Here Goes My Pride: Anyone Ever Faceplanted on a run?



  • cthompson01
    cthompson01 Posts: 3 Member

    My husband's best friend lives in DC. He rides his bike everywhere, and had just gotten new pedals with straps for the feet. (I'm sure you can see where this is going). Well, on his maiden voyage he came to a red-light, and stopped, and couldn't get his feet out of the straps. He said it was mad busy (am rush hour!), and it was a slow motion fall. He said he had plenty of time to think about it and realize that there was nothing he could do about it. Lol.

    BTDT I put BMX pedals on my bike the next week. I got a new touring bike this year and had the pedals swapped before I left the store.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393

    My husband's best friend lives in DC. He rides his bike everywhere, and had just gotten new pedals with straps for the feet. (I'm sure you can see where this is going). Well, on his maiden voyage he came to a red-light, and stopped, and couldn't get his feet out of the straps. He said it was mad busy (am rush hour!), and it was a slow motion fall. He said he had plenty of time to think about it and realize that there was nothing he could do about it. Lol.

    BTDT I put BMX pedals on my bike the next week. I got a new touring bike this year and had the pedals swapped before I left the store.

    strap pedals are really dangerous.

    I always tell people to either go flats, or go clipless. At least with clipless you can release at any point of the stroke and they're designed to release if you fall
  • trio25
    trio25 Posts: 34 Member
    Glad I'm not the only one.

    I only do a bit of running but a couple of friends who do run invited me out with them. I was having a great time chatting away, we were off road but it wasn't too rough, next thing I know I'm flying through the air, take most of the impact through my thighs. Slightly embarrassed I jump up insisting I'm fine and carry on running, next thing I know I'm on the floor with my friend saying my name, I had passed out!
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Several years ago I lived on the Santa Fe River in FL. Standing on my deck enjoying a cold beverage after a hard mountain bike ride I observed two young ladies getting their exercise canoeing. They were going downstream and I saw an alligator a few feet from them swimming upstream. Trying to be helpful I pointed out the gator, which freaked the girls out leading to much screaming and flailing about. They managed to dump themselves and all their gear into the river. The gator got away as fast as he could, but the girls were inconsolable. I was trying to be helpful; lots of people go to the river in hopes of spotting an alligator. But not these girls. If there is ever a next time I will keep my mouth shut. We learn by doing.