20 th July new group



  • txjenn1
    txjenn1 Posts: 24
    I lost one pound. At first I was a little bummed that it wasn't more, but then I realized that I need to celebrate that one pound so that's what I'm doing!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful week!
  • rsabey
    rsabey Posts: 14
    Just one pound here also. I really need to increase my exercise, but it is way too hot most days to go out biking or walking. I need to find an aerobics class. That's my goal this week. More water & more exercise. :cry:
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    HI if you can't go outside cuz it's to hot why not try a dvd,they work i actually love working out to them.
  • rsabey
    rsabey Posts: 14
    Just found Exercise TV on my Verizon Fios on Demand. Did the Abs and Buns workout. Love it!!
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    1 lb. is great. My father-in-law use to tell me to visualize my losses ie. think of 1lb. of butter, 5-1- lbs. sacks of potatoes. It does put your loss into perspective. :tongue:
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Well done all of you!!!

    The first week was hard but have to get used to the changes.
    Angl, you are in green today!!!:wink:
    Well done

    Check the Site

  • dawnndamen
    dawnndamen Posts: 37
    Congrats to everyone for having such a great week!! I'm proud of everybody. I lost 1 pound. Not exactly what I was hoping for, but I know I've lost inches. A lot of my "fat" clothes are already getting loose. Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Congrats to everyone on doing well the first week!! Eava...I like the butter visualization. It puts things into perspective. One pound a week is excellent!!

    Okay, yesterday I ordered a new scale. My husband seems to think ours is broken claiming the weights are not consistant. It was pretty consistant for me yesterday :angry: but we'll try his theory. If the scale says I weigh more than our old one...hubby's going to get it!!! I also ordered a cheap HRM. The one I want is $170 and I need to save up for it. Hoping that a cheap one will help me make sure I'm recording my exercise with a more accuracy. Maybe that will help me at least get the scale to drop a bit.

    I read an online blog once from a man who claimed that weighing himself everyday with a scale measuring tenths of a pound was the reason he was so successful in his weight loss. He said he needed instant gratification and even the small changes in the scale validated that his efforts were working and encouraged him to keep going. So, for those addicted to the scale...it could be a good thing.

    Yesterday I did 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of a tubing workout. I got the rest of my challenge items in as well. Food was okay. I made brownies for the kids and didn't eat any. I didn't even want one.

    How often are all of you going to be measuring inches? I'm wondering if I should do it biweekly or monthly? I updated my measurements last week but am not sure if I should remeasure on weeks that the scale doesn't move or just wait it out.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • sandif1
    sandif1 Posts: 28
    Although I messed up big time yesterday, I got up this morning on the right foot. I had a good breakfast and I have done all of my challenges for today and I feel great. I am not going to beat myself up about yesterday. I am back on the right track. In the past, I would have continued on my path of eating destruction with no workouts. I have to pat myself on the back because I only had one mess up day and I am back on the right path. When I weighed in Monday morning I had lost 5lbs and I figured I did not want to gain that back and have to lose that again when I could just go forward and lose some additional weight.

    I hope everyone is feeling as good as I am or even better!!!!!!!!!!
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Good job on losing 5 lbs.
    measurements i try to do every week just so i know how i'm doing,but lately it's been every 2 weeks.i couldn't wait a month.

    i'm glad to see everyone doing good,i hope to lose 2lbs this week we'll see. Holly
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    I did a Zumba tone class last night and thought I was going to die!! It is the high impact aerobics of traditional Zumba with light hand weights thrown in with some squats and lunges. I mostly made it through the entire class. Think I am going to try and keep going until I can do the whole hour. I can honestly say I have never been so motivated as I am right now and know that this group is part of that reason, so thanks for being there.

  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    hi i worked out for 95 mins today 60 to a dvd that was aerobics and weight training and 35 on my treadmill.i burned way over 800 cal. today.

    Angelae39-Way to go on your work out,i think it feels good to workout i never try to miss a day.

    Good day everyone. holly
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Good evening everyone,
    even tho i was on the road all day i packed my lunch bag and ate sensible.
    patty...what do you mean Im in the green today....??
    Eava is right .....thinking of one pound of butter...its a lot
    spirlgirl71.....thanx for letting me know my addiction to the scale is a good thing...i didnt weight myself today but i will get back on tomorrow ....i feel so guilty for not weighing today.MIND GAMES.
    sandif1.....good for you with the DONT QUIT attitude. We all need to have that.
    angela and holly...congrats for getting in that work-out.
  • eellizzzabbeetthh
    Does anyone use Crystal Light?

    I put a Crystal Lite singles into 32 oz of water and it is just enough to sweeten but not overpower the water. I purchase Wal-Mart's generic brand (it is $1 less expensive per packet).
  • eellizzzabbeetthh
    I did the "30 Day Shred" by Jillian Michaels (from The Biggest Loser show) today. It was fantastic! Only 20 minutes and I felt it working. The promise is to lose 20 lbs in the 30 days. I sure hope it works but everything helps and toning while losing is awesome. Anyone else doing this program? Want to join me?

    Oh, and I was the same this week (technically up point two of a pound but is that really a lot?). It is also that "time of the month" this week for me so I cannot wait for that to slide off me.

    I am also on vacation and am doing surprisingly better at tracking my Weight Watchers points and making a food journal food. I find it easier to focus on "me" when we are away.

  • chrissey
    chrissey Posts: 30 Member
    HI All,

    I am hoping that it isn't too late to join..I'm new here to MFP and I must tell you I LOVE IT!! Very motivational...so much info!! I'm just a middle aged Mom who decided that it is time to take care of myself for a change:) So hopefully theres still room! :flowerforyou:

    Starting Weight: 222
    Current Weight: 214.5 (no idea how that happened..but I'll take it)
    Goal Weight: 160

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Chart
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    chrissey yes there's room welcome to the team.

    Elizabeth_agd yes i use crystal light to,i also use the walmart brand also.I would love to get jillian dvd but i do have her other ones she as out.

    Have a good evening everyone. holly
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Welcome Chrissey!!

    Elizabeth-I have not tried the 30 day shred but like the idea of losing that much in a month. I will check it out and maybe join you in it. I am addicted to Turbo Jam but this might be a change that will improve my Turbo results.

    Yesterday I almost did not work out. I laid down on the couch after dinner because I was so exhausted. Said it would only be for 5 minutes. I forced myself to get up an hour later. Grumbled my way down to the basement to workout. After 10 minutes I was okay. It's just so easy not to work out though. I have to push myself because this is the area that messes up all of my efforts to get back into shape.

    Anyway, I finished 50 minutes of cardio and did a 20 minute ab workout. I did not get any of the other challenges in. I will pick those up tonight.

    New scale came. I had my son put a weight on both new and old scale. The old scale was off. Not by alot though...like .6 of a pound. He claims that he also got drastic results from weighing himself on it in the past. Anyway...looking forward to a better weigh in on Monday with a new scale.

    HRM comes tonight. Hope I can figure out how to use it before I workout!

    Hope all you have a wonderful day. Keep up the good work! Thank you for motivating me as well.
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    I went to Zumba class last night again, this time with my new HRM. The reading came out that I burned 540 calories in the 50 minutes of class. By that time it was to late to eat back all of my exercise calories but now I know for the future. I have been off and on the weight loss band wagon so much and for some reason this time feels really different, like I can do it this time. Here's to hoping for the best.

  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I have been off and on the weight loss band wagon so much and for some reason this time feels really different, like I can do it this time

    Yay Angela!!! I feel the same way too.

    It's been a quiet forum today.
    I just finished 45 minutes of cardio and about 40 of strength training that included the challenges from yesterday.

    Hope everyone has had a good day.