20 th July new group



  • ldr624
    ldr624 Posts: 36
    Thank you Lord! I made it through day one and it wasn't too bad. I stayed within my calories, exercised and didn't eat the calories that were earned. I feel great and am looking forward to another great day tomorrow. I WILL get this weight off.

    By the way, I logged everything that I ate today. My goal is to log in the food diary daily, including weekends.

    I hope that everyone else is doing well. Good night.

    Thanks so much Patty.
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    patty09....dont forget me...I guess I didnt give you my numbers yet....Im 172 with a goal weight of 160 and I would be happy to maintain that 160. I will need all of your support to stay at 160. For me that is the ultimate challenge (to keep it off)
    My goals this week are to work out three times a week.
    And to log in all my food in the food diary.
    Stay within my calories allotted.
    A suggestion for those who need something sweet every so often. Try a south beach bar...they are low in sugar, with a little protein, and really help with that sweet craving.
    Stay true to yourself. YES WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER!!
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    20th July New group

    Name SW 20Jul 27Jul 3Aug mini-goal GOAL

    Pat 173 169.3 145
    Hun 144 136 125
    Idr 328 300
    san 224 196
    Eav 192 191 155
    Mar 173.2 171.6 140
    txj 210 130
    spi 204.6 130
    jig 163 160 147
    rsa 175 150
    ang 172 160

    Come on Girls we CAN do it together:smile::wink: :laugh:
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Morning everyone! I was so psyched about this group yesterday. It is the first thing I told my husband when I got home from work.

    I did well Monday. I logged in all of my food. I did Turbo Jam Cardio Party 3 DVD and then 10 minutes of ab work. I made my daily calories but didn't eat most of my exercise calories. I got in all of my water. I'm going to try to eventually switch my workout to the morning so I have a better idea of how many extra calories I have. But as long as I get a workout in...I'm not going to be too picky about what time of day it is.

    My mini-goal for August 3rd is continue logging in my food and getting my workouts and water in each day.

    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Good morning everyone,Well today is treadmill day and dvd day so about a 2 hr. workout.I said i wanted to lose 2 lbs this week i'm on my way.
    I did workout yesterday for 45 mins treadmill .

    Everyone remember it's not just about caories you have to exercise and drink lots of water,flavor it with crystal light.
    HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Good morning everyone

    It's nearly bed time for me. I did my cross trainer yesterday and gave it a rest today. I can still fell it in my legs. Every other-day looks better for me
    Watched my call. and calling it an early night so I won't start pigging out on snacks
    Hunibun please don't over do it in the beginning that can turn you off. 2 hours is a lot!! Make sure you check your hartbeat.
    Spiralgirl, please check some other topics, they all tell you to eat your exersise calories to see the best result. good luck. Good to have you here
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member

    I just started on Sunday and would like to join your group if I am not to late. I am currently at 216 and my first mini goal would be to get under 200. I take a zumba class (latin dance aerobics) a few days a week and just ordered the Chelean express dvd's that I read about in these boards. Exercise I can handle, for me the biggest struggle is making better food choices. My days start out good and then someone wants to go out for lunch and it always sounds better then the Lean Cuisine I have in the freezer. Anyway, that's my story, I hope to join this journey with you all.

  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Yes we be happy to have you Welcome Angelae39

    I'm not over during it ,i worked my way up to this.
  • txjenn1
    txjenn1 Posts: 24
    I'm excited about this group! I already feel more motivated. I was kind of bad last night, I had a piece of cake, it was my son's birthday, but I scraped off the icing and ate cake only. For some reason, this made me feel less guilty. lol

    Anyway, my mini-goals for this week are to eat more fruits and veggies and to get my 8 glasses of water in every day!:drinker:

    Have a great day everyone!
  • dawnndamen
    dawnndamen Posts: 37
    Hello everyone! I'm new to this site, just joined today. I'd love to be a part of your group. I just had a baby 9 weeks ago. I am at my highest weight ever - 280lbs. My first weight loss goal would be to get down to 200lbs. But, my long term goal would be to weigh around 150. I can't wait to get started!!!
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Hi there cograts on the baby,welcome to the group.
  • dawnndamen
    dawnndamen Posts: 37
    Thanks hunibun! Are there any challenges for the day? or the week?
  • globes24
    globes24 Posts: 5
    :glasses: You can count me in!
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    I guess if everyone would like to have daily challenges we can. let me know
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Welcome everyone,
    We have quite a list of people joining this thread. Good for us.
    angelae39....eating out is a tough challenge but I have to tell you there are good choices. I always bring my own salad dressing in a tupperware. So , a salad is alway a option. Ask for no cheese, just veggies.Usually when I so no cheese I get more tomatoes. Grilled meats is also a good choice.
    Look over the menu most times there is something that is lower calorie.
    tyjenn1....good job scraping off the frosting. Your did consume fewer calories.:wink:
    dawnndamen....Welcome....you have the most beautiful baby. I can just smell the wonderful baby smell from here.:flowerforyou: Is this your 1st baby? What is his/her? name?
    globes24......riding a bike to work is a great workout. Good for you. Welcome

    I got in my workout....20 min stationary bike...and 15 min. treadmill. I have exceeded my goal of 30min.
    My food choice have been good so far. Now Im on the way to the show with my husband and must avoid the popcorn. I guess I can just inhale the smell. That wont make me fat ....will it?
    Good Luck on your food choice for the day.
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    If any is interested tomorrows(july22) daily challenge is:Try to do at least 30 mins.cardio and 20 bicep cruls and 20 tricep kickbacks and 25 sit-ups .

    WE will try that to start and get harder as we go. Good Luck Tomorrow
  • dawnndamen
    dawnndamen Posts: 37
    angl...this is actually number 4 for me. I have two daughters, 12 and 9, and my two boys, 7 and 9 weeks. Their names are Makayla, Bailey, Ben, and DJ. They keep me extremely busy. On top of that, I work 12 hour days at my job. It makes it hard for me to find time for anything. But, I'm determined to lose this weight, so I'm going to make time somewhere!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    sounds good but i am a biginner and cant do any push ups.
    maybe you can help me with that
    A great idea by the way
    Then just make your goal to be to get in 5 pushups a day. Soon enough you will be able to do 10. It is a slow process, but if you keep using the word "can't", then you won't. Always try a challenge and put in what you can do. Even if it is just 1, it is better than none at all. You can do this and we will all be here to cheer you on. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Thank you Lord! I made it through day one and it wasn't too bad. I stayed within my calories, exercised and didn't eat the calories that were earned. I feel great and am looking forward to another great day tomorrow. I WILL get this weight off.

    By the way, I logged everything that I ate today. My goal is to log in the food diary daily, including weekends.

    I hope that everyone else is doing well. Good night.

    Thanks so much Patty.
    Patty that is great that you got in your exercise and logged in your food. Believe it or not, you really need to eat the extra calories you earned for your exericise. That will keep your metabolism going, so you will lose weight. I know it is confusing, but you need to eat in order to lose weight. It is highly recommended that you eat 5 mini-meals a day. I know it is hard at first, but you can do it. Just make sure to plan ahead and anything is possible.
    Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • txjenn1
    txjenn1 Posts: 24
    If any is interested tomorrows(july22) daily challenge is:Try to do at least 30 mins.cardio and 20 bicep cruls and 20 tricep kickbacks and 25 sit-ups .

    WE will try that to start and get harder as we go. Good Luck Tomorrow

    Count me in!
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