Not the changes I want



  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    This week I saw 198 on the scale so I know how good it feels to be out of the 200s. GOOD JOB! ITS A BIG ACCOMPLISHMENT! :flowerforyou: I think you look different from your pictures and your hard work is def evident to me. Keep at it and hopefully you will see it soon too. How do you feel? If your not feeling so hot I'm sure as the weight comes off you soon will! Just don't give up and keep your eyes on the prize!
  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    Out of the 200's is awesome. I can see the difference when your pictures are side by side. You are definitely smaller in the second picture. Keep it up.
  • bh34
    bh34 Posts: 94
    I FEEL I thought I would LOOK different, but I still look the same. When will I LOOK different???

    You and I started at almost the same weight. I have been at this since october and you have already lost 25 pounds! Be very very proud of that. I hear you with the not seeing a change. I have went from a size 18 tight to a very loose 14 and I still see myself as the fat girl! We need to change the way we veiw ourselves as we go along this journey. We need to love our bodies as much as our husbands do!

    Good luck to you!!

    How do you do the virtual weight picture? I would like to see how I will look at 135.

  • NurseMisty
    NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
    Thanks everyone and than you ghanie for photoshopping the photos. Having them the same size side by side really shows a difference! I did the official weigh in this morning and it was up to I'm not out of the 200 club yet.:sad:

    It's just going to be a longer battle than I thought. I'm only going to be a one pound a week person....oh well.:cry:
  • NurseMisty
    NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
    How do you do the virtual weight picture? I would like to see how I will look at 135.


    This photo I have on my orginal post is not photoshopped. However, the photo I am going to post is photoshopped. I went to and they took about 5 days to get it back to me. I knew it would be off though...I asked them to photoshop 50 pounds OFF....The resulting photo looks kinda like me NOW. (at 12 pound loss)

  • ThatDollSally
    ThatDollSally Posts: 473 Member
    Thanks everyone and than you ghanie for photoshopping the photos. Having them the same size side by side really shows a difference! I did the official weigh in this morning and it was up to I'm not out of the 200 club yet.:sad:

    It's just going to be a longer battle than I thought. I'm only going to be a one pound a week person....oh well.:cry:

    It looks like you'll reach the 190s in no time! :drinker: Trust me, the feeling of knowing your out of the 200s after so much time is incredible! :happy:
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Thanks everyone and than you ghanie for photoshopping the photos. Having them the same size side by side really shows a difference! I did the official weigh in this morning and it was up to I'm not out of the 200 club yet.:sad:

    It's just going to be a longer battle than I thought. I'm only going to be a one pound a week person....oh well.:cry:

    Honey, you are so adorable. Keep at it, next thing you know you will be showing us amazing before and after pictures! And trust me you will be smiling from ear to ear. My sister and I were just talking about our inner fat girl feelings the other day, I think we all go through "shrinking" pains. She just hit "onederland" the other day and it was amazing!! You CAN do it!
  • Tiff_09
    Tiff_09 Posts: 5,627 Member
    Keep at it! You are doing great! :flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Ok, did some photoshopping so the photos were the same size and put them side-by-side for you. Do you see it now?


    I didn't see the change that much in the first photos, but I see it now, wow, in the tummy area, definitely noticeable.

    That is so freaking awesome! Now retake it with a HUGE smile on your face. The smile YOU would have for your best friend if she accomplished what you have!!

    We are our own worst critics. That is why I started PROUD thread, you should feel PROUD!!

    :drinker: WOOT:drinker:
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    you are doing great, remember slow and steady wins the race and this is a lifestyle change. you have made remarkable progress since last month, you should be proud!!!!
    we never truly see ourselves for what we really look like, I know sometimes I look in the mirror and I still see the girl I was before I lost some weight, don't worry, you are looking FABULOUS!!!!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    This photo I have on my orginal post is not photoshopped. However, the photo I am going to post is photoshopped. I went to and they took about 5 days to get it back to me. I knew it would be off though...I asked them to photoshop 50 pounds OFF....The resulting photo looks kinda like me NOW. (at 12 pound loss)

    Now there's something to smile about, haha!
  • Supagurl
    Supagurl Posts: 75
    :flowerforyou: hi i am lynnie's sister, trust me you can do it just keep at it I stopped weighing myself everyday for a while because when you hit a certain stage and your not seeing any results if you go a week wthout weighing yourself and then you step on the scale and see that you've lost even 1 lbs it totally give you your confidence back sometimes I will go for two weeks just to see that i have lost 5 lbs or even 2 lbs if you get on that scale everyday and day after day you don't see the results you want to see it can get pretty depressing and then i think that caused me to want to eat so maybe try what i suggested it really did help me i just stopped focusing on losing a half lb a day and kinda just went with the flow for awhile, just please don't give up i have realized that i will never be able to give up the rest of my life i will have to battle with my weight but that's ok i'm stubborn and i don't like to lose lol lol if you ever need any support i'm right here just a click away:smile::smile: :smile:
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    I can definitely see it in your belly! I couldn't at first but with the side by side, that made it MUCH easier to see!

    I started out at 202 and I'm at around 10 pounds lost now. I personally don't see a difference AT ALL, however, I've been measuring and I know that I lost 5 inches off my waist. Also, I was able to ditch the size 20 jeans for the size 18's and those are starting to need a belt. No one in my family has commented about how I look so I'm pretty sure it's just not very obvious yet.

    I think when you get to around 15-20 pounds, you'll really start to notice the difference in yourself. People around you will be complimenting you as well and that will just give you positive reinforcement for your own feelings. Awesome job so far and keep it up!!! You can do this and we'll be waiting for those before and after photos!!!! :smile:
  • sskera00_01
    sskera00_01 Posts: 28
    I can really see the difference its hard to see in yourself one thing I always say is when I started my stomach was bigger than my boobs, now its small than them ( the way its supposed to be. Can you see that? Keep up the AWESOME WORK
  • rosabella
    rosabella Posts: 194 Member
    Don't worry about how fast you lose it - it is a lifestyle change, so you have years to go! :laugh: You'll make it!

    One of the best things I've found is to wear the same outfit when you take comparison pictures... yeah, a little annoying, but you'll see the differences SO clearly!

    Don't you dare give up! :drinker:
  • wmcnicol
    wmcnicol Posts: 144
    your tummy def. looks smaller!!!
  • NurseMisty
    NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
    WOW! Everyone is so wonderful, thank you! My Mom came out today for Memorial Day and she hasn't seen me in since I started this. She didn't say one has said anything about any changes. So I guess it's like ngwife4life said, it's not going to be noticeable untill I'm closer to 20 pounds. And Supagurl, I'm going to take your advice and not get on the scale for awhile. When I'm ready, I will....but I'm not going to set up a date with it. I'm gonna play hard to get...LOL!!

    Thanks again everyone....I'll be honest, I was ready to throw in the towel the other day. I didn't exercise today, but then after dinner I just felt like I really needed to get back out I walked for a half an hour (had to get back for the two year olds bath). All your kind words were running through my head as I walked.

    This is a very humbling life experience and I am extremely thankful for all of you that replied!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    You are going to do great. Never give up! And just realize this isn't a sprint! It's a long walk through the rest of your life. You have forever to keep working at getting it right. I can't wait until you post that someone complimented you and how good you are feeling. Patience is a virtue!
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    Don't worry about seeing visible changes just yet. It will happen as you continue. By the way, I definitely see a difference in your tummy area.

    I've been working very hard at this since the beginning of April, and I haven't seen the scale move very much. However, I've been dropping inches, so I know that it's working. It takes time! Be encouraged!!! :happy:
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Yeah, I can tell!
    but I know how you feel! I lost 12 and so far I don't see any change...I am still wearing the same size clothing and all, so I'm just powering through it, knowing soon I will be able to see the difference!