Not the changes I want

Now I know Rome wasn't built in a no sarcasm please. I made a post over in sucess stories today about an unofficial weigh-in (Tomorrow is my official weigh in day). It said I'm out of the two hundreds. I was really happy, until my husband took my picture (just after a be kind). Plus I was pulling my shirt tight so I could see all the icky stuff....

I FEEL I thought I would LOOK different, but I still look the same. When will I LOOK different???



  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    You look so sad in your pic, you've lost weight and you should be smiling! do you feel any different in your clothing? I know my hubby lost his first 15 pounds and it didn't "show" really but he did notice it in his clothing and the way things fit, that kept him motivated, but then 5 more came off, and bam, you could see it in his tummy and his face...keep at it, and smile a little :smile:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Yes do smile! That makes some difference! You will see it soon. Don't give up!!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    I think you look great and I agree with molsongirl that you will soon see a marked change if you stick with it! Good luck, don't give up!
  • BigAnn
    BigAnn Posts: 38
    I feel the same way. I don't see a difference in myself but my clothes are baggy. Self image is one of the hardest things to accept.
  • hahahollylol
    hahahollylol Posts: 160 Member
    I think you look great. I can definetly tell that you look more fit. Don't give up. I also started recently around 210.
  • roadtripfool
    Agh, it's a'comin'! I'd be nervous if I was your body!!!

    My dad has lost 44 pounds since last November...but I couldn't tell for the longest time. I am on the road for my job all the time, and I went home in January...and I was a bit disappointed because I didn't see any change in him...and he had lost 15 pounds by then!!! But ya know what?! He WAS losing it! And now that he has lost 44 pounds, it's so easy to see...his gut is smaller, his face is's so different than what he used to look like!

    Frankly, those first pounds are often the hardest (with the last pounds) to get off. The fact that you have knocked off 13 already,'re goin' to rock this out!!! Can't wait to see ya in a few months!

    And yup, when you're down to 190 (and you WILL be down to 190), I want to see a smile!!!! :smile:
  • angiepc
    angiepc Posts: 6
    I think the change does show. I don't think you can see it because you're just too close and you're not able to be objective! We're always hardest on ourselves. Your progress and hard work does show!
  • proctor0828
    proctor0828 Posts: 179
    You're doing great!!! You can see it in your mid-section! Keep it up... it's hard to, expecially when results are slow but it's worth it in the end.
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    You do look different. I can see it in your belly and in your cheeks. I'm sure you don't see it yet as you look at yourself everyday. But from someone objectively comparing the two pic's, it's there! Or rather, it's NOT there! And good job! You're doing good!!!
  • christalbyrns
    DON'T GIVE UP.... You are a beautiful person inside. Focus on that while you focus on the other. Keep remembering who you are inside. I just started last week at 212 too.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I FEEL I thought I would LOOK different, but I still look the same. When will I LOOK different???

    You and I started at almost the same weight. I have been at this since october and you have already lost 25 pounds! Be very very proud of that. I hear you with the not seeing a change. I have went from a size 18 tight to a very loose 14 and I still see myself as the fat girl! We need to change the way we veiw ourselves as we go along this journey. We need to love our bodies as much as our husbands do!

    Good luck to you!!
  • ThatDollSally
    ThatDollSally Posts: 473 Member
    I see a big diffeence. Your face is less round and you have clearly lost inches around your stomach. Look back at your pictures, I bet you'll see it, too : )
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    I agree!!!! I definitely see it in your face and your mid section!
    Don't be sooooooooooooooo hard on yourself. And SMILE!!
    Be proud of what you've accomplished so far.
    You sound like me, easy to support others, overly self critical!!

    Keep up the good work!
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    You've only just begun.....
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I actually do see a difference. You are your own hardest critic. So dont go by looks alone. Its so hard for your brain to see whats real some times. Try measuring yourself. Thats what I did. Especially because I have had times when the scale didnt budge but my waist got 1/2 inch smaller... Keep up the good work. Your looking great!!!:smile:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Ok, did some photoshopping so the photos were the same size and put them side-by-side for you. Do you see it now?

  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    Ok, did some photoshopping so the photos were the same size and put them side-by-side for you. Do you see it now?


    I didn't see the change that much in the first photos, but I see it now, wow, in the tummy area, definitely noticeable.
  • TKelly06
    TKelly06 Posts: 225 Member
    I can definately tell that you've lost some weight. You'll be able to notice in no time when your pants start to fall off!!
  • hulkj
    hulkj Posts: 218
    I can definitely tell! I was feeling the same way last week. It helped me when I took my measurements. Don't give up!:happy:
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Me, too! I see a very noticeable change!
    Not only is your tummy smaller, your body has "definition" now. In your earlier picture, you were carrying the weight all through your mid-section, but in your new picture, you've got "shape."
    Definitely a difference in your face, too.

    But what I mainly see, in BOTH pictures, is a very pretty girl. I'll bet that when you do smile, you can light up a room.

    Celebrate this milestone. It's a big one. Officially under 200...
    You're well on your way!