20 th July new group



  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Good evening,
    Patty....Ohhhhhh I see the green by my % on the july starters page. I didnt realize I lost the most percent.
    Yeah for me.:happy: At least I know I will not be voted off this week.:laugh: Lets see if I can do that again next Monday.

    WELCOME CHRISSEY...we weigh in on Mondays. If you give patty your goal weight and starting weight you can get on the chart on http://sites.google.com/site/julystarters/ (check it out)

    spiralgirl71.....hope your new scale gives you excellent numbers.

    I got my ride in on my stationary bike this morning. I dont add the calories to my foods as I want the calories be less when I workout. Tried those dream jeans on tonight......still cant button them.
    Speaking of Jillian Michaels.....I always hear her voice when I am on my treadmill..."dont you dare hang on to the bar" She is a kick *kitten* trainer. Im too old for her workouts. But you go for it.. Elizabeth and Holly. Hope you can get fabulous results.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I have the Weight Watcher's scale...bought it at Costco. I think it was $40-50??? The tenths do seem to help your mental state...an ounce can make a difference. :laugh:
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi everyone

    I cant bring my self to exercise today. My eldest is having high-fever and found out that my mum is not well.
    So today i give my self a break. Forgot to write down what i ate. A couple of sweets but that's all i think.
    I will go to bed early, cause i am sure my son needs me tonight.
    I hope to be back on track tomorrow

    Good luck to all
  • txjenn1
    txjenn1 Posts: 24
    Angl you cracked me up with your comment about being voted out. LOL

    Patty, don't feel bad. We all have those days. Thank goodness we have this group to keep us motiviated and to offer support.

    Everyone else, I hope you have a wonderful day!

    I was so hungry this morning even after I ate my Smart Ones breakfast sandwich so I stopped at a 7-Eleven desperate for something, anything, to eat - wanted sweet, gooey, bad for you something. Looked at the calories on the back of the packages and left with only a Diet Dr. Pepper. Not the best choice, especially since I've managed to go a week without one, but hey, I needed something. Then I got to work and ate some of the cantalope I brought for lunch and what do you know? It cured the craving! Yay! :smile:

    Speaking of cantalope; here's one of my favorite jokes from when I was a kid.

    Knock Knock
    Who's there?
    Cantalope who?
    Cantalope tonight, dad has the car!

  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Good Morning,
    txjenn1...love your joke:laugh:
    Congrats on only getting a Diet Pop....I dont drink much diet pop but sometimes when I need something sweet it satisfies the craving. Fruit has been tasting sooooooo good lately too. If we can just get past those cravings with success.....its a challenge overcome. Hats off to you!!!!:flowerforyou:
    I love tex-mex rock-n-roll aka Los Lonely Boys..have you heard of them. Seeing you are from Texas thought you might be neighbors.:laugh:

    patty..... I dont work out every day so dont beat yourself up about it. Its the food we eat that is making us fat. So, if your not working out every day try to EAT SMART.
    Hope your mum and son are feeling better soon. Hang in there!!

    Enjoy your day everyone.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Patty, take some down time for yourself. Don't be so hard on yourself. We all have setbacks...just try to get back onto your plan. I know it is hard when your family is ill. Remember to take care of yourself so you can take care of them.:heart: txjenn1, great job resisting the junk. I had my anniversary this week and am paying the price.:blushing: I enjoyed my meal and dessert and refuse to feel guilty about it. It's a new day for all of us. Make good choices, ladies.:happy:
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Today and Sunday are my rest days this week. I did take a walk at lunch because it was so nice outside. When I get home I have a ton of cleaning and projects to do. Blech.

    Patty-I hope your mom and son both start feeling well soon. I've noticed in the past when I was in an exercise groove that the day after a rest day I saw positive changes in my body. Glad you're going to bed early. Sometimes it's easy to get rundown taking care of others.

    txjenn1-Way to go on only getting the diet pop. There are far worse choices in 7-Eleven!! I would be happy with Diet Dr Pepper!! Payday candy bars are my weakness when I get a sweets craving. Next time I will try the fruit.

    angl- I just noticed your cupcake. Too funny!!!

    Have a good afternoon.
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    hi everyone

    patty09 hope your son feels better don't worry about working out your son comes first right now,and i would be the same way if my daughter was ill.we are here for you.

    That joke was good sitting laughing about it .

    I haven't worked out yet either my daughters friend is over and we were baking healthy cookies and brownies.Just enjoying them right now.I'll work out later.

    I hope everyone is having a great day.

    Saturday night is date night with my husband i'm so excited,we do this every couple months.I'm going to get my hair done for the night.

    Have a great day! holly
  • eellizzzabbeetthh
    yes i use crystal light to,i also use the walmart brand also.I would love to get jillian dvd but i do have her other ones she as out.

    Holly, what other DVDs does she have that you own? Which is your favourite and why?
  • eellizzzabbeetthh
    I have the Weight Watcher's scale...bought it at Costco. I think it was $40-50??? The tenths do seem to help your mental state...an ounce can make a difference.
    Excellent! I was wondering where to buy one.

    And spiralgirl (I think it was her?) what a great idea to balance a scale with an actual weight! Brilliant!!

  • rsabey
    rsabey Posts: 14
    How about sharing some of our favorite meals, snacks :smooched: ...........

    Here are a couple of mine

    Grilled Eggplant with turkey meatballs and pizza sauce

    Sugar Free Fudge Pops

    :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    HI Everyone here are some of the dvds i work out to i have over20 dvds.

    GILAD(from fit tv)

    this is just some of them if you change it up then it will never get boring i also have a workout gym in my home also.which really helps alot.

    I can see changes in my body already ,my abs are coming back and my arms look great to.
    Can anyone else see changes?
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Checking in on my lunch break. I haven't worked out yet. Will do so later tonight. I was hoping to start working out in the mornings but my 2yo got sick in the middle of the night and I was up with him.

    I love the idea of listing favorite snacks and exercise DVD's as well.

    One of my favorite meals is hummus wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla with cucumbers and tomatoes. So good!! I'm also on a scrambled egg white and vegetable kick.

    Elizabeth-my Shred dvd will actually arrive tomorrow. Does it come with a schedule or calendar or anything like that?

    Will check back in later.

    Happy Friday!!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    HI Everyone here are some of the dvds i work out to i have over20 dvds.

    GILAD(from fit tv)

    this is just some of them if you change it up then it will never get boring i also have a workout gym in my home also.which really helps alot.

    I can see changes in my body already ,my abs are coming back and my arms look great to.
    Can anyone else see changes?

    I'm seeing some changes. More definition in my arms. The most change is on my legs. I'm built like an upside down triangle. Charming, huh? I usually see the quickest results in my legs. I get into shape from the toes up I guess.

    Which DVD is your favorite? I have the complete Turbo Jam series, some from Winsor Pilates and Leslie Sansone, and then a few misc DVD's. I really like the Turbo Jam the best though.
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    I had a bad Wednesday and Thursday eating wise, but have still maintained. I am back on the wagon today. I am so mad :mad: at myself, but just getting right back into it. I am going to Zumba tomorrow and then going out of town Saturday and Sunday. The hotel has a fitness center so I hope to get a little exercise in. I will also be tracking while I am gone and checking in!!
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    Oh yeah, my favorite snack is 1/2 cup strawberries, 1/4 cup blueberries, and a Fiber One Fat free vanilla yogurt. Mix it all in a bowl and eat it. Don't love yogurt so the berries really help.
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    I havent been too imaginative in my food. :yawn: ...Been sticking to the basics...like cornflakes with skim milk and fruit....veggies in salads and yogert for lunch and then veggies and a piece of meat for dinner. Maybe a bun with my burger once in a while. And my snacks are fruit and south beach bar.
    Ok ...my favorite snack is watermelon.
    kinda boring aye.....but it is really healthy. Im getting in my fruits and veggies for the daily allowance.
    I try to stay away from the condiments and I use Kraft light raspberry vingaigrette dressing on my veggies, in my salad and sometimes on my meat. It tastes great with tuna also.
    Sometimes I will have a health choice fudge bar. 80 cal. if I have calories left at the end of the day.
    Have a great day.

  • rsabey
    rsabey Posts: 14
    We had a Pot Luck today at work. It's a little hard to log my food. I had a bit of this and that but tried to stay away from the rices and potatoes. Broke down and had a piece of my friends pound cake and a small piece of bread pudding :embarassed: I'm hoping I can make up for it this weekend. It all tasted so good - but the cake wasn't as good as I had hoped!!
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi everyone

    We started of as weighing in on mondays but I read that a lot of you doing it on fridays.
    I don't mind changing to fridays. It would be easier if we do it on the same day.
    Please let me know who doesn't want to do it on fridays.
    Waauwh we are in the second week already, I am still exited
    have a good weekend
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    rsabey......I hate it when I have gone awhile without sweets and then eat something and it tastes just awful.:angry: Sorry the cake didnt taste very good. When I need something sweet I always go for chocolate. It never lets me down. I did a pot luck last Sunday and was surprised at how easy it was to log in the foods on this site. Of course the portions were estimated but I was able to figure it out.

    patty.....Fridays are fine with me but today is Friday. That means we dont weigh in until next Friday. Right?
    It does give us the weekend to splurge a little IF NEEDED!!
