halleymw Member


  • You can't go wrong with something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnRmBD1I1kM
  • Here is some guy putting one together. http://www.yankeerino.com/provictionpowercage.bhs and a video http://www.yankeerino.com/provictionpowercage.bhs If that doesn't give you enough info, maybe you could email one of the guys and see if they would email you a picture of the manual if they still have it. ike
  • As you get older it is more important to do a good warmup routine. Foam roller is also helpful. I am 60 and only have the "good" soreness. Mike
  • I found the elliptical to hurt when I had it. When it was bad, even the bike was painful. So I would say swimming, bicycling if it doesn't hurt, elliptical if it doesn't hurt, but no treadmill, running, jumping rope etc. Mike
  • I suffered from it for 18 mos despite doing all the stretches, icing, rolling, inserts, etc. It never got better until I went and got 2 steroid shots. That improved it quite a bit, and since then I lost 75 pounds and (knock wood) it has been much better. Did the weight loss help? I am sure it did. While not a panacea, it…
  • From answered questions on the Amazon site for the transmitter: Getting the Polar FT4 to pickup the T31 transmitter should be as simple as getting the chest strap connectors wet and putting it on. Then click the OK/Start button, which is the middle button on the right side of you FT4 watch. Give is a second or two to find…
  • The first thing that comes to my mind is a lipoma. That is a small collection of fatty tissue. It is generally a clinical diagnosis. The hall marks of a lipoma are: small [0.4 in. (1 cm) to 1.2 in. (3 cm)] and felt just under the skin. Are movable and have a soft, rubbery consistency. Do not cause pain. Remain the same…
  • I can just see the new anti-fitness ideal. Want to lose weight and at the same time lose that unsightly muscle mass? with the new All-Prone diet and muscle loss program, we will come to your house and set up a hospital bed. Then, we will bring you packaged food of 1000 calories less than your resting bmr, and feed it to…
  • There are going to be a host of new trackers coming out soon. The microsoft band looks interesting. Seems to be having a few problems, so may want to wait for version 2. http://www.zdnet.com/whats-wrong-with-the-microsoft-band-7000035341/ Mike
  • How does your heart rate do during other exercise, such as aerobic type (biking, running, etc?). Certainly if you are having symptoms, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, fainting you could warrant further testing, but just the heart rate being high is pretty normal. I would just let it get back to below 100 before…
  • From their web site: 1. Which Captains of Crush Gripper should I start with? This is a little tough without knowing more about you, but generally speaking, we recommend: the Captains of Crush Gripper Guide or Sport for our younger and older customers, for women, and for anyone who hasn't really been training for strength…
  • This: http://weknowmemes.com/2014/08/this-is-why-you-dont-skip-leg-day-hulk-edition/ Mike
  • It needs to be on your body or very close. You could put it in a pocket, or perhaps put it on a necklace around your neck, or attach it to the chest strap itself. It has a little bit of range, ie, it goes from the chest strap to a machine at the gym, an faq I found states: How far away can the Polar HRM sensor be from the…
  • If you don't want to spring for batteries why not just get a mechanical scale? They worked for centuries before electricity was invented. OR you could get a solar powered/ambient light powered one.…
  • How about this one: http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/12/09/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/ OR this one: http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2010/12/20/the-20-minute-hotel-workout/ you can substitute your weights for the milk jug and the suitcase :) Mike
    in Strength Comment by halleymw August 2014
  • You might try the Jefit website and search for a machine only workout. Something like: http://www.jefit.com/routines/workout-routine-database.php?id=22715 and sub in your swimming for the elliptical on cardio days.. The only thing is you might want to add some lat pull downs. Once you get a good base, then I would strongly…
  • Basic training is all about calishtenics. You will be doing lots of running, plus all the standard body weight exercises, Push ups, Pull ups, burpees, Jumping jacks sit ups, etc. Military.com has exellent guides for getting ready for boot camp. Here in the US all the different services have slightly different standards for…
  • Your body has a system of recovery, You could workout for an hour, rest, work out for an hour rest, multiple times a day. This will eventually result in injury/overtraining so that is why people don't do it. Or maybe because they have a life. Mike
  • How about the nerd fitness hotel room workout: http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2010/12/20/the-20-minute-hotel-workout/ Mike
  • The main thinf is to have your asthma under control in general. Do a google search and take one of the online tests. If your asthma is not under control, see your dr. Of course the main thing is to avoid your triggers, ie pollen cold air, etc. you want to get a peak flow meter to monitor how you are doing. Taking your…
  • Weight loss is done in the kitchen. You workout to get in shape, keep from losing muscle mass, and give yourself a little more calories that you can eat. If you are not losing weight, you need to re-evaluate your caloric intake. I lost 80 pounds last year (well, over about 16 months). This is what I did (starting out a…
  • You can't diagnose plantar fasciitis from an xray. You may have a heel spur, but many people with no pain at all can have a heel spur. The us could show thickening of the area so could conceivably help with the diagnosis, but the symptoms certainly do not go along with the diagnosis. PF is mostly a clinical diagnosis. OTC…
  • I can't imagine lifting fasted, you really need to have a pre lift snack. Mike
  • OHP is one of the hardest to improve. I would suggest trying several things: One. A deload of 10-20%, then working back up. 2. Trying a program such as All Pros, or Wendler 5/3/1. Mike
  • Sounds like the neurological workup was negative. I woulld be concerned about a cardiovascular cause (irregular heart beat, valve problem, coronary aretery disease). Could be vasovagal syncope, or some type of heart problem. I would recommend evaluation by a cardiologist and a stress test and echocardiogram if you have not…
  • I have read that taking a long lasting protein before bed is helpful, but I think the science is kinda iffy. If you are getting the total amount of protein in a day, I don't think it matters that much. If the price is similar, it won't hurt, or you could just eat a greek yogurt before bed. Mike
  • Just wanted to relate a recent experience with Polar. I have an FT7, and my watch band broke about 4 days prior to the 2 yr warranty expiring. I sent an email to polar, and they are sending me a replacement strap, no questions, no hassle. It has worked great for the 2 yrs I have used it. Replaced the batteries once, wasn't…
  • A four month break would result in a pretty big decrease in your strenght. It will be hard to predict where you will be , I think you will just have to pick a weight and see how you do. I would probably start at 25%, and if you can do it no problem, then go up. Mike
  • If you are certain your form is good, you can increase the weights some. Another program you might try is allpros beginner program, it usally takes about 45 minutes, you start out calculating your weights so you don't have to start from the bar. Mike
  • You might want to rest more than 20 seconds before doing the repeat sets. You probably want to rest at least a minute. Since you are new to weight lifting, perhaps up to 2. Planet fitness doesn't really lend itself to the stronglifts type program. When I first started out I used the machines. The biggest thing you will…