20 th July new group



  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    I am out of town for the weekend and actually got up and used the treadmill in the hotel for 30 minutes first thing this morning. Met a friend for lunch today and went to Benihana, ordered what I normally eat and couldn't eat it all. I can't believe how much food it was that I was eating at every meal. If I get nothing else from this site, I will get portion control. We are going to see Journey in concert tonight. I can hardly wait! Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Had a rough couple of days...a friend of mine lost her 32 year old son. He passed away from a heart attack. :cry: An unforturnate reminder that we are losing weight for our health. Sounds like everyone is still being motivated...yeah! Friday weigh-ins works out great too! Here's to a week of good choices.:heart:
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Goodmorning everyone

    The first week of a new month
    lets make it a good one!

    Please pass me all your weigh in from last friday

    Last night I slipped out a bit. Had a cosy night with my hubby and finished a bottle of wine together. I really enjoyed it. Now monday morning and have to get back on track

    Lets GO!!!!!!
  • Good morning everyone!!! I went ahead and weighed myself this morning - I lost 7 pounds!!! :bigsmile: I couldn't believe it. My hard work has finally paid off!!! I hope everyone else is having a great week also.
    Angelae - It sounds like your having a wonderful weekend getaway! How was the Journey concert?
    Eava- I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's son. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Like you said, this is a reminder as to why we're all on this weight loss journey. Take care.

  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Good Morning!! I lost 2.4 pounds and I am very happy with that!! Yes, I need to count that four-tenths of a pound :happy:

    Dawn- You are kicking butt!! Keep up the great work!

    Elizabeth- I know that bad photo feeling. I agree, use that as motivation. For what it's wroth...I still think it's a cute shot. That Shred DVD is hard work. The next time you go on vacation you will see an entirely different bum-view. Please don't let one photo discourage you.

    Eava-I'm so sorry about your friend's loss. That is so sad.

    Angela-How was the concert? I commend you for getting on the tredmill at the hotel.

    Patty-Your evening with your husband sounded very nice! I would have done the same thing.

    Holly-I do the challenges on most days. It depends on my schedule and kids and such. I know I get most of them in during my sculpting dvd so I don't feel so bad if I don't do them in addtion to that.

    Looking forward to a great week! My oldest son went on vacation with my inlaws. I dropped him off last night and he'll be gone for 2 weeks. When one of the kids is gone, I'm just not myself. I will be keeping very busy, that's for sure.

    Does anyone else have a Facebook account? If so, message me so I can find you or you can find me on there!

    Will check in later to see the rest of the weigh in results.
  • Dominique - First, congrats on the weight loss! :drinker: I completely understand how you feel when one of your kids are gone. I'm the same way. No matter how much they aggrivate me :explode: when they're home, I feel like a part of me is missing when they're gone. Hopefully, the two weeks goes by fast for you. :flowerforyou:
  • malpait
    malpait Posts: 13 Member
    I haven't been on in a few days. I also had an awful eating weekend =(

    I am hoping that this week will get better. My hubby is working in AZ and I won't see him until next month. So I have been emotionally eating like crazy.

    I really need to kick it in the booty and get moving!

    It looks as though everyone else is doing awesome!

  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105

    Sorry that I can't always enter the figures behind the .
    Sometimes my system allows me to do it and sometimes not.
    I will add them on the next week don't worry

    Holly thanks the challenges are back on.
    I do them every day.I print it out and hang it up and even cross it off ones they are done.
    If I skip my son points it out to me ha-ha!!

    I haven't lost a lot. have to check my food diary. I think that I don't eat enough
    But my leg muscles feel a bit stronger after the exercises

    keep up girls
    Some of us are having a hard time (like me) but than I read the poem again and again
    I DO NOT QUIT!!!
  • sandif1
    sandif1 Posts: 28
    Good morning everyone I did not lose any weight but that will not discourage me. I will try harder this week. I don't know what I did wrong. I did the weekly chalIenge which was a drastic change for me because I usually just put in 30 minutes 4-5 days a week of cardio. With the weekly challenge, I was burning more calories a day & I probably ate more than I should have. My body was probably not used to receiving the extra calories. I also did more strength training, which is something I had not been doing a lot of, but whatever the problem I will figure it out.

    To those who lost CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • richelle_ross
    richelle_ross Posts: 34 Member
    Well.... Mid week last week I weighed myself and I had gained .5lbs but then I lost it again so i'm still at 188... this week is a bit less crazy so i'll be able to get in the gym more. in good news we went to the bar last night.. I had 60 ounces of water! Thats 7.5 cups! I didn't have any drinks at the bar...reeeeeeeeeeeally wanted to though! Make it a great day! :smile:
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Good morning girlfriends,
    Patty....I love wine too......We all need to kick back once in a while. Good for you. I dont know what my weight was last Fri. but for Mon. it is 170.75...thats 1 lb less than last week.

    Dawn....YOU GO GIRL...WOW 7 lbs....you will not get kicked off this week:laugh:

    Spiralgirl....Congrats on the 2.4 loss and yes we must count every tenth. Your new scale must be a good one.

    Eava....so sad to hear of your friends loss. Its not right for your kids to go before you. Your friend will need your support through this. I have a friend who lost two of her children, three years apart. She will never get over it. She just has her memories and talks of her children often. Be a good listener for her.

    Sandif1....I never consume my workout calories. Im thinking I work out to burn more calories so why eat more....try not consuming your workout calories. Keep it up and DONT QUIT

    Malpait.....Sorry for you that your husband is away. Think about having a hotter...sexier body when he returns. He will love it and maybe it will motivate you to work on it. DONT QUIT

    Angela...let us know how the Journey concert was. Good for you using the treadmill in the hotel. Usually the equipment is so ****ty in the motels. You must had a good one.

    Portion Control is a must!!! Especially to maintain....just a note to myself. Everywhere we eat out they give you way way way toooooooo much food.

    Everyone have a great day.
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    Journey kicked butt! But so did the drinks and I overdid it a bit. I still managed to lose this week, just not as mucj as I hoped. I had my fun and now time to get serious again. Here's to another great week!!
  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    hey ya
    Weighed in on Friday lost 3 pounds :happy: thrilled to bits...joined a gym on friday as well...got my workouts all set up or me by the trainer I was ready to cry after the first night but have done it twice since and it doesn't seem as hard as i originally thought so hopefully I will burn the fat :laugh:
  • ldr624
    ldr624 Posts: 36
    Hello All,

    I lost .5 of a pound. I guess that is better than gaining. I had a great week last week up until the weekend. Yesterday, I was so bored and having premenstrual syndromes that I ended up baking brownies. I ate three of them. I will weigh again Friday, however will be on my cycle and don't know what will happen. I will try to have a better week.

    Spiral girl, I have a facebook account (LaDonna Reynolds).

    Sandif, are you eating enough. I looked at your diary and you seem to not be getting in your calories, excluding the exercise calories.

    Good luck to all.
  • txjenn1
    txjenn1 Posts: 24
    I was out of town this week and missed the weigh-in day change. Sorry. But, I can report that I did not lose any weight this week. But I'm not too upset about it because we were on vacation and I did not count calories and didn't really eat all that healthy. I did however, get lots of exercise, walking, hiking and swimming so I think that's how I managed to not gain any.

    Angelea - the concert sounds awesome. I love Journey!
    Eva - condolences to your friend. That's so sad.
    Spiralgirl - I'm on facebook too - txjenn1

    Have a great week everyone! :drinker:
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    hi everyone,
    I just got done with workouts today i did a dvd and the treadmill plus the daily exercises which made it 119 mins today i burned 988 cal.i need to step up my workouts to lose agian been at platue for 3 weeks now. holly
  • chrissey
    chrissey Posts: 30 Member
    Hello All,

    I had a good week...getting a bit bored of eating the same thing..I need some new recipies..I am such a creature of habit and just make the same ole thing...well something must be working..my new weight is 210.6lbs...I weighed in at home on Sunday on the Wii fit and will continue to weigh in at home.....my last weight was on a scale at work so there may be a 1-2lb difference between the two...I have not added any exercise yet as I made that mistake previously of exercizing and not eating enough...congrats to all who remained the same and those who lost a few...and for any that gained, there's always next week.

    Staring Weight 222
    Current Weight 210.6
    Goal Weight 160
  • rsabey
    rsabey Posts: 14
    Great job to those who lost - you are an inspiration to those of us getting a slower start.

    I found the 30 Day Shred on my Fios on demand. I did level one - but may have pulled a muscle in my neck/shoulder. Guess hubby will have to rub it out.

    Starting Weight 175
    Current Weight 172.5
    Goal Weight 150
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    :smile Congrats to those who lost this week...it keeps the rest of us motivated. I am finding that the key is to keep the calorie count daily. I had missed a day and tried to keep track in my head. Taking the time to type it does seem to make a difference. I am trying to do my calorie count the night before so I will have a plan. Next step...the Exercise Challeng! I had my yearly physical today and lost 7 lbs. since las summer. :blushing: I can't wait to surprise my doctor next summer when I lose 40 more!:bigsmile: Have a wonderful day!
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    And the BIGGEST LOSER this week is.......

    Dawndamen:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Well done, congrats keep it up!

    Check it out on:
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