Breakfasts To-Go ...?



  • prestigio
    prestigio Posts: 181 Member
    Overnight oatmeal in a mason jar, oatmeal protein pancakes, oatmeal protein muffins, oatmeal protein cupcakes
    Oatmeal protein bars, etc...

    Add banana's in the recipe for some extra carbs. Also eggs, whey protein, cinnamon can be added.
    Be creative (and use Google :D).
  • bbodzenski
    bbodzenski Posts: 10 Member
    get the hamilton beach breakfast sandwich maker takes five minutes and the sandwiches are awesome
  • katielauren2001
    katielauren2001 Posts: 171 Member
    Make some oat bars the night before

    You can make them with any kind of nut butter, oats and dried fruits such as dates or raisins.

    Or chop some fruit and mix with natural yoghurt and store in fridge the night before
  • I absolutely love the omelet/fritatta idea! I will be making them Sunday for my breakfast this week
  • timodawson
    timodawson Posts: 41 Member
    I make a smoothie in the morning for my wife and I:

    1 cup cold pure coconut water, without added sugar or flavor
    1 cup nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt
    1 cup frozen or fresh mango chunks
    3 tablespoons frozen orange juice concentrate
    2 cups ice

    Makes two 1 3/4 cup servings

    189 Calories; 1 g Fat; 0 g Sat; 0 g Mono; 0 mg Cholesterol; 34 g Carbohydrates; 13 g Protein; 3 g Fiber; 173 mg
    Sodium; 604 mg Potassium

    Half the recipe for a single serving which is what I do for the days my wife doesn't want a smoothie.
  • Rae123456
    Rae123456 Posts: 23 Member
    These are all great ideas! I'm trying a few of the egg-in-the-muffin tin recipes today for the work week coming up.

    I ended up buying a little smoothie maker and tried it buy throwing things in it to see what came out! :laugh: Now I'm going to try and use some of these great recipes that are significantly healthier than my trial and errors!
  • Rae123456
    Rae123456 Posts: 23 Member
    All of these recipes work in a single serve blender and work out to make about 16 oz. I then pour it into a small 500 mL mason jar (perfect fit), make sure the lid is on snug, throw it and a couple of straws in my bag and go. I have my "smoothie station" as my boyfriend calls it so that I can make these all in about 5 minutes, which basically means my blender and measuring cups are in a drawer next to the fridge, where my smoothie items are together (almond milk, coconut water, soaked dates, etc.) and all my fruits and greens are pre-cut and put into tupperware containers on the door of my freezer. Additional ingredients I may use (cocoa powder, whole psyllium husk, maca powder, etc.) are all in the cupboard next to the fridge, right above where I make my smoothies as well.

    Strawberry kiwi smoothie
    1 cup frozen strawberry halves (49 cal)
    1 whole kiwi (42 cal) — Fresh is best, kiwis don't freeze particularly well in my experience
    1/4 cup banana (33 cal)
    1 cup unsweetened almond milk, regular or vanilla (40 cal)
    2 soaked dates (46 cal) or sweeten to taste
    Optional 1 cup spinach (7 cal) if you like your smoothies green

    Piña colada smoothie
    1 cup frozen pineapple chunks (82 cal)
    1 cup coconut water (80 cal)
    Optional 1 cup spinach (7 cal) if you like your smoothies green
    The pineapple and coconut water are sweet enough on their own, so I don't sweeten this one.

    Orange creamsicle smoothie
    1 cup frozen orange chunks (85 cal)
    1 cup unsweetened almond milk, regular works but vanilla is best (40 cal)
    1/2 tsp vanilla extract (6 cal) or to taste
    Optional 1 cup spinach (7 cal) if you like your smoothies green
    Sweeten to taste. (I'll pop 0-2 soaked dates in depending on my mood for this one.)

    Orange-pineapple smoothie
    1/2 cup frozen pineapple chunks (41 cal)
    1/2 cup frozen orange chunks (43 cal)
    1 cup unsweetened almond milk, regular or vanilla, but again vanilla works best (40 cal)
    Optional 1 cup spinach (7 cal) if you like your smoothies green
    I don't bother sweetening this one either as ripe pineapple is plenty sweet.

    Cocoa-maca malted chocolate shake smoothie
    1 cup frozen blueberries (85 cal)
    1 cup unsweetened almond milk, regular or vanilla (40 cal)
    1 tbsp cocoa powder (20 cal)
    1-2 tbsp maca root powder (20-40 cal) — Great for energy and concentration, adds that malted flavour
    1 cup spinach (7 cal) — The chocolate flavour will cover more bitter greens if you want to add kale as well, so this one I always add greens to.
    Sweeten to taste, definitely needed to sweeten the cocoa

    Love these! Thanks!!
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I ran out of 1 percent milk so my instant breakfasts are on hold so i've tried the egg substitutes i got and they're not bad, just have to realize they cook really really fast.
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    I make these on Sundays for the upcoming week:
    They're a take on Scotch eggs, but this version isn't battered and fried.

    Boil 5-6 eggs.
    Once they cool, peel and wrap each egg in ground beef.
    Bake until the meat is cooked.

    Cool, then wrap each "scotch-like" egg in a baggie or plastic wrap and refrigerate.
    Grab and go! They're tasty and very filling.
  • mkcmurphy
    mkcmurphy Posts: 438 Member
    Protein shake and a piece of fruit or english muffin.

    Pre-made quiches/frittatas. Instead of a casserole pan (which would probably be faster), I make them in cupcake tins so that they are pre-portioned and warm (or even thaw) out nicely. My fave so far is half ounce of black forest ham wrapped around the cup, 2 leaves of spinach, 5g of shredded mozzerella, a whole egg, and a sprinkle of herbed parmesan. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes. 30s in the microwave out of the fridge, 1 minute out of the freezer. 108 cals a piece.

    I do the same thing with meatloaf and sometimes I mix and match. Those are 120 a piece.

    Sounds great! Will be trying this out-thanks!