lisam829 Member


  • i missed three days of level 2 because I was out of town, and it kicked my butt yesterday when I started up again. i just picked it up again so yesterday was D3L2. I keep forgetting to not do the high impact sets and i get about halfway through before my shins or knees will start to hurt. the military presses suck!!
  • L2D2 down. It might just be me, but it seems like Level 2 goes by much faster than level one. I kept to all the low impact modifications and my shins feel better today. i love the walking out pushups, and the oblique twists send my heart rate sky high but i can really feel it in my sides. I think I just plain like Level 2…
  • Started Level 2 this morning. Zomg. I felt like I was going to die during the plank jacks. My shins are pretty sore, so tomorrow I will have to lower the impact when I jump. I will say that the strength exercises on this one are pretty fun, except the static squat with the vee raises.
  • while I am trying to drink more water than soda, I will say that I love diet sodas. If I drink regular soda now it gives me a horrible headache. Also, for all you crystal light drinkers, have you seen the ingredients list? I can only drink it rarely because it makes me teeth hurt.
  • D10L1 done! Tomorrow starts Level 2, and here's hoping I won't be too sore to type tomorrow!
  • The big thing on my Iphone for working out? Lady Gaga. She may dress very odd, but her music really helps to keep my mind of the pain. Also, (dont judge) the really nasty rap songs about some girl who is sexy with great body. I don't know why, as I do not listen to rap unless forced to, but it motivates me.
  • What you can do is check your grocery store- I know Sweetbay sometimes has Chinese dishes in the frozen section. It't not 100% accurate, but it will at least give you a better idea. There is one locally owned Chinese place I go to, and I only order two things- Shrimp in Garlic Sauce and Crab Rangoon. Which apparently are…
  • Surge soda. I use to drink it by the case back when I was a teen. That and Chili Cheese Burritos from Taco Bell. They still sell them up north, but they don't here in Florida anymore. When my best friend sees her parents in Utah I make her buy me some and bring them back in a cooler.
  • L1D9 done! Starting to get nervous because I start Level 2 on Wednesday and I still can't complete the second set of side lunges/arm raises. Considering doing my last day at Level 1 with 5 lb weights, just to see how far I can go. Went the whole weekend without going over my calories! Even yesterday when I usually kill…
  • If anyone wants to share, I'll take some! I've always been a A cup, and as soon as I lose they shrink even more. Doing chest exercises do help, not only do they "perk up" whats left but your posture improves and you flaunt a little better. Plus I'll be glad to fit back into my cute 34 A bras instead of my falling apart 36…
  • L1D7 done!!! Started this week at 159, weighed in this morning at 156 for the second day in a row. Have really been good about keeping in my calories (having the MFP app on my I-phone really helps!) I think I may have done those side lunges/arm raises incorrectly today, I was so focused on trying to do the arm raises and…
  • thanks so much! I usually try to do 20 minutes of yoga before I do the Shred, and it helps alleviate some of the soreness afterwards. I've been doing the Shred for 5 days now, and I can already see a difference. It is amazing, and I'm only doing it with 3 lb weights! I also have Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones…
  • L1D5 done this morning. Was able to ALMOST finish the second set of pushups and am very close to doing the second set of side lunge with the arm raises. Seeing improvement every day, and I saw 157 on the scale this morning which I havent seen for a few months. Getting closer to kicking my own butt during the cardio!
  • hey guys, jumping in a few days late. Did D4L1 this morning. FINALLY was able to go through the whole thing with 3 lbs weights, but still cant do the second round of pushups or side lunges. But I am already seeing improvement, both in endurance (dont feel like passing out during the punches) and body (my arms are already…
  • a pill that made junk food taste bad and healthy food taste good.
  • 17-9-2009= 162 24-9-2009= 160 1-10-2009= 161 8-10-2009= 160 15-10-2009= 161 22-10-2009= 160 29-10-2009= 157 5-11-2009= 160 12-11-2009= 163 19-11-2009= 26-11-2009= 3-12-2009= 10-12-2009= 17-12-2009= 24-12-2009= 31-12-2009=
  • 17-9-2009= 162 24-9-2009= 160 1-10-2009= 161 8-10-2009= 160 15-10-2009= 161 22-10-2009= 160 29-10-2009= 157 5-11-2009= 160 12-11-2009= 19-11-2009= 26-11-2009= 3-12-2009= 10-12-2009= 17-12-2009= 24-12-2009= 31-12-2009=
  • this weekend was an epic fail for me too. not with candy, i only had a few pieces but with the fast food. my husband and I were on the go ALL WEEKEND and we ate pretty crappy. my weigh in this morning was pretty scary. plus I have hormonal issues going on so that doesnt help.
  • So since I didn't want to spend money on a costume, I just wore my running clothes to work today and pinned a number on my back. Now I feel like running all over my office! :laugh:
  • its in a bag in the very back of my closet. hiding.
  • I just started Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga yesterday, and level 1 was harder than I thought it would be. I also have Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones and a few of The Firm's DVDs. if you have cable you can check out the Fitness Channel, the only problem with that is the workouts are really good but they still…
  • 17-9-2009= 162 24-9-2009= 160 1-10-2009= 161 8-10-2009= 160 15-10-2009= 161 22-10-2009= 160 29-10-2009= 157 :bigsmile: 5-11-2009= 12-11-2009= 19-11-2009= 26-11-2009= 3-12-2009= 10-12-2009= 17-12-2009= 24-12-2009= 31-12-2009=
  • oh trust me, I would NEVER say something like that out loud. I live outside Tampa and I am so thankful I don't have to run/drive/do anything in snow.
  • So last night I dreamt that I stood in a HUGE Taco Bell. It served every tasty food I could think of. The entire dream was me trying to talk myself out of ordering anything. People kept telling me to hurry up and order. I think I drooled a little bit. But I didn't order anything!!! :laugh:
  • wish bone spritzers ranch- 10 sprays is 15 calories and 70 mg of sodium. MUCH better than traditional ranch dressing
  • I have been on it for quite some time and I didn't gain weight from it. I have horrible mood swings when I'm due for my shot, but I haven't had a period the entire time I've been on it. I absolutely love it, and I take calcium and Vitamin D supplements. But remember it is different for everyone. my SIL gained weight and…
  • wow, my run last night wasn't nearly as good as my last one. I took way too many days off. I was supposed to run Friday but ended up giving blood right after work, and didn't run over the weekend to make up for it. Will definitely not go that long again. I did the 5/1 run/walk but only did 5 laps around the neighborhood…
  • woot! :drinker:
  • Also, keep in mind that A LOT of other people are thinking along the same lines as you, and recruitment is very high right now. Enlistment bonuses are down, and you may not get the job you want. And like the previous poster said, there is a very good chance you will go to war. this should be something you want to do.