

  • Ya should have shared some with me!!!!!!!!!! I could have at least halved that for ya! :wink: Yeah, here's to American restaurants NOT caring about our health. :angry: I eat out twice a day due to my job! I have to do the research BEFORE I go out. And 90% of foods are "no-go's" for me. It's just what it is! Way to learn,…
  • Boy, do we have her fooled!!!! (We got another!!!) ha! Yo, Londa! (Ok, so how many times have ya heard that one?!) Welcome to the site! Oh, and you're goin' to knock these 20 off! I know so. (There's a group o' ladies knockin' off 20 by August 31 starting this Friday! Find 'em!)
  • I don't know, what do ya think, MFP?! A Canadian?! Or an Aussie?! Kilos?! Cheerio?! Mates?! Mum?! She might be a tough one! :wink: Yeah, the weight-loss ticker is for those that want to lose weight! You don't necessarily need that. Fat turned into lean muscle is stellar, too! Shoot, that's all I need! No sense in really…
  • J-Train! You already have the support system here! Welcome to the family!!! A few things... 1. Find the support system inside you!!! Make a small goal, go after it! 270 pounds IS a lot! That's why you're only goin' to lose 10 pounds 27 times! Shoot, by the sixth go at it, you're pretty much a professional that can coach…
  • Sara! As a frequent user of this site, I feel it necessary to let you in on a very important rule here. NO LYING!!! :wink: I see that you told us that you cannot stop losing weight. Tsk tsk. Looks like we're just goin' to have to change that mentality now, aren't we? GAME ON!!! Count those calories, watch ya lose. It's all…
  • Uh oh!!! A lil' birdie just told me that Mer Mer is goin' to lose a lot of weight!!!!!!!!!! Just thought I would share with the rest of the family. :wink:
  • That's a loaded question, and frankly, everyone's body is goin' to be different, depending on metabolism, exercise, genetics, and yes, even bowel movements. :noway: You simply have to "learn" your body. You probably know of friends that can eat whatever they want and not gain a's just a part of life. You may…
  • DJ! Good to see some men on the site! (We're HIGHLY outnumbered!!!). Hey, bro, you're makin' the right move...this site is a huge help. Just take it one day at a time...sometimes one meal at a time! Count those calories, and you'll be surprised at how the pounds WILL come off. When ya mess up, just learn from it, and get…
  • Ah, this is GREAT!!! First my dad, and now...THIS IS MY MOM!!!! I am totally stoked about seein' her on here to lose weight!!! Shoot, for as long as I can remember, weight has been an issue in our like I said with whatever it takes to keep her on track! I can't wait to see the progress! (Oh, and they…
  • "And no one to do it with"????? Boy oh boy, you don't realize the site you just joined!!! You've got a huge family here that you're goin' to do it with!!! We'll motivate ya, keep ya on track, and smack ya upside the head when ya fall off! ha! Just watch those calories every'll be amazed how much that alone…
  • that true? Man, that explains so much about my hair right now. <sigh> Hey, you're here on the site! It's a HUGE step in the right direction! We're goin' to kick your butt into gear, so ya better be ready!!! Yup, one right choice after another. And when you DO make a bad food choice (oh, and you will!), you don't…
  • Mm mm mm!!! That's music to my ears!!! Nothin' better than bein' able to fit into those skinny clothes!!! Keep it up! 63, here she comes!!!
  • Agh, it's a'comin'! I'd be nervous if I was your body!!! My dad has lost 44 pounds since last November...but I couldn't tell for the longest time. I am on the road for my job all the time, and I went home in January...and I was a bit disappointed because I didn't see any change in him...and he had lost 15 pounds by then!!!…
  • Oh, by the way, THIS IS MY DAD!!!! And we are goin' to get those next 70 pounds off!!! I am thrilled out of my mind that he knocked off 44 pounds already! 44 POUNDS!!! Seriously, think about that...that is two HUGE bags of dog food from Wal-Mart!!! GONE FOR GOOD!!! We both signed up for this site today, and I am stoked to…
  • Well, you won't find me complaining!!! woo hoo!!! Ok, I guess now is a good time to play THESE cards... Hmm...obviously I'm into... 1. Fitness. 2. Long walks along the beach. (with our fit bodies, of course) :laugh: 3. Chick flicks. 4. Leaving romantic notes in hidden locations. 5. Surprises. <clears throat> If you need my…
  • So wait, I can get fit...AND hang out with women all the time?! Why didn't I sign up for this years ago?! If they are all as nice as you few have been so far, we are goin' to have one sweet time on here!!!! LADIES, LET'S GET FIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I just checked now through Saturday, and YUP, this is your week!!! Can't wait to see how ya do!!! Let's get it on, girl!