Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I left work early enough yesterday to get a good ride in before dark. It was very windy, but a good ride. From my office, I can ride (or run) 8 miles to the north or 11 miles to the south without leaving the Greenway. There are a few intersections where I have to wait for a light, but at least there's a light! I rode south yesterday until I ran out of Greenway trail and then a little north of my office for a total of 24 miles. Cold weather arrived today. :disappointed:
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    It feels as though you are feeling better. Hope your recovery continues
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Glad you were up for a ride Ceci!

    I had my night trail race tonight, 12k, 378M (1200+ft) of elevation change. Even as we were marshalling I still hadn't made my mind up if I was going to try and race it, or just run & experience the event/views etc. The cowbell went off for the race and the stupids struck me as I surged.. being where I was I had quite a few people to try and get past, so the front runners were well and truly out of site by the time I got the main actual trail.
    I suffered more on the uphills than I know I should have. That will teach me to neglect my friday trail runs. I still passed people, but it was hard. I hit the downhills with total disregard for my own personal safety, my pace dropping as low as 4:04min/km at some points. These are NOT nice flat and groomed trails either, but it was fun.
    I finished in 1:13:48 on my garmin, which should be about equal to official results as there was a timing system failure :( So I think everything will be done on gun time. I was feeling good about my time, and that I had done the entire run without falling over or twisting my ankle (I really don't know HOW I avoided the ankle twist at times) Until I heard the winner came in at 1:05 (something)... less than 10 minutes ahead of me.... Now I am wishing I had started near the start of the pack and actually pushed myself on the uphills. If I was up with the front runners I think I could have made that time up. I got caught in the crowds on the longer uphill at the start where it was a single file, and elsewhere.
    Last years winner was about 55min, I new I had no chance of that, which is why I didn't race it fully.
    Bah I feel like a *kitten* for complaining about my results with a time that is pretty good, but I know I could do better. Time for to get more trail/hill time going and plan to kick butt next year!
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    Glad you were up for a ride Ceci!

    I had my night trail race tonight, 12k, 378M (1200+ft) of elevation change. Even as we were marshalling I still hadn't made my mind up if I was going to try and race it, or just run & experience the event/views etc. The cowbell went off for the race and the stupids struck me as I surged.. being where I was I had quite a few people to try and get past, so the front runners were well and truly out of site by the time I got the main actual trail.
    I suffered more on the uphills than I know I should have. That will teach me to neglect my friday trail runs. I still passed people, but it was hard. I hit the downhills with total disregard for my own personal safety, my pace dropping as low as 4:04min/km at some points. These are NOT nice flat and groomed trails either, but it was fun.
    I finished in 1:13:48 on my garmin, which should be about equal to official results as there was a timing system failure :( So I think everything will be done on gun time. I was feeling good about my time, and that I had done the entire run without falling over or twisting my ankle (I really don't know HOW I avoided the ankle twist at times) Until I heard the winner came in at 1:05 (something)... less than 10 minutes ahead of me.... Now I am wishing I had started near the start of the pack and actually pushed myself on the uphills. If I was up with the front runners I think I could have made that time up. I got caught in the crowds on the longer uphill at the start where it was a single file, and elsewhere.
    Last years winner was about 55min, I new I had no chance of that, which is why I didn't race it fully.
    Bah I feel like a *kitten* for complaining about my results with a time that is pretty good, but I know I could do better. Time for to get more trail/hill time going and plan to kick butt next year!

    Great job. Sounds like you'll be going into next year's race with a chip on your shoulder
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    Did week 4 day 1 of 5k210k today. Covered 5.2 Miles. Also purposely went over two segments and ended up third overall in both in strava. Fun to see myself in the local leaderboard, but I'm not sure how helpful it is to my actual training.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member

    Use the feeling as motivation. If you have the same luck as me the winner will come in sub55 next year. Hollow consolation but take the result for what it was, a good run out, limited by where you started. I am sure given your activities that you will have it soon put behind you. I get the feeling that it won't prey on you too long. Vent here, better out than in.


    Great effort, you have definitely come on leaps and bounds since your first post on C25k, glad it is all working for you

    Two runs over the weekend, swapped the order over. Long run yesterday rather than today. As mentioned on Strava, yesterday was more of a punishment run for not keeping on top of my cravings after I had a couple of measures of whiskey Friday night. I got lost in my mind on this mornings easy run and felt that my cadence was up (confirmed later), and saw that my heart rate was up. So decided to see if I could keep the cadence up especially with the 10k in 2 weeks time. With the end in sight, went for a fast finish (for me). Good weekend all round (best short distance times and improved the timed finished segment by 10%). I compared todays run to a similar effort 10 weeks ago pace 9.56 min/mile vs 9.58 today at an average HR of 152 versus 144 today. Really happy and proof that my fitness is improving. Today got topped off by 40 mins reffing two u8 rugby matches.

    Hope you enjoy the remainder of your weekends

  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member

    Two runs over the weekend, swapped the order over. Long run yesterday rather than today. As mentioned on Strava, yesterday was more of a punishment run for not keeping on top of my cravings after I had a couple of measures of whiskey Friday night.

    I compared todays run to a similar effort 10 weeks ago pace 9.56 min/mile vs 9.58 today at an average HR of 152 versus 144 today. Really happy and proof that my fitness is improving. Today got topped off by 40 mins reffing two u8 rugby matches.

    Hope you enjoy the remainder of your weekends

    I have deer camp coming up in two weeks, so I'm worried about having a few beers and a lot of available food during the night. Alcohol has a bad way of dropping your inhibitions.

    That's some pretty nice data to track your improvement.

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    I use non paid versions of Strava, Endomondo and mysports. They all measure slightly different things. I keep an Excel workbook of the things I am interested in. Their premium services do not offer the sorts of things I value, can use with my limited tech
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Don't worry about the camp upsaluki! It's only a couple of days. It may set you back a little, but it's life! You gotta enjoy yourself
    You're making great progress on the 5K210K program :)

    Robbie, it rocks to see your fitness progress like that doesn't it!

    I use the free versions of Strava & Garmin (Not sure if there is a paid Garmin actually).
    I rocked out a half marathon recovery run tonight, some was easy, some was a little harder. At the end of my run my legs had gone to auto pilot mode. I actually tried to stop running on a slight downhill and I actually couldn't. Even when I got to the flat I had trouble pulling up and when I was walking, my legs were still flicking forward a little like they were trying to run.
    After I got home, the dogs convinced me to take them for a walk... that hurt!
    I'm definitely going to use the race as motivation. Looking back at my runs, that's the fastest trail run I've done (with decent elevation) by a good 20seconds per km, so not feeling so bad now.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    You're telling me alcohol effects my performance?! Oy! :wink:

    I had a great run on Friday afternoon, despite losing gps in the middle of it (and despite the coughing, etc). I know I ran at least 5 miles! I had almost talked myself out of doing the 10k on Nov 22 because I've been sick. But I think I'll be okay.

    Sunday afternoon, we took advantage of really nice weather to do a nice long bike ride. Ended up making 32 miles with a group of 9 girls.

    Cold front arrives tomorrow! :disappointed:
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    edited November 2014
    Just got home from Savannah and my first marathon. I had a great race and finished even faster than I thought I would. Official time was 3:48:59. The night before the race my coach gave me a strategy: run the 1st mile slow then get into a comfortable pace until mile 18 where I could start speeding up if I felt like it. That's exactly what I did although my comfortable pace was a little faster than he said. He wanted me to shoot for a 3:52 finish. There were tons of people and good support until mile 11.5 where the half marathoners split off. Seemed like everyone went that way. We turned on a parkway ramp and ran over two miles down the parkway which was pretty desolate and lonely. I was not looking forward to running miles 23 & 24 on that same parkway! When I got to mile 18 I started speeding up slightly but was feeling awful. Suddenly at mile 20 I got a rush and felt great. That only lasted a mile until I started going through these waves of feeling sick, then feeling OK and back and forth. Just past mile 23 I caught up to my wife who was walking. I knew that wasn't a good sign since she was shooting for 3:40 or less. I made sure she was OK and kept going. Just after that I caught the 3:50 pace group and that really gave me a rush to push harder. I passed them, giving it all I had to the finish. With just half a mile to go I really started to wonder if my legs were going to hold out but they did and sprinted that last 0.2 to the line.

    As soon as I stopped running that's when the hard effort really hit me. I could barely walk and had trouble getting a full breath. But I stumbled along like a zombie and grabbed my Gatorade and chocolate milk. I headed straight for the VIP tent (thank God we signed up for that!). At the tent they had a buffet and unlimited beer & mimosas. I didn't eat a lot, just wasn't hungry. But the beer was good and several of those had me feeling better. We spent over 2 hours there then made the slow zombie walk back to our hotel. Everything hurt the rest of the day and it was a challenge walking anywhere. I felt better the next day but then we ran a 5K the next day (slowly) to get a couple extra medals. That was painful! We finished that in 30 minutes and went back to the hotel for more hot tub therapy. Today I am still pretty sore but able to walk sort of like a normal human.
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi guys! I graduated from 5 k and just started bridge to 10k!
    Did Day2 Week9 tonight. Felt much easier than Day 1 last weekend... :)

    Ceci_O_K wrote: »

    I can't make myself run in the dark. No really good places near me for that. The one time I was out a little before daylight, I almost got hit by a car. I'm going to have to either run during my lunch break or change my schedule at work so I can get runs in before or after work. I guess there's always the dreaded treadmill or the tiny little indoor track at my gym (I think it's 14 times around to make 1 mile!)
    Same for me. I will probably do running on the treadmill on the weekdays and running outside on the weekend...
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    edited November 2014
    @timeasterday good to hear. I was reading your pre-race posts and wondered how the event went. Congratulations! That's a great accomplishment.

    @Aine8046 glad to see you made it over. If you end up doing strava feel free to add me.

    I knocked out week 4 day 2 of 5k210k today. Only ran 5.1 miles, but I'm still building base so I'm happy.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Welcome Aine :)
    I really feel for those who have weather that bad you have to retreat to the dreadmill. I'm glad I just have to deal with heat, not ice/snow etc.

    Great work Tim, sounds like pretty much everything went to plan for you. Sorry to hear MrsTim didn't have as good a run.

    I did my group/social run thing tonight. The 5k warmup went spot on for overall pace, though it took a little while to dial in the right speed. My 4k @ Predicted 10K pace was a blow out. Struggled to keep the pace and I had to take a rest around half way for a few minutes. Still managed 4.2k with at an average of 4:42/km. Then the social lap, we started out and I went for the lead (Stupidly!) my friend joined in and we began a tempo type run, hard out to the km marker, then easy on the way back to the tail end of the group. First loop I did good, second loop my friend tried to get me a new 1km PB, according to Garmin I got it there with a 4:13. Ran the recovery, dropped off the tail of my friend on the next km out, we regrouped on the loop back and took it easyish for a bit and then decided to have a proper crack at my 1K time. I was 4k into this run, so 13k in the legs already. We went and I trusted my friend to pace me, legs felt GREAT and although it was hard it wasn't killing me. The last 200m or so hurt, but it was mostly my lungs that seemed to be the limiting factor. Ended up with 3:56 for the km. Very happy with that. :)
  • TowsonChuck
    TowsonChuck Posts: 65 Member
    W3D1 finished last night. 4.9 miles. Keep a nice slow and steady pace. Felt really good after. After each run last week, and week 1, I was "feeling" the length of the 10k program a lot in my legs. Just meaning they were very tired after. After the first week I took leg day out of my weight lifting routine, it was proving to be too much.

    But the 17 min run segments didn't really prove to be as tiring as the 15 min segments last week. Good Sign.

    I am now officially signed up for my first 5k. It's a Turkey Trot, happing Thanksgiving morning. I'm a little excited for it. Any pointers regarding training that week. Never actually done a "race."

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Great job, Tim!

    Welcome to all the new peeps. I love reading everyone's updates!

    I ran after work yesterday, my last outdoor activity before Winter hit. (It's 30 degrees colder today than it was yesterday!)

    I managed 1.75 miles at a 9:58 pace. The wind was horrendous!

    I packed my gym bag today. :disappointed:
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    upsaluki wrote: »
    @Aine8046 glad to see you made it over. If you end up doing strava feel free to add me.
    Thanks! :)
    I googled starva and it looks like it's similar to mapmyrun I am using. Anybody tried both and can comment on pros and cons?

  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    Welcome Aine :)
    I really feel for those who have weather that bad you have to retreat to the dreadmill. I'm glad I just have to deal with heat, not ice/snow etc.
    Thanks! :)
    I hope I'll stick around. Winter is coming though....

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    upsaluki wrote: »
    @Aine8046 glad to see you made it over. If you end up doing strava feel free to add me.
    Thanks! :)
    I googled starva and it looks like it's similar to mapmyrun I am using. Anybody tried both and can comment on pros and cons?

    I've used both. I started using Strava because a bunch of people I bike with use it. I can easily compare myself with them. I haven't really noticed much difference. I have more connections on Strava than MapMyFitness.

  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    upsaluki wrote: »
    @Aine8046 glad to see you made it over. If you end up doing strava feel free to add me.
    Thanks! :)
    I googled starva and it looks like it's similar to mapmyrun I am using. Anybody tried both and can comment on pros and cons?

    I've used both. I started using Strava because a bunch of people I bike with use it. I can easily compare myself with them. I haven't really noticed much difference. I have more connections on Strava than MapMyFitness.
    Yeah. They're not really different. I didn't have any active friends on mapmyfitness, but I do on Strava. I actually still use mapmyfitness for walks and hikes and just use Strava for my running.

  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    upsaluki wrote: »
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    upsaluki wrote: »
    @Aine8046 glad to see you made it over. If you end up doing strava feel free to add me.
    Thanks! :)
    I googled starva and it looks like it's similar to mapmyrun I am using. Anybody tried both and can comment on pros and cons?

    I've used both. I started using Strava because a bunch of people I bike with use it. I can easily compare myself with them. I haven't really noticed much difference. I have more connections on Strava than MapMyFitness.
    Yeah. They're not really different. I didn't have any active friends on mapmyfitness, but I do on Strava. I actually still use mapmyfitness for walks and hikes and just use Strava for my running.
    W3D1 finished last night. 4.9 miles. Keep a nice slow and steady pace. Felt really good after. After each run last week, and week 1, I was "feeling" the length of the 10k program a lot in my legs. Just meaning they were very tired after. After the first week I took leg day out of my weight lifting routine, it was proving to be too much.

    But the 17 min run segments didn't really prove to be as tiring as the 15 min segments last week. Good Sign.

    I am now officially signed up for my first 5k. It's a Turkey Trot, happing Thanksgiving morning. I'm a little excited for it. Any pointers regarding training that week. Never actually done a "race."

    Good luck TowsonChuck. I think I read an article on active.Com about race day. I'm sure you'll do great.

  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    @TowsonChuck. Up with my little guy so I had a chance to follow up on this.

    My first race i started way too fast and faded at the end, so my suggestion would be to try to avoid getting caught up in jumping out to a pace that is faster than you need at the beginning.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    For 5k races, I usually continue my regular training schedule, but don't run the day before the race. (I often do an easy bike ride the day before though.)

    Get there early and warm up before the race starts.

    Have fun!
  • TowsonChuck
    TowsonChuck Posts: 65 Member
    @Upsaluki and @Ceci_O_K
    Thanks a ton, going to read through those articles today. Very excited for it to get my first "Official" time.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Well it has been busy over the last few days.

    Tim well done on the race. You and Mrs Tim have my best wishes for an easy return to normality. I hadn't twigged that beer was such a "good" beverage at the end of FM's, it seems quite the thing.

    taeliesyn, I love the back and forths on your Strava feed, makes me dizzy just looking at the out and backs. Seeing your runs on Strava helps put your narrative into context, especially your HM runs. Great work.

    Ceci, glad you are feeling better, hope the cold front is not impacting you too hard.

    Upsaluki, looks as though you and I are cruising at similar speeds, keep up the good work, you and taeliesyn have motivated me to enter the strava MTS. Although I fully intend to stick to the plan I shared earlier.

    Aine4086 and TowsonChuck welcome to the board. TowsonChuck, seeing your profile pics over the last 16 months, is enlightening. Well done.

    2 of the 3 of the midweek back to back stints completed for me, another 4 mile stint tomorrow, then a days rest. Following the revelation on Sunday, I have tried keeping the cadence up and monitoring the HR on the fly. I am beginning to impress even me. At some point I probably need to start stretching out the stride a bit, but have really just tried focussing on smiling and staying tall. I know the running bug has got me because it was dark, cold and wet but I still went out. I now know that I have this to look forward to until March next year, cold, wet, dark starts. Boo

    Have fun
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    I finished week 4 of the 5210k program from run double today. 27 here today (18 with the wind chill).  I will be revising my running gear since I got the worst wind burn on my legs and midsection.  On the plus side my new Nike's ran like a dream.  Love the stability shoe.

    ftrobbie- I like the little bit of extra motivation from the MTS challenge. I'm shooting for 100k this month, it's going to be close. taeliesyn does that in about a week and a half! :D It's kind of cool to see that I'm like ~12,00th out of ~40,000. Not bad for a beginner.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    I should get to just north of 120km this month, if all goes to plan. My issue will be whether my motivation stays high enough to get me out of the door in the morning. Although not as cold as you, we tend to stabilise around freezing with winds around 20mph. It is the wet that drains the soul. I layer up so run with a compression base layer and a long sleeved shirt. If it rains a light running waterproof, then beanie, gloves and tights. I look sexy (not) but at the times I go out, I don't see anyone and it's not a fashion show. My wife remarks on how much washing I generate but at least I stay comfortable. Have fun.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    edited November 2014
    I'd be okay running (or riding) in the cold, but this wind is brutal!

    Looks like winter is hear to stay. 80% chance of snow on Saturday!

    I'm planning to hit the gym today. :disappointed:
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Chuck, have fun with your race and listen to the advice already given. I've got nothing to add to it :)

    Robbie, I have to agree, being able to 'see' the runs on strava helps put a lot more context into peoples run reports.

    I don't tend to use the MTS as motivation or even pay much attention to the Strava challenges, I'll still enter them though :) One of my friends was cranking out 160km+ a week in the tail end of his training program for his first 50 miler. I stick 95% to my self made plan, with the rare variation to finish a challenge. I'm hoping for a 200km month this month.

    Cold and even wind I am happy to deal with, not that I get close to the temps ya'll have to deal with. Wind + Rain however is the suck!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ceci, stay safe and embrace the challenge, try to enjoy the gym, dreadmill or whatever else you will do to keep going.

    Last midweek run done for this week, same route as yesterday, slightly lower pace and HR. I can bash out four miles without really thinking about it and not get stressed, although feel tired now, but this is the 1st 3 day stint I have done since coming back from vacation. Progress ok at the moment, feel good about where I have come from in 5 months in my running W1D1 C25k to here.

    Have fun everyone.