trio25 Member


  • Yes when its big cleaning, not if it just a quick push round of the hoover. But when its something different I will be burning calories as my body isn't efficient.
  • Hey sounds like you are pretty fast. I'm over in the UK did some cross races this winter, hard as they are so short. I'm also planning on a 24hour race this year.
  • Hi, I'm in the UK but love endurance mountain biking. Plans so far: April: 24hours of Exposure May: Welsh Ride Thing (a bikepacking event over two days) August: Sleepless in the Saddle, another 24hour event this time as a pair August: 10hour solo event September: Kielder100 - 100mile race.
  • I think that's great. I find it hard to imagine as I struggle not to go over with my calories, but I can see it can be as hard the other way. so well done and keep it up!
  • Not a triathlete but a cyclist, although I've just started running. Good luck with your challenge though.
  • I thought they were just a way of replacing electolytes lost during exercise when you don't want the calories in a normal sports drink? I hadn't heard about the fat burning properties.
  • It is possible to burn that many calories, I've burnt over 4000 today riding 100miles. But I am unlikely to eat them all back today. I will go over the next couple of days though as I will be hungry!
  • I love multi-day stuff. Will you be carrying your kit? I do a three day thing in Wales each year, bivvying out two nights it is so much fun!
  • Sounds like a great run! I started running years ago and do it on and off now. At first I'd get up early and I had a loop, the first time I ran (jogged) it all without stopping I was so happy. It took my 10minutes and when I measured it in the car it was half a mile. Eventually I ran a marathon, not fast, but I was so…
  • Did a timed 5k on saturday 26:56 was pretty chuffed with the time, but legs hurt for two days afterwards. I'm hoping to use it as a motivator to keep running and my aim is sub 25mins - hoping that is not too optimistic!
  • Glad I'm not the only one. I only do a bit of running but a couple of friends who do run invited me out with them. I was having a great time chatting away, we were off road but it wasn't too rough, next thing I know I'm flying through the air, take most of the impact through my thighs. Slightly embarrassed I jump up…
  • People have to be in the right place to accept the advice as well. It's hard we live in a world where we are used to getting what we want now, not having to wait. I worked at a gym years ago and I remember a guy asking the fitness instructor what he had to do to look like him....Simon (FI) started explaining diet, cardio…
    in frustrated. Comment by trio25 April 2011
  • Sat 1st: 14miles mountain bike Sun 2nd: 54miles road Mon 3rd: 47miles mountain bike Tues 4th: 29miles mountain bike Wed 5th: 15miles road Thurs 6th: 14miles road Fri 7th: 23miles mountain biking Sat 8th: 21miles Sun 9th: 12miles Mon 10th: 14miles cyclocross Tues 11th: 14miles road + 23miles mtb Wed 12th: 32miles road Thurs…
  • Mon 10th: 14miles cyclocross Tues 11th: 14miles road + 23miles mtb Wed 12th: 32miles road Total = 314miles To go = 186miles
  • Sat 8th: 21miles Sun 9th: 12miles Total = 231miles To Go: 269miles
  • I really struggle to get this low, fortunately with exercise calories I am normally okay. As others say, up it a bit if you think that works and lose weight at a slower rate.
  • Fri 7th: 23miles mountain biking Total = 197miles 303miles to go
  • I really struggle to stick to 1200calories as well, most days I exercise so its not an issue. I am a creature of habit though so think I need to come up with some new meals for breakfast and lunch which will keep me full but not cost me as much in calories.
  • Some days can be like that, might be that you haven't had enough carbs in your diet or that you need more sleep. It's usually sleep or diet for me. Keep going but listen to your body as well.
  • Bad day yesterday, miles over calorie goal! But back on it today! We got a Wii for Christmas, any suggestions for games? I'm loving table tennis on Wii Sports Resort at the moment.
  • Hi there perfect thread for me as January is usually a bad month for me mileagewise but I've had a good start this year so lets see if I can get to 500miles. I'm counting starting on the 1st: Sat 1st: 14miles mountain bike Sun 2nd: 54miles road Mon 3rd: 47miles mountain bike Tues 4th: 29miles mountain bike Wed 5th: 15miles…
  • Yes I will never be uber light as I have a big build. But I would like to be toned and not overweight.
  • Hi there, my target is to lose a stone for May. Great to see some people from the UK on here.
  • Great thread. I'm 5'3" and 147lbs...goal weight is 133lb (but eventually I think it will be 127lbs). I do a lot of exercise but I am noticing the weight now when I am out on my bike. Everyone tells me I look great, but I know there is excess fat on my stomach as a couple of years ago I was 130lbs.... I am rubbish at not…
  • Hi there, from the North West. Been on the site a while but stopped using it and put what I lost plus more on. Now 10.5 stones and want to get to 9.5stone by May, then maybe a little closer to 9. I'm 5'3" do lots of exercise and till recently could just eat what I wanted and I did!
  • I've found I have to eat mine otherwise I would be really hungry. I seem to have a low starting amount and do quite a lot of exercise though.