MelonGG Member


  • Okay was having a fabulous week until Sunday, so I'll post Saturday's weight (from before Christmas party) SW: 173.5 CW: 169.0 Total loss 5.5 during challenge, and with my pcos that's fabulous! however Sunday morning was a big gain, so now back on track and looking for a loss by next Saturday!
  • Sw:173.5 Cw:169.5 total loss, five pounds, so half a pound a week is still great with me! Thanks for all the continued support and way to go everyone on your amazing reulst, goal for Christmas for me is 165., slow and steady wins the battle in weight loss for me i guess.!
  • Okay super late with my weigh-in SW: 173.5 CW: 170.5 So I think I will adjust my goal to 10lbs by christmas to give myself a better persepective. I've had a challenging fall and after tomorrow I will write my last exam and get back to real life, weigh in's, workouts and holiday plans! YEAH!
  • SW 173.5 Week 8 171.0 :( Went up from last week, still incredibly slow, but my workouts have been minimal this week with my foot blisters and my husband away so no time away from the kidlets. investing in new shoes soon and hubby home tuesday so hopefully next week i will finally break 170...
  • Thanks Red!
  • Help! Since I've been picking up speed and distance with couch to 5km I have the most horrible giant blisters on my ARCHES! I have two month old addidas runners, running socks, blister pad covers, you name it but nothing seems to work! I made it to W6D2 but I couldn't walk around after becuase my blisters were insane, just…
  • Still here! Even though my loss during the challenge has not been significant I continue to weigh in and log every day, being part of this challenge has helped me and improved my exercise acountability. I appreciate all of you for your continued motivation.
  • SW:173.5 CW:170.0 Total loss 3.5lbs, which for me is great.Weight loss is not a race... it's a marathon.....(just keep swimming, just keep swimming)
  • Did W5Day2 last night, if someone told me that in only five weeks I would be running eight minutes straigiht without passing out or having an asthma attack I would have said their crazy! But I was so proud of myself! Tommorrow is the twenty minutes straight, but with Halloween I may have to postpone until Friday. I want to…
  • SW: 173.5 CW: 171.0 No loss, really sturggling right now trying to keep momentum up, just finished week4 of couch to 5km, and I really love the running so that's been a real positive change since starting this challenge. Really aiming for 160 by my xmas party on Dec 14, 155 by christmas is my ultimate goal though... just…
  • SW 173.5 W1 173.0 W2 173.0 W3 172.5 W4 172.5 W5 172.0 SO SLOW.. I will be looking into some treatments for my PCOS next week with my doctor, so hopefully that will provide some improvement. Still keeping on with my couch to 5km program, running first day of week 4 today.. so at least I'm still fighting the good fight!
  • SW: 173.5 W4: 172.0 Total loss for challenge 1.5, Sadly i have been at this plateau for well over three months now, I keep gaining and losing the same three lbs. Considering a cleanse soon. Anyone done some they enjoyed?
  • I've been unbelievably sick the last week. no workouts, no tracking, lots of meds etc. I missed the wiegh in on Saturday so I decided to weigh today, Luckily I haven't gained while sick, which is something I generally do: SW: 173.5 W1: 173.1 W2: 172.4 W3: 172.0 So a loss of 1.5lbs in 3 weeks may not seem like much, but at…
  • SW= 173.5 CW= 172.4 Challenge GW= 155 by Christmas DAY! Total loss so far 1.10 lbs, might not be much but it's in the right direction! WOOHOO! Ultimate GW =135 by my 30th birthday, April 2014 :)
  • I'm a stress eater, an I am struggling this week trying to stay under my calorie goals, i'm alos still trying to figure out the right balance of calories, i have a desk job but i do regular activity 6 out of 7 days a week so i'm just unsure of what my base calories should be at, for now i leave it at 1300 and just eat back…
  • Just completed my first week of couch to 5km... I think this running habit is the perfect addiction for me.. I still love kickboxing but it's great to be outside.
  • StartW:173.5 2ndW: 173.1 0.4lbs loss I am honestly okay with that. I have PCOS so it takes me a very long time to lose weight, but being in a group like this keeps up my motivation. I have been considering trying C25K, maybe it's time to invest in a pair of running shoes and give it a go... Thanks team!
  • I am listening to a lot of Pink right now, especially while kick boxing. Oddly enough my favorite is "Slut like you" hahaha
  • Week 0: 173.5....153.5 is my before babies weight! Lets do this group... working on making this the best christmas yet!!!
  • My Goals: Get to 155 by christmas Drink WATER, for heavens sake it sounds so simple.. but geesh I'm bad for that Walk everyday, even if it's only for a few minutes.. and in the blistering cold Canadian winters do it anyway! Intense Cardio 3 times a week for 45 minutes, weights/strength training three times a week minimum…
  • I kick box 3 to 4 times a week and try to walk at least every day on my lunch hours, I don't know what it is about walking but it really seems to work for me in the long run, or at least it did in the past before baby number two! :smile:
  • Hi Group! I'm Melissa, 29yr, I work full time at a desk job and I have two beautiful little girls. I need to refocus on my health. I currently weigh 175 and my goal is to weigh what I did on my wedding day, 145, seems staggering to imagine. I think joining this group will give me the kick in the butt I truly need to stay…