yesterday I did my longest run yet: 16.3 miles at a 9:15 average pace. I started closer to 10:00 pace and by the last mile I was down to 8:30 pace. That was the end of my biggest week yet: 44 miles. Just some minor soreness in my achilles but nothing I am too concerned about. This week drops down a little to 40 miles as I…
  • Robbie - hope everything turns out well with the test. I'm ramping things up this week after a last week's low mileage. Started the week off with a 10K on Labor Day. I still can't run fast on my achilles so I took it slow and just enjoyed the run. Finished in 57:10. The humidity was awful and people were having a hard time…