

  • What an inspiration. I am where you were and to come on this site to see that someone has been in my shoes is so refreshing. I would not wish this weight on anyone, however to have someone who can motivate me and understand what I am going through makes me feel like there is hope. I saw a picture of me at work at a 5k that…
  • I found the spreadsheet and added my information. I had joined last week, however was unaware of the sheet. This is great and I look forward to the challenge. I am going to need a lot....of help.
  • Hello, how do I add my information to the chart? Where is it located? Thank you.
  • Hi my name is LaDonna. I have over 100 pounds to lose and thought if I start with short challenges this will help me to reach my goal a little easier instead of thinking about all that I need to lose in the long run. During these 15 weeks, I'd like to build an exercse routine as well as make good choices in dealing with my…
  • By yielding and renewing your mind. This is where I struggle. I know what to do, however need help with willpower.
  • Hello All, Just want to check in. I still want to be a part of the group and will do better to stay in touch going forward. I've been really swamped at work as it is budget preparation time for me. I've been exercising really well, however not doing good with counting my calories. That is changing now. I am going to start…
  • Hi Eva, I'm in for the turkey-day challenge. I weight this past friday and have gained 5lbs. How in the world did I let that happen! By eating something sweet everyday last week, while off for the holiday. What was I thinking....obviously, I wasn't. I am getting back on track tomorrow. This is beyond ridiculous, I've…
  • Hello All, I finally got my computer up and running again. That was a long....three weeks. Anyhow...I was doing great with the program up until last Friday. I didn't exercise over the weekend and had a piece of cake 4 days straight. Whenever there's a holiday, I always fall off the wagon. I need to get better about this as…
  • Hello All, Just want to check in. I am 4lbs down this week. I'm sure part of it is due to the excess water weight that I am releasing. Either way...I am happy. I hope everyone else had a good week.
  • Hello Everyone, Just want to stop in and say "hello". I am without my laptop and have been for over a week now. I finally had a moment at work to check in and wanted to do so as it has been a minute. I went to the doctor a few days ago and found that I have swelling in my body. I was given a diurectic, which should relieve…
  • Good morning Everyone, It's been a few days since I've been on the site. It's been crazy at work, however I managed to exercise everyday except Monday. I did get two workouts in on Wednesday to make up for the lost day. With that said...I actually gained 4lbs this week. I ate more this week because and I am on my cycle.…
  • Hello All, I lost .5 of a pound. I guess that is better than gaining. I had a great week last week up until the weekend. Yesterday, I was so bored and having premenstrual syndromes that I ended up baking brownies. I ate three of them. I will weigh again Friday, however will be on my cycle and don't know what will happen. I…
  • I'm good with Friday too. I am not having a great weekend, however my week went well. Got in five days of exersising. We shall see what the scale says. :ohwell:
  • Oh my gosh! I put Trappey's hot sauce on my Kashi meals too. I keep a bottle at work. LOL!
  • What about veggie Kashi meal?
  • Hello Everyone, Are you ready for another week? I am...as I have lost 2.6 pounds for my first weigh-in. Although, I was hoping for more, I am grateful. I weighed myself 4 times this morning before I settled on a number. I wonder if my scale needs a new batttery. The first number was too low to me. Anyhow...I shall see next…
  • Hello All, I'm having a great day so far. Burned 400 calories on the cross trainer and elliptical and am eating well. I have to do the challenge for today and eat well tonight. Hope that everyone else is hanging in there. I'm excited about the weigh-in on Monday.
  • Angl, I didn't get a workout in today and ate out for lunch and dinner. Thankfully, I made pretty good choices that allowed me to stay within my calorie range (went over just a little). It's late, however I'm trying to syke myself into doing 20 minutes of exercise. Either way, we are doing a great job so let's not beat up…
  • Hello Everyone, I made it through another day. I did 30 minutes of cardio (elliptical) today and stayed within my calorie range. I did have some vanilla wafers tonight, which I was trying to stay away from sweets. It's okay as it could have been worse. My challenge is going to be tomorrow at lunch. I haven't eaten out all…
  • Okay, I am adding a new goal for the week. I want to get 5 days of exercising in and so far, I've exercised two days. :happy: Looking forward to another great day.
  • Okay, I am adding a new goal for the week. I want to get 5 days of exercising in and so far, I've exercised two days. :happy: Looking forward to another great day.
  • Thank you Lord! I made it through day one and it wasn't too bad. I stayed within my calories, exercised and didn't eat the calories that were earned. I feel great and am looking forward to another great day tomorrow. I WILL get this weight off. By the way, I logged everything that I ate today. My goal is to log in the food…
  • Hello All, I am ready to get started and went grocery shopping last night to make sure that I stay on track. My weigh in this morning was 328 pounds. My first goal is to gett under 300 and then I will know my next goal. Good luck to all. By the way, I need to see what is wrong with my ticker.
  • Thank you. I will give that a try and keep you posted.
  • Hi Patty, I will join you. I went to the doctor today and have put on 11 pounds since April. I am so frustrated, however am willing to keep trying. Count me in, however I am going to need some motivation. Thanks LaDonna
  • I am sorry to hear that you don't like the oatmeal. It is actually my favorite of the Kashi line. I agree that the taste isn't very strong, however I find it to be pretty filing and like the fact that it has 9 grams of protein unlike other hot cereals. Actually, I have been trying several of their colds cereals and frozen…
  • Congratulations. That is motivation to me as I want to be able to say the same.
  • I was checked for diabetes last month and get checked regularly. Thankfully, I am not diabetic or pre-diabetic. I drink a lot of water because I was told that when you are dieting, exercising and just living a healthier lifesytle you should drink plenty of water. If this isn't true and it could actually be hurting me then…
  • Thank yo so much for the encouraging words. I am excited about my journey.
  • Thank you for your encouragement. I've already spent the last couple of hours browsing the site.