Anyone else have seizures during a work out?

I was curious to know if anyone here has had seizures while being physically active? My first one I wasn't sure. I was alone when it happened. It happened after an intense bike ride I was 21. I thought I just passed out IDK

My second one I was 32 it happened while I was working out with my personal trainer at a gym I used to belong to. It wasn't that intense of a work out we worked out a lot harder other times and it didn't happen. That was a ambulance ride to the ER where they did a ton of tests and nothing came back they blamed it on my potassium being low.....

My third one happened a year later almost to the month I was shoveling snow after a huge storm. I've shoveled snow before after many big storms never had one. Again ambulance ride to the ER many more tests this time they kept me in the ICU for 4 days nothing came from those. They referred me to a neurologist the neurologist did more tests and nothing really came from that either. They can't seem to find what triggers it other then I am active at the time. But it didn't happen every time I am active. He thinks that my nervous system over reacts and panics and causes my body to shut down. He just told me to avoid doing the things that triggers them. I said so I am 33 years old and I am never supposed to shovel or work out for the rest of my life? He said basically...

So after thousands of dollars of medical expenses that's what I was left with. I honestly couldn't afford to go to get more opinions of my medical issues. It was so depressing. I gave up. I haven't done much of anything. I have since had the on coming symptoms and I just stop doing what ever it is I am doing so I can stop the seizure from happening. People in my life aren't helpful or supportive. They find that fact I have had seizures funny. It's really scarey....and not very funny. So now here I sit I've gained even more weight. I want to be active but am scared to be.

So curious has anyone ever had this problem?

My bloods sugar was always normal right after EMTs checked it both times as soon as they got there. My blood sugars have been checked several times and they are always normal.
I have low blood pressure
I was defendant the second one in potassium but not during the 3rd one
My thyroid has also been check and has been normal
I've had EEG and EKG all have come up normal


  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    that's rough. is it only when you do intense exercise? what about less intense exercise like walking? walking's enough to keep your heart and lungs healthy, walk longer to get higher calorie burns.
  • That's what I am gong to start now. It just stinks to only be able to walk. I don't have a lot of time. I would like to be able to do a full work out and burn a lot more. I'm hoping someone here has had this problem not that I would wish this on anyone! But maybe they found better answers then I have.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I'm guessing if the docs can't find what's wrong (I'm assuming the neurologist ruled out conditions like epilepsy) then it's probably something pretty rare. I've not heard of this before.

    if walking's okay, see if you can find other low intensity exercise you can do, i.e. similar intensity to walking. There are walking DVDs, Leslie someone (last name begins with S) that would make walking more interesting. They're like aerobics, but it's all at walking intensity.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I have no experience with this, so take this suggestion with a grain of salt.

    Does it only happen when you have a sustained high heart rate (such as during cardio)? I wonder if you would be able to lift weights at a moderate intensity since this doesn't raise the heart rate for a sustained amount of time. Of course, I would only do this with a trainer or a spotter, the last thing you'd need would be to have a seizure while holding a weight. Just a thought though.
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    You don't list an MRI of the brain. Please tell me they did one!
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    There are walking DVDs, Leslie someone (last name begins with S) that would make walking more interesting. They're like aerobics, but it's all at walking intensity.

  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Holy cow! Not even a diagnosis of epilepsy? Hope you get some answers. That's scary.
  • Oh Yes they did an MRI both ER visits. Nothing abnormal with that either. I have nice big file of stuff for got that test :

    Nope the neurologist said it wasn't epilepsy
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    There are walking DVDs, Leslie someone (last name begins with S) that would make walking more interesting. They're like aerobics, but it's all at walking intensity.


    yeah I think that's it. something like that anyway. the workouts are really good for people who for whatever reason can't do more intense workouts.
  • I will look at them and see if they will be a good fit. I will have to make sure my husband or someone is with me.
  • halleymw
    halleymw Posts: 246 Member
    Sounds like the neurological workup was negative. I woulld be concerned about a cardiovascular cause (irregular heart beat, valve problem, coronary aretery disease). Could be vasovagal syncope, or some type of heart problem. I would recommend evaluation by a cardiologist and a stress test and echocardiogram if you have not had one. If those were normal, then I would be reassured and resume a workout regemin if it is okayed by the cardiologist.
  • new_boots
    new_boots Posts: 10 Member
    I don't have much useful information, just wanted to say they only person I've known with low bp also had seizures. I don't know if hers had any specific triggers though.

    Also, if you like the walking vids, I have one from Prevention by Chris Freytag, Walk Yourself Fit. I like her a lot. I like Leslie Sansone too, this is just something a little different.
  • Hi Mike actually in the hospital that I went to and was in the ICU with for 4 days I was being seen by a Cardiologist first. That's that hospitals focus. That's why they had me in the ICU for so long because they have wireless monitors and they were monitoring my heart. Nothing abnormal there beside my low blood pressure. I have several follow ups with that Cardio dr he was the one who referred me to the neuro guy. :(

    Thanks New_boots I will look up Chris Freytag too.
  • alfiedn
    alfiedn Posts: 425 Member
    My mom has seizures on airplanes when she travels overnight long flights. It's happened twice, I think. Her neurologist just said that everything looked normal, there was no reason to believe she would have another one, and that if it happens again we should just let her sleep for an while to get over it.

    Just thought I'd let you know, you are not alone in not having answers about your seizures,
  • Thank you alfiedn.