seeing nothing on the scale :(

its been almost 2 weeks since i started taking my eating and exercise seriously.
ive been strict with my caloric intake (always net 1200 or under, except just one day i went over by some) and exercise (i run and do resistance training at least 3-4x a week and burn at least 200-300cal)
i also eat very healthy - you can check out my diary - lots of protein and veggies.
but i have seen no budge on the scale :/
its really discouraging..i heard it takes some weeks to see it in numbers. is this true? whatre your experiences and how long?


  • MoreThanMommie
    MoreThanMommie Posts: 597 Member
    Just my opinion, but I don't think your eating enough. 1200 calories should be your absolute minimum. What did MFP set you at when you filled out all your info?
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    I don't think you're eating enough either. :( However, with resistance training you are building muscle and muscle does weigh more than fat. Hang in there girl! Focus on are you feeling better? Are your clothes fitting better? At the end of the day the weight isn't nearly as important. Just enjoy the journey and keep doing your best!:flowerforyou:
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Your diary is not open. And if you arenetting under 1200 cals, you are not eating enough and won't lose weight.
  • csandra1219
    its open now!

    i do feel my clothes are slightly fitting better and i can tell a difference in my legs especially~
    im just not sure if im imagining it!
    and yes i have heard that muscle weighs more. or that it takes up less space than fat..

    MFP set me at eating 1200 cals a day

    and about eating too little, i dont feel like i do! i am conscious about counting calories and eating healthy but im just not hungry after i eat my meals because i load up on high protein veggies and lean meat... i dont ever starve - if i feel hunger ill just increase my intake or snack on smothing like carrots until im satisfied. sometimes i crave chips or something at night so i snack some, and ive also never had a sweet tooth so i never crave candy or ice cream or anything like that which would be more "empty calories' right? im just unsure about making myself eat when i dont feel any need to...
  • mscrholder
    mscrholder Posts: 38 Member
    I've only been a member for a week, and I also have not had any loss so far. However, I added the sodium and sugar tracking to my diary, and I believe I've been eating waaaay too much salt. Salt causes our bodies to retain water, and you may be carrying water weight like I think I am. You keep trying hun. Success will be yours!! You WILL get your confidence back!! : )
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    The scale is not the only thing to look at for results. If you're eating well, exercising and seeing your body change (just not seeing the scale go down) try not to worry too much. That being said, are you eating or netting 1200 calories? If you're exercising like that you probably need to eat more each day than what you are.
  • vhiarose
    vhiarose Posts: 13 Member
    I find the scales really depress me because it sometimes shows that I gain weight (maybe cause of the higher muscle mass) so I only weigh myself once a week. BUT I do use a tape measure to measure arms, bust, hips, thighs, waist.. and that is where I get inspired when I notice the loss in the circumference of all the important body parts! That's where the motivation to keep going comes from, not my scales. :) Try it and maybe it will help you to see that your efforts do pay off!
  • andreamkelly
    andreamkelly Posts: 169
    I've only been a member for a week, and I also have not had any loss so far. However, I added the sodium and sugar tracking to my diary, and I believe I've been eating waaaay too much salt. Salt causes our bodies to retain water, and you may be carrying water weight like I think I am. You keep trying hun. Success will be yours!! You WILL get your confidence back!! : )

    I agree with Mscrholder about this. I overode my calories to 1700 to lose 1 pound per week, but I'm trying to limit sodium to 1500 instead of 2500 (or 5000 like I probably used to eat). I think that might be part of the reason I am losing so much quicker than I'd planned. A plus is my kidney stone Dr. is finally proud of me after 12 years of being his patient.

    Check out the forums on here about bmr and tdee... I went to the to find out what my BMR was. It told me I should be eating 1700 instead of the 1600 MFP had me on to lose 1 pound per week.

    Good Luck and feel free to add me if you need friends for encouragement and support.
  • csandra1219
    thanks so much for all the encouragement and help!
    i will def stop relying on the scale and measure myself

    about sodium, yes that causes a lot of water weight but i dont think that is it for me...
    i drink a lot alot of water and tea and i really really dont like salty or sugary foods at all and our family never adds salt to any dishes except if it Direly needs something we may add some soy sauce (so asian haha)? we and i also never eat dessert or anything, except sometimes fruit..
    so yea when i eat cake or a dish thats salty or something rly sweet, i cant eat more than some bites
    also i had one day where i cheated bc it was my sister's bday and i was eating out at restaurants and the next day i had gained 3lbs on the scale. i freaked out and read online that your body was just retaining water so i drank a lot of water and it went back down to my weight.
  • jai163
    jai163 Posts: 8 Member
    it takes time for weight to drop off and if you only being dieting for 2 weeks you may not see a differance just yet. keep up the good work and carry on excersing and eating healthy and you should see the weight drop of soon enough. good luck i know ypu can do if you put your mind to it.....
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Sometimes you can go weeks without seeing anything and then suddenly there will be a drop. Be patient and hang in there! :flowerforyou:
  • MsTaurus30
    MsTaurus30 Posts: 55
    Hey sweetie, from what i read i think you should just give yourself a month then check the scales. :)
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    its been almost 2 weeks since i started taking my eating and exercise seriously.
    ive been strict with my caloric intake (always net 1200 or under, except just one day i went over by some) and exercise (i run and do resistance training at least 3-4x a week and burn at least 200-300cal)
    i also eat very healthy - you can check out my diary - lots of protein and veggies.
    but i have seen no budge on the scale :/
    its really discouraging..i heard it takes some weeks to see it in numbers. is this true? whatre your experiences and how long?
    If you are doing things right, your weight loss will start within days. I've done the high-protein thing, too. I remember working out every day for month and not seeing progress. I had the wrong nutritional information.

    As soon as i made the switch to whole foods, low fat, vegan, the weight started dropping within days, with minimal exercise. I lost 1-2 pounds a day in that first 2 weeks.

    Seek out the right nutritional information, there is a lot of bad info out there. If you are seeing no results, despite all that exercising, i think your diet must need some work.

    You can find good nutritional information from:
    Dr. Doug Lisle
    Dr. Joel Fuhrman
    Dr. T.Colin Campbell
    Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn
    Dr. Douglas Graham
    Dr. John Macdougal.
  • csandra1219
    aw thanks everyone, ill keep trying!~!~

    rocbola - ill definitely look into those doctors - thanks a lot for the input!
    the only reason im doing lean/high protein is because im trying to lose fat so i dont want my body to store any more -.-
  • hothodgie
    hothodgie Posts: 258 Member
    I had set myself up for 1200 calories in January. I did no exercise at all, just my regular job where I do walk, but not excessively. I lost absolutely nothing. I started working out on May 19th, just cardio, but every single day. Kept my calories at 1200 and didn't lose anything.

    I was still 196 at 5 ft 3. I know I carry a lot of muslce and in the past have let it bother me. I recently decided if I can get my BFP down, I don't care what my scale says. I met with a trainer on June 6th. She told me to add strengh training 3 days a week, in addition to my cardio on opposite days. She also suggested changing my cardio up, some days doing my usual routine, other days doing intervals. She told me to up my calories to 1500 a day and make better choices.

    I did everything she said to do. I eat what I want occasionally, but try to do it in moderation. The other days I do lots of salads, veggies, and grilled meat. I cut the carbs out at dinner time as she suggested too as I tend to eat dinner later at night. I cut back on my carbs in general, but not anything even close to the Adkins recommendation. I try to keep it between 50 and 100 day. All of these changes finally made a difference for me, FINALLY! I lost 5 since last week and clothes are finally fitting better. My love handles are finally starting to recede a touch and so is my belly.

    I made a goal of taking a picture every two weeks when I started working out in May. Nope, not ready to show them yet, lol. I have my first before picture and 1 after picture. I am due to take my next one on Sunday and I am actually really excited to do it as the picture almost 2 weeks ago I had to pick apart to find any change. I feel confident that this one will make me very happy!!

    In general, I have found that you need to do what is right for you. Keep playing with things till you find out what works. It took me 6 months to figure it out, but I think I finally have success. I know you will too! Keep on trying!
  • vision2012
    vision2012 Posts: 33 Member
    I've only been a member for a week, and I also have not had any loss so far. However, I added the sodium and sugar tracking to my diary, and I believe I've been eating waaaay too much salt. Salt causes our bodies to retain water, and you may be carrying water weight like I think I am. You keep trying hun. Success will be yours!! You WILL get your confidence back!! : )

    ^^ Sodium is a killer for my weight too, if you go over on sodium just drink lots of water to counteract it
  • thranowski
    thranowski Posts: 16 Member
    I've been doing 40 minutes on the bike every other night and burning 500 calories (according to the bike, MFP says I burn like 800). The nights I don't do that, I do pilates to tone. Every night I lift free weights for arm toning. I've been really staying under 1200 calories, eating Progresso soups for lunch or a small sandwich, lots of fruits and veggies with dinner. It was very hard at first and I was hungry ALL THE TIME, but eventually that went away. And I do eat things like breaded pork chops or ribs, but I'll eat say half of a pork chop instead of the whole thing, or just one or two ribs instead of three or four. Honestly, I've been doing this for about one and a half months, and only for the past three weeks have the pounds starting falling off me. It took a while to get there, but now I can't stop exercising and I LOVE stepping on the scale and flexing my arm muscles to everyone! So don't give up!
  • csandra1219
    okay yea i feel way better everyone!!
    i've lost weight before without weighing myself so i can do it again. dont need the added stress!

    just to clarify, i cant do Atkins, i need at least Some carbs in my life - so ive been restricting to 50-100g as well~
  • csandra1219
    update - its been 2 weeks and one day and i finally lost a pound on the scale!