20 th July new group



  • txjenn1
    txjenn1 Posts: 24
    It's funny how I sit here and enter foods in before I eat them just to see if it is going to leave me enough calories for the rest of the day. I am definitely thinking a lot more of what I am eating instead of just grabbing what's in front of me. Hope eveyone has had a great week!!

    When do we weigh in?

    I've been doing the same thing lol. It really helps to plan your day, doesn't it? Also, it's kind of shocking to find out how many calories are in some of my favorite foods!
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Planning meals for the day is great,i do the whole week now,i started day by day now it's a week at a time.

    On sat.my husband grills chicken breast out on the grill so i have them for salad and stuff.I eai tons of fruit and veggies.I go to twice a week for that kind of thing,and i drink water all day,and in the morning i have some coffee,i love coffee.

    Well i just got done working out for 60 mins.

    As i go along on this jounry i not craving sweets as much.I like to say today is 3 months since i quit smoking ,i forgot all about it till my husband said something to me about it.That was the best thing i ever did.And i feel so much better now to.

    Have a good Day!!!!!!!
  • dawnndamen
    dawnndamen Posts: 37
    Hi everyone! OMG, I really didn't know how out of shape I am!!!!!! :cry: When I finallly got to workout on my elliptical trainer last night, my legs were on fire before I even done 5 min. I hung in there and was determined not to quit until I had ran for 45 min. I even managed to complete the other things for our challenge of the day. The nutrition goal was a little easier for me. I stayed under my calories and drank more than enough water for the day. :drinker: Yesterday was the first day that I haven't drank a pop in years.
    On another note, I took Baby DJ to his 8 week check up this morning. He has grown so much!!! He weighs 13lbs 8oz and is 26in long! They measured him twice because the doctor thought the nurse made a mistake. He's a little grumpy now after his shots.
    After his appointment, I took my kids to Golden Corral for lunch. What a test for me!!! I did good though. I ate baked chicken breast(no skin), carrots, brocolli, and a small salad. The hardest part was not eating any bread pudding for dessert - it's my favorite- but I didn"t. Hooray for me!
    I hope everyone is having a great day!
  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    I do my weigh ins on fri...is that a prob...it's just i like to knwo how well i've done before the wknd so that way i know what treats i can have with my little girls on movie night on Saturday....I don't like them to know that i am tryin to lose weight...they are 8 and 5 and already obsessed with body image so I try to come across that it doesn't matter whether I am fat or thin
  • I don't like them to know that i am tryin to lose weight...they are 8 and 5 and already obsessed with body image so I try to come across that it doesn't matter whether I am fat or thin

    I have a daughter who is 3 and a son who is 18 months. I try to focus on "getting healthy" in front of them instead of thin but I do cry to hubby about needing to be thin when we're behind closed doors.
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi Everyone

    Trying not to go on the scale to often can be hard. I had it always next to my bed.
    Now I placed it in a corner so its not the first thing i see in the morning. Once a week should be more than enough.
    I will enter the weights on monday. Please pass me the details on time
    If you weigh yourself on friday thats fine but it will show as monday. I hope that's ok otherways I will have to update it so often.

    Holly well done stopping smoking. I have never smoked but have asked my hubby to quit. He can't do it. He tries from time to time but work makes it hard for him
    Well done!
    dawnndamen. hi my youngest just turned 5 but every time i see a new born i fall in love with them. I loved my pregnancy and the babytime. Now this 5 year old is so growing up already it's unbelievable how fast it goes. Enjoy it
    Elizabeth. You are doing well. I know it can be tough. Firstly you have 2 healthy kids don't forget that! You want to be fit to join in with them and for yourself. Don't push yourself to hard. Don't set your goals to high
    Together we can do it.

    have a great day!!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I enter my food ahead of time as well! I take my breakfast, lunch and snacks to work. Then I enter them as soon as I turn on the computer. That helps me gauge what dinner can consist of. Then I know I still have my workout and expended calories to enter. Has been working pretty good. Tonight though I had more than I planned for dinner. So I am getting ready to do Turbo Jam for 40 minutes then Turbo Sculpt and my challenge exercises for the day. I was hoping to get away with a shorter workout. Phooey! But at least I caught myself and won't go over my calories.

    Have a good night all!
  • richelle_ross
    richelle_ross Posts: 34 Member
    Being July 23rd..i Hope its not too late to join. I"ve been on the site for a couple months but have been on hiatus do to life! But i'm back,especially after my last couple of week. I work at a hotel doing just about everything, laundry, housekeeping, breakfast, front desk... I'm 24 years old and my left knee/leg has been really bothering me, sharp pains achying, you name the pain, i probably had it.. So i went to the dr, the radiologist and the orthopedic, got 3 different answers.. the orthopedic had the last word, and he told me i'm too big for my knee.. i'm 5'4" and 189lbs... i've been bigger and it wasn't until after i went from 205 to 180's that my knee was really bad...so i decided I really need to get back to taking care of me. I was doing awesome when I started this website and I plan to do that again, and stick with it. And when i was on the eliptical today it felt awesome, especially for my knee, treadmill..not so much... So I may need reminders to log in to update, so if someone(s) can send me messages on here or my e-mail richelle.ross08@gmail.com ... i need it! Lets keep rockin!!


    (ps..the food part doesn't work so well for me, as we grocery shop like 1 time a month thats what our budget allows.. :grumble: i'm working on getting a better job...but michigan employment sucks! but thats why i'm going to school!)
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    This has been a crazy ...busy ...day...for me:grumble: I made good food choices but didnt do any workout.
    My goal is to workout 3 times a week so I plan on doing the challenges on the days I work out.
    Congrats to all of you who did get in the challenges.
    hunnibun....did you figure out how to open the spreadsheet?
    Everyone stay positive. We can do this!!!:happy:
  • kathyp1
    kathyp1 Posts: 6
    Hi - Am I too late to join? If not, I'd LOVE to be a part of a support group like this :-)
  • ldr624
    ldr624 Posts: 36

    I didn't get a workout in today and ate out for lunch and dinner. Thankfully, I made pretty good choices that allowed me to stay within my calorie range (went over just a little). It's late, however I'm trying to syke myself into doing 20 minutes of exercise.

    Either way, we are doing a great job so let's not beat up ourselves.:laugh:

    Have a great day tomorrow.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    You've been busy gals. I was off-line for a couple of days...busy with my family. I am keeping my calorie journal! Great website, Patty. Thank you so much. I changed my goal weight to 155, it had my starting weight as a goal.:noway: I don't want to weigh 192 in December.:noway: Question: Do we weigh according to the day we started or do we all weigh on Mondays? Does it matter as long as we weigh once a week on one specific day?:smile: Can't wait to see our first week results!!!:bigsmile:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I just saw this post...you answered my questions, Sweetie!:tongue:
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Good Morning everyone and welcome new members,HERE are the challenges for sat and sun.

    25 SIT-UPS
    15bicep cruls


    Have rest at least 1 or 2 days a week,if you like to do a dvd for sun.Have a great weekend,And good job everyone,we are just doing awesome.Keep it up.
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    NO i still haven't open it yet,i'm going to ask someone if they can help,for now can someone put my weight on there when we weigh in on mon.Let me know thank you.
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi Holly
    Check your mail please

    Today I am in pain
    Those lunges really did it I think
    Pfff can't do anything and to tired to exersise
  • I am getting ready to go on vacation. I will try to hop online with my new stats but if I miss a week (or two) is that okay? I'll be watching what I eat but there won't be a scale - just the loosening feel of my clothes ;)

    Is anyone else following Weight Watchers in the group? If you are, can you please email me directly?
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi Everyone

    I was not to happy with the first site
    Everyone had to download this and that

    I made a new one pfff
    I think this one is better
    Let me know what you think

  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi Everyone

    I was not to happy with the first site
    Everyone had to download this and that

    I made a new one pfff
    I think this one is better
    Let me know what you think



  • MUCH better and easier to follow. I'll Private Message you my stats.

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