March SHRED group



  • kateyb
    kateyb Posts: 138 Member
    D1.5L1! Lol - I did a little bit of it when I got home last night (at 9.30pm) but didn't have the weights and spent a lot of time watching to make sure I had the stance and body position right, so have only counted it as a .5 start! I did get up early this morning though and did a full run through. Wow I expected it to be more scary. Still no weights, going in search of some today. What weight is everyone starting with? Some ppl have told me 5lbs but that sounds a bit high to me, lol, I was thinking more along the lines of 1 or 2lbs to start!!

    I'm also going to run at the same time as doing this so plan to do shred at least 4 days a week (before work in the morning - about 6.30am) and c25k 3 days a week (late evening because I don't finish work till 9pm).

    Lets hope those lbs start to melt off!!!
  • ERnurse
    ERnurse Posts: 77
    D1.5L1! Lol - I did a little bit of it when I got home last night (at 9.30pm) but didn't have the weights and spent a lot of time watching to make sure I had the stance and body position right, so have only counted it as a .5 start! I did get up early this morning though and did a full run through. Wow I expected it to be more scary. Still no weights, going in search of some today. What weight is everyone starting with? Some ppl have told me 5lbs but that sounds a bit high to me, lol, I was thinking more along the lines of 1 or 2lbs to start!!

    I'm also going to run at the same time as doing this so plan to do shred at least 4 days a week (before work in the morning - about 6.30am) and c25k 3 days a week (late evening because I don't finish work till 9pm).

    Lets hope those lbs start to melt off!!!

    Me and you are doing the same thing - :D:D - this will be cool - I did some measurements of myself last night to get an idea of where I am at - I am going to do shred tonight when I get up - heres to some weight loss and lookin hot :D
  • kateyb
    kateyb Posts: 138 Member
    Awesome, I'll be keeping a close eye to see how you get on then, and vice versa I hope! lol

    Good luck with it babe x
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    L1.D3 I am enjoying it so far and am using 3lb handweights. I took my measurements before I started and had my daughter take pictures, so I hope to be able to see a huge improvement when I am at L3.D30! I've been at a plateau for about 3 weeks and it is starting to get to me, so hopefully Shred will get me off it.:happy:
  • Raphi
    Raphi Posts: 124 Member
    Well, I did it... not perfect, but done :ohwell:
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    So Shredders, how are we doing??

    Day 4 L1 done! I rocked it at 5 a.m.

    Boy, I am *still* sore! The outside muscles in my legs are killer today - couldn't tell you what muscle that is but it's the one that you touch if you put your arms by your side (from hip to knee on outside of the legs). Wawee! Sore, sore, sore! But, it's a good sore.

    I use 3 lb weights. I started off with my 8lbers from the X - :noway: yeah, no, I can't do that anymore. My arms were turning to jello before 10 minutes!
  • etherien
    etherien Posts: 1
    Hey everyone! I'm also beginnng my change of lifestyle this month and I have set myself a goal.
    For this entire month I will not have any artificial sugars or caffeine.
    If I succeed, which I'm very confident I will, I will reward my self by buying an alto sax.
    I am very excited!
    I wish everyone to have an amazing month!

    Weight: 130
    goal: 94.7
  • kimmie0627
    kimmie0627 Posts: 111 Member
    Day 2 of level 1 done. Did better today than yesterday. I did not rest as much as I did yesterday. Hopefully I keep it up and get better at it.

    I am going to do 10 days per level and see how I feel. Then maybe go back and redo levels for a longer period.

    I am hopefully leaving in late July or early August for the National Guard. So i will have drills one weekend a month till then if I sign up this week or next.

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hello fellow shredders!

    I am from another thread that started yesterday, so hopefully we can all get together for support. I started this last Fall and only made it to day 3 on level 1. I was so darn sore those first few days. But last week, I started stretching and doing some resistance training, getting ready for the March 1st start, and wow, hardly any pain today! I am using 5 lb hand wts. Still undecided whether to do it daily or every other. What is most beneficial? I am looking to lose wt and inches, and tone. My plan is to do each level 10 days.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    i do each level ten days i completed L1 D7 yesterday. today is day off, i work out 3 days in a row then take a day off unless life gets in the way. but i try to do atleast 3 days just to get full effect if i do 4 or 5 better for me and i use 2lb weights/
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    Day 4 of Level 1 finished. My legs are burning:ohwell: May only be day 4 but already I've noticed I can get further up in my crunches. :happy:
  • Day 1 level 1 just completed and OMG, i am soooo gonna ache tomorrow, my legs were literally shaking whilst doing the slight bent legs and punch outs!! Had to stop a few times on the cardio bits to catch my breath so hoping this improves!!
  • tnewcom
    tnewcom Posts: 58
    Day 1 level 1 just completed and OMG, i am soooo gonna ache tomorrow, my legs were literally shaking whilst doing the slight bent legs and punch outs!! Had to stop a few times on the cardio bits to catch my breath so hoping this improves!!

    Same here! I could barely walk when done they were shaking so bad! I knew i was outta shape but not this bad! DANG!
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    Doing it tonight! I've done it before off and on. I am going to do Level 1 on Tuesdays, Level 2 on Thursdays and Level 3 on Saturdays. Can't wait!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Level 1 Day 2 Complete! wooo hooo!
    Using 5lb dumbells and loving it! it kicks my butt but I can't wait to see the results.
  • Raphi
    Raphi Posts: 124 Member
    Experiencing technical difficulties this morning. Gonna have to try and remember the exercises of phase 2 by heart :huh: ...

    This workout is great :) I'm already seeing a lot more definition on my arms (my less fatty area :tongue: ) I always use the heaviest weights I can, in order to reach fatigue or even failure at the end of the set. My belly and love handles are still there, but they seem less flabby.
    How about you?
  • kateyb
    kateyb Posts: 138 Member
    Overslept this morning :( so unless my living room is empty when I get home from work tonight at 9pm (I work 12 hour days not just really lazy lol) then I'll have to put Day 2 off till tomorrow and do my C25K tonight instead. Am ancouraged by all the comments about how ppl are starting to find it easier tho. My plan is to power through tomorrow and the weekend so if all goes to plan I'll do it 5/5.5 days this week. Wish me luck x
  • kateyb
    kateyb Posts: 138 Member
    Oh and I bought my weights last night .5kg's - not sure how much that is in lb's but figure it's a start. Once it stops hurting I'll move up the scale and get a set of 1kg's!
  • Day 3! My arms hurt so much after this morning's Shred that it took me three tries to be able to hold my arms up long enough to pull my hair back!
  • kimmie0627
    kimmie0627 Posts: 111 Member
    I did day 3 level 1 and I noticed a differnece from today and yesterday when it came to having to stop and take a breather. I am doing much better. I am really looking forward to this now. I may even do more cardio outside of the 30 day shred. LOL
  • DAY 2 LEVEL 1 COMPLETED TODAY! and must admit it was a little easier than yesterday but still cant work through the 2 mins cardio without stopping for a quick breather! Less shaking in the legs tonight so that was better but boy do my legs ache stairs today = not good!!!!!
  • ERnurse
    ERnurse Posts: 77
    I start day 1 level 1 tomorrow and I am looking forward to it - so tired today after a majorly busy shift last night.
  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    hey guys, jumping in a few days late. Did D4L1 this morning. FINALLY was able to go through the whole thing with 3 lbs weights, but still cant do the second round of pushups or side lunges. But I am already seeing improvement, both in endurance (dont feel like passing out during the punches) and body (my arms are already starting to tone a little, or I'm being very optimistic). Still a little sore, but I've started doing 20 minutes of yoga before the Shred and that helps a little. Have also been keeping track of my calories and really trying not to go over. Now if I could just quit smoking, I will be unstoppable.
  • tnewcom
    tnewcom Posts: 58
    L1D2...DONE! i did better than yesterday! not so great at the kicking your a@@ part! lol or the jumping jacks so if i cant do them i just jog in place that way i keep my heartrate up! Cant wait to see how i do 2morrow!
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    Just did D1L1 and my arms and legs feel like Jello! Even typing this feels like a workout! I took my before pics afterward so I hope I notice a difference!
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    I forgot how much I love this workout. I was only going to do it T/Th/Sa but after getting back into it yesterday I did Level 2 today. I love the 30 day shred. Tomorrow I will do level 3, rest Friday and then I think I am going to do a different JM video on saturday morning that is about an hour long. So glad to be back into the shred workout!!!
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    I got in my Shred yesterday but forgot to post it here. My nutrition was right on & I got in all my water too.

    Now, if only today goes as well!

    BTW, you gals rock! I see everyone posting about their progress & it inspires me! :bigsmile: So, keep those posts coming!

    D5L1 done yesterday. D6L1 will be this afternoon after work.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    didn't do my workout yesterday and today might be difficult too but will try my best as I will get home much later than usual.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    just finished L1D3... It is getting a little easier each day. :smile: Yay! In the last circuit of cardio, and I know by then the intensity has come down, where we do 30 seconds of jumping jacks,30 boxing, 30 jump rope, etc., I can actually do that, * ALL * of it....But, in the beginning, between the push ups and the jumping jacks, I struggle here to catch my breath! WHEW! I think the best part of this whole thing is what a great workout we are getting in just a short time! Good luck everyone....keep pushing yourself! :bigsmile:
  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    L1D5 done this morning. Was able to ALMOST finish the second set of pushups and am very close to doing the second set of side lunge with the arm raises. Seeing improvement every day, and I saw 157 on the scale this morning which I havent seen for a few months. Getting closer to kicking my own butt during the cardio!
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