GabyBaby916 Member


  • 1. Get back to working out consistently (cardio 5+ per week, strength 4+ per week) 2. Lose 8lbs this month. 3. No fast food in July. 4. Incorporate HIIT into my workouts at least twice per week.
  • I LOVE green smoothies and drink them several times each week. My basic recipe: 1.5 cup liquid (green tea, almond milk, or water) 2 cups (or two handfuls) of greens (spinach, kale, etc) 1 to 1.5 cups fruit 1 Tbsp chia seed 1 Tbsp flax seed 1 scoop protein powder OR 1/2 avocado Sometimes I'll swap out 1/2 cup of liquid and…
  • I try to keep the sugar content down as much as possible. My go to formula for a good smoothie: 1 - 2 cups almond milk, water, or green tea 1 cup fruit 2 cups greens 1/2 scoop protein powder 2 Tbsp chia seed 2 Tbsp flaxseed (ground)
  • I have the Flex and I love it. I work a desk job and have had no issues with hand movements being counted as steps. I like that I don't have to worry about taking it off (except to recharge) because I'd likely leave it at home half the time. So far it seems pretty accurate to me. I have a lawn service, so counting steps…
  • Thanks! I'll give this one a try. I have a TON of coconut flour. :smile:
  • Do these taste "eggy"? I am looking for a really good bread substitute that doesnt take a lot of ingredients, but does NOT taste like egg. Thanks!
  • I also watch calories and carbs (as well as fat and protein). I have a weight loss goal as well as health goals. Overeating (albeit on better foods) is something I want to avoid. To lose weight, I'm eating at a deficit as well as limiting carbs. :smile:
  • My goals for this month: 1. Lose 5 (minimum) to 10lbs 2. Workout 6 days per week (up from 3-4 days) 3. Increase water intake.
  • Hmmm....I always thought I was getting the water squeezed out, but I didnt end up with a blob, so I probably need to basicaly mash it to death, LOL! I'll try it again. the cauli-crust has a really good flavor too, but the lack of crispness was the limiting factor for me. I'll definitely give it another go. Thanks!
  • Celery, daikon, or jicama
  • I've made both the almond crust and the cauliflower crust. I like the almond crust better because you can actually pick it up and eat it with your hands. I noticed something interesting with the almond flour crust. I use the recipe to make 2 individual sized pizzas instead of 1 regular sized pizza. I couldn't finish half…
  • Apples, berries, and kiwi are some of the only fruit I still eat (though I love, love, LOVE most fruit). I just plan my meals for the day ahead of time to make sure I don't go over.
  • You spread marinara or bbq sauce on the crescent roll, place the chicken on and sprinkle with cheese, then close up the pocket.
  • I do this a lot. I like the crunch the lettuce gives. I've used lettuce as "buns" for burgers, "tortillas" for fajitas, etc. Lettuce is very low in calories, etc, so it is a good vehicle for food without going over your macros.
    in Wraps Comment by GabyBaby916 March 2014
  • Pina Colada Baked Oatmeal 1- 20oz can crushed pineapple 1 1/2 cup rolled oats 4-5 Tbsp brown sugar 3 Tbsp ground flaxmeal or chia (optional) 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 1/2 Tbsp coconut or veggie oil 2/3 cup milk of choice 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup shredded coconut 1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional) 1/2 cup more milk 1.…
  • Crab cakes! (I baked them in a muffin tin instead of frying)
  • I try to make smarter food choices. I have cut out a lot of sugar from my diet. Daikon or zucchini "noodles" instead of regular pasta noodles are a great swap. I make a really tasty low carb, low calorie ginger chicken "noodle" soup using daikon. I always have to make a double batch if I want any leftovers! Just grab some…
  • I should add that I like to grind mine up first so the bits are smaller. The whole seeds (when moist) are a bit too much like small tapioca pearls for some uses.
  • I hate the flavor of eggs and frequently use chia gel to replace up to 2 eggs in some recipes (I usually don't go higher than 2 or it does change the consistency). I've made chia fresca (a lemonade type drink with white chia seed). I've used it to make pudding, thicken up drinks, added it to smoothies. I often add it to…
  • Beef fajitas with lettuce (instead of tortilla) wraps!
  • Not at all! It adds a nice bit of moisture, but isn't runny at all.
  • I dont even bother making the regular (pasta) noodle version for my family anymore. The zucchini version is sooo much better! I find that it stays moist and doesnt get that wierd gumminess that the pasta noodles have the day after.
  • I too was married long term (18yrs), found out my husband forgot HE was married, then divorced his cheating *kitten*. Fast forward a few years, I jumped back into dating by putting up a profile on Yahoo Personals. Some tips for you: 1. Know what you want. If you're not a fan of long distance relationships, don't go out on…
  • Your fermentation times would remain the same. Also, you'll likely need to add a little bit of gelatin to thicken it since you're using soy milk.
  • I do something similar using half and half instead of milk. After I add the cultures to the cream, I pour the cream into mason jars. Instead of using the oven, I put the mason jars in a coleman cooler that has been partially filled with warm water (if you can't put your hand in it, its too hot!!). The water level should…
  • Sandwiches.... Chop up the meat and throw it into an omlette... Chop it up and toss it into a salad....
  • I've used it to make low carb bread feel/chew more like regular bread. Here's one of the recipes: Ingredients: 1 1/2 cup blanched almond flour 1 1/2 cup organic soy flour 2 Tbsp coconut flour 1/4 cup vital wheat gluten 1 teaspoon seat salt 1 ½ teaspoon baking soda 4 eggs 1 tablespoon sweetener 1 ½ teaspoon apple cider…
  • I make these on Sundays for the upcoming week: They're a take on Scotch eggs, but this version isn't battered and fried. Boil 5-6 eggs. Once they cool, peel and wrap each egg in ground beef. Bake until the meat is cooked. Cool, then wrap each "scotch-like" egg in a baggie or plastic wrap and refrigerate. Grab and go!…
  • Try walking 4 dogs at once- THAT'LL get your hear rate up! :laugh: I love to walk and can do so for hours at a time, happily. I also enjoy yoga and have started adding weight training back into my routine as well. I find that I get bored with most videos pretty quickly, so I tend to not buy them as they become paper…
  • Thanks! I'll be trying this recipe over the weekend!