thranowski Member


  • I work out in the evening. There's no way in hell I roll out of bed any sooner than I have to in the morning! Regarding motivation, I read online that we set goals for ourselves that may not be extreme (such as "I'm going to exercise for 30 minutes every day!") but they are daunting. As in, 30 minutes is not that bad, but…
  • LMAO. I had the same experience when I had a dollar burger and small fries from McDonalds. I thought I was being good!! But don't worry, girl. Knowledge is power, so learn from this and move on!
  • I do all the grocery shopping and I've learned that I need to do most of the cooking. My fiance is a southern boy, so he doesn't make healthy food and has a distorted view of portions. We've both lost weight thanks to me cooking just enough for us to eat (I still give him a little more than me, because after all he is a…
  • I stopped drinking during the week, and will only drink on a weekend if I'm doing something fun out with other people. If I stay in on a weekend, I won't drink. But if I go out with friends, or out to eat, or hang out with my in-laws and family, I'll let myself go. It works out, I kind of use it as my cheat day. Have you…
  • Today will be my 3rd day of Level One of 30 Day Shred. My only real pain is that my calves are freaking killing me. I have giant calves though and I hope this means they will slim down a little bit! Tara
  • I've been taking it from the machine for the same reasons some of you said: I'd rather undershoot it and work harder than overshoot and end up eating most of what I burned!
  • Is the calories burned that MFP calculates accurate? Say I do my stationary bike for 40 minutes, MFP says I burn like 650 calories, but the display on the machine says I burn 500. Which is correct? The machine doesn't have any of my measurements.
  • I've been doing 40 minutes on the bike every other night and burning 500 calories (according to the bike, MFP says I burn like 800). The nights I don't do that, I do pilates to tone. Every night I lift free weights for arm toning. I've been really staying under 1200 calories, eating Progresso soups for lunch or a small…
  • It could be mono. It could be a number of things. I would try taking some vitamins too, if you aren't getting enough nutrients.
  • I love this! As a child of a mother who had no regard for her own health for the sake of her children (and died at 54, when my brother and I were 13), I love this.
  • My coworkers and I started a fitness challenge. We each put in 40 dollars, and whoever loses the most weight by July 1st gets all the money in the pot, which is $200. It's a pretty big motivator. We decided to do it for two months, with everyone having a one month weigh in to check in and see how we're doing. Can't wait to…
  • I made prosciutto wrapped grouper fillets in the oven. It was so good and only around 100 calories per fillet! Also made baked cauliflower.
  • I had tilapia tonight. I just put it in a baking pan and drizzled it with fresh squeezed lemon, olive oil, salt, pepper, minced garlic and dry parsley flakes. Baked it at 375 for 30 minutes and served it with rice (made with half water and half fat free chicken stock), and asparagus with toasted chopped peanuts also…
  • I think it's unfair to label any particular size as "unhealthy." People who say "Size 2 is unhealthy!!!!" are fat and jealous, and that's the end of the story. I'm a size 14 right now, and in my DREAMS I'm a size two. In reality will I ever be a size two? No. I was a size 10 at one point in my life and my goal is to drop…
  • I read in a magazine to ask yourself if what you are about to eat is worth it to you. As in, say you are looking at that cookie that is 120 calories. Think of it as, is this cookie worth 15 minutes of hell on my exercise bike? Is it worth that much time you are going to spend on that bike tonight? I don't think so! Not for…