Firefighter Fitness questions

So I have been on a program for about 6 months. No drinking and minimal junk food for 7 months. Bout 1 month ago I plateaued at 230lbs at 5'10". I was doing calisthenics and running couch 2 5k on one day, Kettlebell metcon intervals the next and resting the day after. I broke 230 and am now at 215 in about 50 days.

BTW I do everything in 3 day intervals (A,B,C shift). I'm a firefighter and I work in shifts and have 3 jobs, ER tech after fire days, and Paramedic instructor when they need adjuncts.

Now I'm going to be doing the Big 3 lifts (squats, bench, and deadlifts) 5x5 every day I'm at the firehouse C shift (every third day) during lunch. Some HIIT cardio in the afternoon (3-4pm) i.e. 20 sec KB swings and 1 min jump rope for 12-15 min, Battle rope intervals, etc. Resting the next, day A-Shift. The day after, B Shift Continuing calisthenics and running couch 2 5k. Repeat the three day cycle. I am at a caloric deficit at 2300kcals from about 3100 that's estimated to maintain my current weight. I use a Polar HRM to monitor my heart rate. I do not eat my calories back that I have burned. I average about 4-500 kcals burned every 2 out of 3 days working out. My main goal is to drop to 205, to lose body fat and maybe put on a bit of muscle to achieve athleticism for work and a solid body for looks. I'd really like to see what your opinion is on this routine.

Also I am Intermittent fasting. All my exercises are done in a fasted state. I eat from 12-1 and stop 8-9pm. I drink a ton of water, about 2 gallons a day. I eat fairly clean still. You can look at my profile to see my nutrition. I eat at a 40c/30p/30f macro. I cant calc my body fat but I'd imagine I am in the low 20's maybe even high teens. I take a protein shake to fill my protein needs and other calories, but mostly get my kcals from eating real food. I'm about to start an experiment of taking 10g of BCAA's prior to lifting because I feel really weak when lifting fasted, and having a shake and eating a big meal after.

Any insight would be nice on this program.


  • halleymw
    halleymw Posts: 246 Member
    I can't imagine lifting fasted, you really need to have a pre lift snack.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I lift fasted. It's totally possible.

    You don't really say how you're organising the lifts. Sets, reps, rest periods, etc so it's kinda hard to say how your routine would work, if you'll recover sufficiently, etc.
  • amosc82
    amosc82 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm doing stronglifts 5x5 every third day
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I can't imagine lifting fasted, you really need to have a pre lift snack.

    Try it, it's super easy.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I'm doing stronglifts 5x5 every third day

    What happens if you have to respond to a call after lifting? Won't you be totally spent?
  • amosc82
    amosc82 Posts: 5 Member
    Naw. I'm just starting light. But I lift right before lunch and I eat a lot of protein right after. And I do hiit cardio before dinner
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    I'm not sure I understand your strength training. You do SS every 3rd day? I would say you need to do Strength Training like SS at least twice a week if you can manage it. It looks like you do a good variety of cardio, and as a FF you may want to try and get more aerobic work in. For your job specifically I would suggest getting a weighted vest and doing stairs or long walks with the vest on. Walk / Jog with the vest is something you can do when you're not on-shift. Then you can cut out one of your cardio sessions when you're at the firehouse in-favor of a 2nd or even 3rd SS day. I apologize if I'm reading what you mentioned above incorrectly.