20 th July new group



  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    The web site is........ http://sites.google.com/site/julystarters/
    I just bookmarked it so it is easy to get to.
    Here is something that motivates me.....I have a pair of jeans that I can wear at 160lbs and I try them on everyday.. Of course they dont fit:angry: but it reminds me that I still have a ways to go. One day they will fit but be tight:grumble: and one day they will fit perfect.:smile:
    When Im thinking I need something sweet to eat I go and try on those jeans and usually change my mind. It works great with a swim suit. MIND GAMES
  • dawnndamen
    dawnndamen Posts: 37
    Good morning all! I haven't been on in a couple of days. I've been having a lot of marriage troubles lately, and since Thursday things have gotten even worse.:cry: I'm hanging in there. I have managed to stay within my calorie range, even with the stress. If anything I haven't eaten enough. I didn't get my workout in on Friday. But I decided yesterday that I wasn't going to let him keep me down this time. I took a two hour walk with my kids(they rode their bikes while I walked pushing DJ in his stroller). It was actually a great workout. My legs are sore this morning.
    Patti, the website looks great. I love the poem that you have on there it's a great motivator.
    Angl, I luv your cupcake pic!! :laugh:
    I hope everyone else is doing ok.
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Good morning everyone,Dawnndamen i'm sorry you are having a rough time just do your best to stay postive,its easier said than done,and remember we are here for you.

    Well it's sun and my husband left for work for the week,will be home fri. he's a truck driver.this week i had fri and sat with him that was nice but that only happens once in a great while.

    Well today i said rest day but i'm going to do a dvd.
    Have a great day!!!
  • malpait
    malpait Posts: 13 Member
    Hey ladies-

    Last night was a crazy one. It was a good friends bachlorette party. I tried to be good, but once you have enough jello shots in you cookies made into a penis shape are yummy =) I hope that we danced enough so I still have a decent loss!

    Kind of hungover today....drinking coffee and relaxing. I do plan on walking when the kids get back from their shopping trip with Grandma and Grandpa. I like to encourage them to be active with me.

    Have a blessed day!

  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Good Monday Morning to Everyone. Hope everyone had a great first week. (I weigh on Fridays). I am excited to see how much we lost as a group. The weekend was a little hard...my anniversary is on Tuesday so I made my special kahlua cake for Sat. night dessert. I added raspberries on top so I wouldnt' feel so guilty.:laugh: I am going to try the exercise challenges. Keep up the great job! You ladies are awesome!
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Yesterday was hard.
    I set a nice breakfast table for the kids with breadrolls and a french loaf. I had a few slices of the loaf I didn't know that that was loaded with call.
    For dinner the kids wanted domino's pizza. Ok
    I made a nice big bowl of salad and only took 1/8 of the pizza. All within my daily call.
    No what happend this morning!!! I went on the scale and lost ......... 0 absolutely 0
    I did workouts 5 times a week with pff a lot of sweat. Ate within the callorie zone, eat the exersise call and still 0
    Oh my G...
    No I wasn't happy
    I have so many new friends now and with setting up the weigh in website I am not going to stop!
    Eventhough that's the easy way out.
    I hope you guys have a better result
    Don't forget to mail them to me so that I can upat them in one go
    Have a great day everyone!!
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    patty09 this happens drink more water and even though you are staying in cal range look at what you are eating maybe to many starchy foods or sugars.and sometimes just a little more cardio.might do the trick.

    I stayed the same which is fine cuz i lost inches,measure yourself you might've lost inches.
    hope everyone has a great day!

    exercise challenges are on the other web site for the whole week.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    My scale stayed the same :sad:
    I know I probably lost inches so I'm not too worried. I know I was on track with my calories.
    We shall see how next week goes.

    I really need to get a heart rate monitor. Hopefully I will purchase one on Friday.

    I think I need to go read the motivational ditty on the website now.

    Stay strong everyone!!
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Everyone!!

    I lost 3.5 this week. I know that most of it is probably water weight, but quite motivating just the same. Maybe there is something to this whole eat right and exercise concept. I am doing my Zumba class tonight and I finally bought a heart rate monitor so that I can rally measure how many calories I burn at class.

    For those of you whose scale stayed the same, you stuck with it all week and that should be celebrated, because we are all making ourselves healthier.

  • ldr624
    ldr624 Posts: 36
    Hello Everyone,

    Are you ready for another week? I am...as I have lost 2.6 pounds for my first weigh-in. Although, I was hoping for more, I am grateful. I weighed myself 4 times this morning before I settled on a number. I wonder if my scale needs a new batttery. The first number was too low to me. Anyhow...I shall see next week.

    I am off to a good start this morning. I am having dinner with friends tonight, which will be a challenge. I will get my exercise in and eat lighter meals/snacks throughout the day.

    Good luck.

    LaDonna (LDR624)
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Great job everyone those of you who lost weight and those of you who stay with it all week,be proud of yourselves we are doing a great thing here togethere.
  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    I gained a pound :sad: :sad: :sad: but I am blaming Time of month so hopefully next week will be a truer weigh in to my hard work:wink:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    This first week was tough. For those that did not lose...You did not Gain!!!:drinker: It is becoming harder to drink the water. Does anyone use Crystal Light? I usually don't like to add anything to tmy water. I have to be careful b/c I lost 3 lbs. and I start to "celebrate" thinking I could eat more. The weekend is over so let's get movin'.:glasses:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    jigglybits....Wait til menopause! You are smart to lose the weight now.:laugh:
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Hi ya all....
    Im down 3.25 ...:happy: ...Wohoooo lets not celebrate too much Eava57...Idr624..angelae39.maybe just one small bit of dark chocolate. Wish I had some.
    I am addicted with weighing myself on the scale every morning. When is says I lost I feel like celebrating and when it says I gained I feel like giving up. Staying off the scale would be the best solution but Im addicted!!!:angry:
    Those of you who did not lose read the message on the weight and fitness page ....it may motivate you and please DON'T QUIT move on to the next week.
    Evaa57...I like to make ice tea....It really makes the water disappear faster. I think crystal light has a lot of chemicals in it.
    Lets have a great Week 2
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    jigglybits (by the way I love your screen name) The weight chart says you have 3 lbs to get to your goal weight...... you can do it....piece of cake...just dont eat the cake!! And you are right about being water weight....next monday will show that loss. Hang in there.
  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    jigglybits (by the way I love your screen name) The weight chart says you have 3 lbs to get to your goal weight...... you can do it....piece of cake...just dont eat the cake!! And you are right about being water weight....next monday will show that loss. Hang in there.

    Oh crap I meant to tell Patty my goal weight is 147 so not 3 pounds:grumble: but 14 I will get there though you're right thanks for the support angl :flowerforyou:
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    I weigh in everyday and record whenever I have a loss no matter how big or small. I think that this will help when I plateau and I go back and see what I was eating on a loss and see where I have let myself get lazy. I think having all the history will make that easier. Just my 2 cents
  • richelle_ross
    richelle_ross Posts: 34 Member
    i've lost 1.1 lbs! woo! i'm just getting started! Good job everyone we can do it!!!
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    hi, i weigh myself every morning i'v been doing that for a while now.

    I drink my water with crystal light,but i make sure i drink at least 3 plain to,i don't soda haven't for 2 yrs now,i gave that up first then i quit smoking.Well just keep it up we are doing a great job. holly
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