Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Still feeling run over by a truck. I haven't run in a week. I hope I feel stronger on Tuesday. Great job all on getting out there and kicking butt!

    hope you are feeling better. Don't push it.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member

    A week ago I ran 10K (ran the Beat the Blerch virtual 10K) which was my longest run in over 2 months, and I didn't have heel pain the next day, so I'm excited about that. My first attempt at 5 miles caused heel pain so my trainer backed me down again before letting me try it again, so I was apprehensive how it would go. This past weekend he originally was going to have me taper back to 4-5 miles but instead he assigned me a duathlon - 5K run, 20 mile bike, 5K run. Including an 11 minute cool-down walk it took me 2:37, which is almost exactly my time for my half back in June. In other words this was my longest workout in 3 months and it pretty much kicked my butt.

    Fantastic news and well done. Hope the post event recovery is going well
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    I finished off a pretty good week of training with a 17.5-mile run yesterday. That was my longest run yet and I averaged a 9:10 pace. The cool weather and light mist really helped me feel great the entire way. For the week I had a little over 43 miles. In September I had 3 weeks over 40 miles which I have never done before. This summer every time I got close to 40 miles/week something would start hurting. I'll hit 165 miles for the month with tomorrow's run. I can't believe October is almost here! Gotta build up to a 20 (or more) mile long run then start tapering later in the month.

    Keep up the great work everyone!

    Oh my, what dedication, you are an inspiration. I hope it all goes well
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Hope the lacing does the trick Ceci, otherwise you might need to look into another brand with a wider toe box. I do hope you figure out the secret to avoiding your blisters. Have you tried some of the thinner running specific lube stuff, like bodyglide instead of vaseline? It might let your feet breath a little better.

    Tuesday night I did my group/social run. I did my warmup at dead on 6min/km pace, my social laps varied a bit and averaged 5:45, then the social run which was averaging 6ish pace as I ran with a friend and chatted, the chatting ceased as we passed the 3.5k mark and the speed dropped to about 5:45, and then around 4.4k we were chasing down the front two, but she was having a hard time holding the pace and told me to go. So I went! Caught the front two runners and shot by them bringing the last km home in 4:28. It was an effort for that pace, but considering I dropped from 5:30-5:45 to 4/(or below) for the average of 4:28 I'm very happy with it. Especially as with Monday's unexpected trail HM I managed to exceed ALL of last weeks mileage in two sessions of running. It also brought my monthly mileage to 190km/119(ish)miles. My biggest month ever WHOO HOO!

    I read your posts and I sit here and am amazed. The camaraderie around your running experiences is just inspiring. And the paces you go at, I can't get to in a flat out sprint. Thanks for sharing it cheers me up.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    I'm trying a lube that I got at the running store.

    I rode 15 miles yesterday which put me at 400 total miles for the month. Only about 40 of that was actual running. After my 50 mile ride this weekend, I'm planning to shift focus to more running days than riding.

    You certainly seem to have more success with the bike than the shoes. I hope you find a solution soon.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Well Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (5m,3m,4m) have followed the bridge programme, with a 5 mile hill session replacing the 5 mile session on Tuesday. I am tired, doing 3 days on the trot has worn me out, looking forward to a rest day tomorrow. This mornings 4 mile run just felt like I was running through treacle, there was no flow and it felt slow. Looking back at the numbers it was the same pace that I have been doing all the easy runs at, but my average HR was up 5 bpm. I was working harder, not effortlessly. And the high did not kick in, but it did not hurt. Moving away from the honeymoon period into the reality that every run is not going to be better than the last. :wink:

    Hope you are all having successful weeks. Have fun!!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Hope the lacing does the trick Ceci, otherwise you might need to look into another brand with a wider toe box. I do hope you figure out the secret to avoiding your blisters. Have you tried some of the thinner running specific lube stuff, like bodyglide instead of vaseline? It might let your feet breath a little better.

    Tuesday night I did my group/social run. I did my warmup at dead on 6min/km pace, my social laps varied a bit and averaged 5:45, then the social run which was averaging 6ish pace as I ran with a friend and chatted, the chatting ceased as we passed the 3.5k mark and the speed dropped to about 5:45, and then around 4.4k we were chasing down the front two, but she was having a hard time holding the pace and told me to go. So I went! Caught the front two runners and shot by them bringing the last km home in 4:28. It was an effort for that pace, but considering I dropped from 5:30-5:45 to 4/(or below) for the average of 4:28 I'm very happy with it. Especially as with Monday's unexpected trail HM I managed to exceed ALL of last weeks mileage in two sessions of running. It also brought my monthly mileage to 190km/119(ish)miles. My biggest month ever WHOO HOO!

    I read your posts and I sit here and am amazed. The camaraderie around your running experiences is just inspiring. And the paces you go at, I can't get to in a flat out sprint. Thanks for sharing it cheers me up.

    If you can make it Robbie, you definitely need to make your way parkrun. Unless I'm mistaken you live in the home of parkrun, so you shouldn't have trouble finding one. Try a few, find the one you like and start chatting with other parkrunners. I doubt it would take you long to find a social group run that you can work into your program

    Don't underestimate yourself Robbie, remember all my paces are min/KM, not min/Mile. I wish I could hit those numbers for a mile pace ;) You've gone sub 60 for 10k, which means you're sub 6min pace, so I am sure you can hit the same paces, just you can't hold them for as long YET!
    Well Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (5m,3m,4m) have followed the bridge programme, with a 5 mile hill session replacing the 5 mile session on Tuesday. I am tired, doing 3 days on the trot has worn me out, looking forward to a rest day tomorrow. This mornings 4 mile run just felt like I was running through treacle, there was no flow and it felt slow. Looking back at the numbers it was the same pace that I have been doing all the easy runs at, but my average HR was up 5 bpm. I was working harder, not effortlessly. And the high did not kick in, but it did not hurt. Moving away from the honeymoon period into the reality that every run is not going to be better than the last. wink

    Hope you are all having successful weeks. Have fun!!
    Backing up with multiple runs can quickly wear you down. Although it sucks the accumulated fatigue can do wonders for your body when it gets the rest it wants, as long as you can keep your form decent.
    Enjoy your rest day!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Yesterday, I ran my usual 5k route at my national park. It was hot and miserable. I was a full minute slower than the last time I ran there. On the plus side, I think I can tolerate the shoes. Not perfect, but no major discomfort.

    We are expecting a cold front today, so runs should be at least cooler for a while. Unfortunately, that also means a really cold start for the 50 mile bike ride I'm doing on Saturday.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member

    If you can make it Robbie, you definitely need to make your way parkrun. Unless I'm mistaken you live in the home of parkrun, so you shouldn't have trouble finding one. Try a few, find the one you like and start chatting with other parkrunners. I doubt it would take you long to find a social group run that you can work into your program

    Don't underestimate yourself Robbie, remember all my paces are min/KM, not min/Mile. I wish I could hit those numbers for a mile pace ;) You've gone sub 60 for 10k, which means you're sub 6min pace, so I am sure you can hit the same paces, just you can't hold them for as long YET!

    Backing up with multiple runs can quickly wear you down. Although it sucks the accumulated fatigue can do wonders for your body when it gets the rest it wants, as long as you can keep your form decent.
    Enjoy your rest day!

    I am just over the hour for a 10k so not far off, but it was a pretty hard effort. I was referring to your sub 5 times. I tried pushing a few weeks ago at the end of a run last few hundred metres and really struggled. You are right with Park Runs, there are 3 near me but all go at 0900 on a Saturday when I am looking after the kids, wife out. They are too young to drag with me but too heavy to use a running stroller with. It's an excuse that I have not been able to resolve.

    I think the fatigue on the runs is due to doing the hills on Saturday to see how bad it would be and again on Tuesday which would be my preferred day. I think it was just too much too soon. Anyway 48 hours R&R. Will see what an easy 3 miles on Saturday brings. Thanks for the encouraging words and I will try not to underestimate my abilities. I have never liked running but I think it was because I kept trying to go from nothing to 30 min runs. C25k really worked for me.

    Ceci enjoy your ride, it sounds like you might need a couple of miles warm up near your start point before shedding the layers and starting the ride.

    Have fun.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Ceci enjoy your ride, it sounds like you might need a couple of miles warm up near your start point before shedding the layers and starting the ride.

    Have fun.

    Thanks! Warm up ride is a really good idea. I had planned to ride 100k on Saturday, but opted for 50 miles so I could ride with friends. A good 10 ish mile warmup might be just what I need!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Well Friday came and went, and for the first time since April this year I actually gave into the "I can't be arsed going for a run" urge. This meant at todays parkrun, I hadn't run for 3 days.... 3 days continues to be a ***** to me. Legs felt like lead. I did a 2ish km warmup at around 6min pace and didn't feel confident in the slightest at chasing a new PB today as was planned.

    Chatted with friends, eyed off the heap of new people trying to figure who would kick my *kitten* and if there would be anyone for me to chase down. Went to the starting line and we were off. Legs continued to feel like lead, breathing wouldn't settle and nothing felt right. Turned my music up and just kept running. 1km ticked over on the garmin WAY off the mark, which threw ALL my pacing plans out the window. I decided to just keep running at this uncomfortably hard level and see what happened when I got to spots where I could judge progress from time. I really need to simply put an elapsed time screen on my watch for GPS fail days. It's disheartening to feel on the edge of throwing up and to see your pace as 5:10min/km. Still I persevered got chased down by one guy, nearly chased down a different dude and managed to break away from the guy that had been drafting me most of the run. Came home with an official time of 22:33
    New 5k PB!!! WHOO HOO. I knocked exactly 30 seconds off my previous PB. Now to adjust my training paces.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Well Friday came and went, and for the first time since April this year I actually gave into the "I can't be arsed going for a run" urge. This meant at todays parkrun, I hadn't run for 3 days.... 3 days continues to be a ***** to me. Legs felt like lead. I did a 2ish km warmup at around 6min pace and didn't feel confident in the slightest at chasing a new PB today as was planned.

    Chatted with friends, eyed off the heap of new people trying to figure who would kick my *kitten* and if there would be anyone for me to chase down. Went to the starting line and we were off. Legs continued to feel like lead, breathing wouldn't settle and nothing felt right. Turned my music up and just kept running. 1km ticked over on the garmin WAY off the mark, which threw ALL my pacing plans out the window. I decided to just keep running at this uncomfortably hard level and see what happened when I got to spots where I could judge progress from time. I really need to simply put an elapsed time screen on my watch for GPS fail days. It's disheartening to feel on the edge of throwing up and to see your pace as 5:10min/km. Still I persevered got chased down by one guy, nearly chased down a different dude and managed to break away from the guy that had been drafting me most of the run. Came home with an official time of 22:33
    New 5k PB!!! WHOO HOO. I knocked exactly 30 seconds off my previous PB. Now to adjust my training paces.

    Well done on the new PB, some days just work like that, you must be working hard to be on the edge of puking. It also shows a level of personal grit and determination to continue. I do not perform maximal efforts anymore, I refuse to make myself that ill for my own personal battles. Those days are long gone. Have fun, enjoy the recovery and relax bathing in the glory that is truly yours.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Came home with an official time of 22:33
    New 5k PB!!! WHOO HOO. I knocked exactly 30 seconds off my previous PB. Now to adjust my training paces.

    Way to go!!! That's freaking awesome!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Well done on the new PB, some days just work like that, you must be working hard to be on the edge of puking. It also shows a level of personal grit and determination to continue. I do not perform maximal efforts anymore, I refuse to make myself that ill for my own personal battles. Those days are long gone. Have fun, enjoy the recovery and relax bathing in the glory that is truly yours.

    Thanks dude!, Honestly though Robbie, although I felt like I was on the edge of throwing up, I actually believe I had more in me, apparently I looked like I was cruising at the start of my second lap. O.o
    I'm sure one day you'll chase that maximal effort race Robbie, it feels like such an accomplishment when you push your limits and get a new PB.

    Thanks Tim!!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Tim, I've done ergo tests for rowing crews and have .puked at the end of some of those. But here tended to be some meanie screaming at you to go harder. I do not miss maximal tests. Having done them, I know how hard you have to push and I am too old to put up with the pain at the end. :tongue:

    I look forward to reading about you beating your new pb :tongue: Given the sessions you put in, it is clearly paying off. I wish you well
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Got out early to do an easy run this morning, before the rain set in. Felt much better than Thursday, slightly slower (6:47/km versus 6:44), the difference was the average HR was 8bpm lower. It felt easy this morning and as though I could have carried on for hours, got a 6 miler tomorrow morning, hope that it goes as well before another 48 hour rest period.

    It is now dark when I get back from runs and boy its getting cold, doubling up on tops all the time, wearing beanies and running in tights (my supportive wife calls me chicken legs if she sees me in them). Oh the addiction, I need help :happy:

    Enjoy your weekends and have fun
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Long run done this morning 6 miles, went well, faster than I should have gone, which showed up in the pace analysis in the end and the average HR which was also up. The first half was the same as the first 3/4 of Thursday. It was chalk and cheese, the half way beeper went and I was surprised and I did not have the distraction of some music. Need to get some breakfast before going out coaching and refereeing. Enjoy the remainder of your weekend.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Yesterday I ran the Michelob Ultra 13.1 race and had a good time while enjoying the cold weather. It was around 50°F at race start but very windy. It took a couple of miles to feel warm. I wasn't trying to "race" this one, just seeing how it felt to run my goal marathon pace of 8:47/mile. The course was pretty hilly but I managed to finish in 1:55 with an average pace of 8:49/mile. And I felt good after the race besides a sour stomach. I should not have been drinking the Powerade on the course. Not like I was sweating much. I wasn't even in the mood for the free beer! We jogged back to a doughnut shop where we parked the car and treated ourselves.

    Today we did a short 4-mile recovery run on a nearby trail. Even colder this morning - we had to break out the long sleeves & gloves. This week was a low-mileage week, only 36 miles. The next 3 weeks build up and up until I begin my 2-week taper for the marathon.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    My 50 mile ride went really well on Saturday! I was riding with a couple of friends who are similarly skilled. It always make the ride easier and more fun.

    I'm taking off for a few days, thanks to tests ordered by the dr now that I'm old. Hopefully will be back on the road by Wednesday. Looking forward to shifting my focus to running!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Everyone has been doing so well!

    Congratulations on your 5k PB taeliesyn! I'll get me and my son down to Parkrun one of these days!
    Tim, nice run in your HM, your marathon plans seem to be on track.
    Well done on your bike ride Ceci, all the better that it was for a good cause.
    Robbie, I'm with you on maximal effort! Well done on keeping up with your running.

    I have the post race blues. It was the same last year. Last year I didn't get back into my running properly until February, I'm hoping it won't take that long this year! That is one of the reasons I joined JogScotland, at least I will get out once a week, and hopefully that will motivate me to get out more. I also stretched the ligaments in my left knee during my race so I have been resting that, I did get in a couple of short runs last week, not been out this week due to the bad weather, hoping JogScotland won't be cancelled tonight, our leader has a 7 mile bike ride to get here so if weather is still bad he will probably cancel. Might have to dust off my elliptical!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Yesterday I ran the Michelob Ultra 13.1 race and had a good time while enjoying the cold weather. It was around 50°F at race start but very windy. It took a couple of miles to feel warm. I wasn't trying to "race" this one, just seeing how it felt to run my goal marathon pace of 8:47/mile. The course was pretty hilly but I managed to finish in 1:55 with an average pace of 8:49/mile. And I felt good after the race besides a sour stomach. I should not have been drinking the Powerade on the course. Not like I was sweating much. I wasn't even in the mood for the free beer! We jogged back to a doughnut shop where we parked the car and treated ourselves.

    Today we did a short 4-mile recovery run on a nearby trail. Even colder this morning - we had to break out the long sleeves & gloves. This week was a low-mileage week, only 36 miles. The next 3 weeks build up and up until I begin my 2-week taper for the marathon.

    I'm happy you're so fit! I remember the frustrations of last year - it was definitely worth stepping back and getting stronger for this year.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Hill session done yesterday, 5 miles with 2 miles up and down a 5-6% incline. I never get into a groove, it is only 5 repeats but after the first I count them all off, rather than embracing them. Just avoided the rain as well, bonus. This morning was really foggy, went for an easy 3 miles, pushed the pace too much, HR up 5 bpm above where I really wanted it but it felt good, so went with it. A 4 miler tomorrow then a days rest on Friday. Hope everyone is enjoying themselves, I am impressed that I am continuing in the cold and dark. Have fun
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Yesterday I ran 8K (4x 2K) in an attempt to run more miles. I started out around 7:30/Km (12 minute mile) and ended up at around 8:00/Km (13 minute mile). My total run time was 61:50, which I thought was darn good. The last kilometer was hard but the rest went rather well.
    I had started out with intentions of running 5x 2K but underestimated the running route and wound up back home by 8K. I was tired, though, so I'm not sure whether I could have made another 2K so I'm not disappointed. On my next attempt at a longer run I'll go for the 10K.
    My intention is to run the 2K segments a few times, then increase to 3K segments, 4K, etc. until I can run 10K without stopping to walk.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    No running lately because of a medical procedure yesterday, but I will share my NSV here. Yesterday while I was connected to a machine monitoring my vitals, the alarm kept going off because my resting heart rate was below 50. Everyone who came through commented about how that happens to fit people or asked me if I exercise a lot. Two years ago, my resting heart rate was closer to 100!

    Hoping that by commenting on this, I'll be able to find it again easier since group bookmarks don't seem to be working with the forum update!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I'm happy you're so fit! I remember the frustrations of last year - it was definitely worth stepping back and getting stronger for this year.

    Thanks! Still going through some frustration now but not as bad as last year. This week it feels like everything hurts and I'm not sure why. Too expensive to keep going back to the doctor. I just need to get through this marathon and then take a break. Gotta think about what I want to do next. At one point I was all hyped to qualify for Boston someday but now not so much. The training it would take to get me down to the qualifying time would probably be more than I can mentally handle. Slowing things down with some ultra running sounds appealing.

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Another easy recovery run. It was hot and humid last night, but it ended up being a really good run. I think I'm going to go for 30 minutes straight on the weekend and then start bumping up the miles until I'm back where I was. I was doing 12 minute miles, which was a bump up from my usual 13.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Ran with Cass from work yesterday- 5 to 10k, w1d2 at her pace. We got in 4 miles total. I love these easy runs with her!

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    4 miler done this morning, HR a lot lower and I thought I was going very slow. However it turned out to be a standard easy pace run, just with low HR. Just finished dinner tonight, 21st wedding anniversary, looking forward to no running tomorrow and getting some rest. Too much wine tonight!! Have fun all
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Nice bicycle ride yesterday, partly in the rain. It's storming today and probably tomorrow. I leave on Sunday for vacation, so not sure how much I'll be able to run. (Not taking the bike with me :cry: )
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ceci, have a great vacation, do what you feel like doing, rests are important. Have fun