Rolled Oats recipes?

yoltwag Posts: 114 Member
Have a ton of rolled oats!

Besides porridge, any ideas what I can do?

Preferably under 200 calories, and I don't do yoghurt :smile:


  • juliacatherine1
    juliacatherine1 Posts: 71 Member
    Im wondering if the rolled oats you have to cook for a few, not instant. if they are good for the same recipes. I have a bunch of those.
  • luca15306
    luca15306 Posts: 111 Member
    I use oats to make little snacks sometimes!
    80g rolled oats mixed with two/three mashed/chopped bananas, add some milk to soften (maybe 50ml) if required and roll into around 12 ball shapes then roll in oats again to coat, I then bake these for around 15mins. Other tasty ingredients such as cinnamon or coco powder could be added for a twist. They are a little stick and messy to make and the recipe is very rough, but worth an experiment for the right combination! I once calculated a recipe with around 60 calories per serving. Good for an afternoon energy snack! and they seemed to keep in the fridge for a few days too!

    or there are these! definitely worth a look! super yummy!
  • KLiburd86
    KLiburd86 Posts: 81 Member
    I love overnight oats! Here's a link to some recipes: Enjoy :smile:
  • JennyKCarty
    JennyKCarty Posts: 457 Member
    Bump- Those oats look great!
  • funkygas
    funkygas Posts: 191 Member
    If you're into baking, there's a huge range of recipes available. Yesterday I made these and they were yummy. Under 200 calories for one ... if you have the willpower to only have one!
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    Pina Colada Baked Oatmeal

    1- 20oz can crushed pineapple
    1 1/2 cup rolled oats
    4-5 Tbsp brown sugar
    3 Tbsp ground flaxmeal or chia (optional)
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    3 1/2 Tbsp coconut or veggie oil
    2/3 cup milk of choice
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1/2 cup shredded coconut
    1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional)
    1/2 cup more milk

    1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F and lightly grease an 8in square baking pan.
    2. Combine the pineapple and oats in a bowl, then pour into the baking pan.
    3. In a mixing bowl, combine the remaining ingredients EXCEPT the last 1/2 cup of milk
    4. Spread this mixture evenly over the pineapple/oats.
    5. Pour the remaining milk evenly over the mixture.
    6. Bake for 35 minutes, then allow the pan to sit for 5 minutes to set before cutting.

    Makes 6 portions and is great as breakfast or a dessert. You can also eat it hot or cold!
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    1/2 cup rolled oats in a sauce pan with 1 1/4 cup almond milk (put the oats in at the same time as the almond milk)
    1 tbs packed brown sugar
    2 tbs cocoa powder
    1 tbs powdered peanut butter
    a little vanilla or cinnamon

    After the oats are fully cooked, remove from heat and stir in all other ingredients. It will thicken quickly to a pudding-like texture. The way I make it is under 400 cals makes two servings.
  • raggiemom
    raggiemom Posts: 139 Member
    how about some fruit or rhubarb are 2 I like. or oatmeal muffins would work.
  • JenniCali1000
    JenniCali1000 Posts: 646 Member
    Mix equal parts peanut butter, honey, nonfat powdered milk, and oats. Roll into balls and keep in fridge. So delish! I estimate about 100-125 cal per ball.
  • Crys_G
    Crys_G Posts: 1
    Use the oats as an alternative to bread crumbs for chicken strips. The recipe that I've made is baked chicken strips. Slice some skinless chicken. Mix oats, dry rubbed sage, and salt &pepper together and spread on a plate. Dip the chicken in yogurt, then roll in the oat mixture, place on a non-stick cookie sheet and bake until chicken is cooked through. About 20 minutes at 375. Meanwhile, mix some additional yogurt in a small bowl with Dijon mustard and sage for a dipping sauce. I saw that you don't care for yogurt, but I would view it in this recipe as a substitute for how you would use sour cream, if you are still opposed, you could probably substitute light buttermilk for the yogurt. Oats don't always have to be sweet, they can be savory too. Enjoy! ????