March SHRED group



  • I did D1L1 Tuesday. Yesterday and today my thighs have been killing me. I'm going to go to the gym 3 days a week and the shred 2-3 times a week. I really hope to see results. LETS SHRED THOSE POUNDS!!!
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    I'm gonna join in here!! I will do this on my off days from the gym (so it won't be every day). I'd love to be able to get up an extra 20 minutes early and do it in the am to get my metabolism going for the day. Might have to make that my goal!

  • ERnurse
    ERnurse Posts: 77
    D1L1 and All I can say is holy s**t!!!!!! That is one hard work-out - the 5lb weights I have are not going to happen - I will have to go get 2lb ones - I couldn't even do the modified kick you bum cardio - my knees were hurting b/c of the extra weight on my thighs these days - so my next day for this will be on Saturday - tomorrow is either going to be c25k or a modified version of it - maybe more walking than jogging - so yah - WOW :S
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    Whoa. Totally forgot how hard level 3 is. I think it's a bigger jump from level 2 to 3 than from level 1 to 2. Love it! I think I am going to stick with Levels 1/2/3 every T/W/Th! Love the varied workouts and working up to the harder level. I'm excited for weigh in next week! (Tuesday)
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    L1D8. I love this tape, I am a single full time mom who has never had time to make it to a gym or classes so this is perfect for me, I can usually find 20 minutes in a day to do Shred. The first few days I couldn't move afterwards, now I can get through the whole thing except for the push ups. I usually do one set on the floor, and the second set against a wall for a little less resistance. I watched L2 last night to see what I'll be changing to and I'm really going to have to ramp up the next few days to be able to get through that one, planks look HARD!. I'll let you know. I'll took before pics and measures so will do my measures again at L1D10 before I move up.
  • dibroci
    dibroci Posts: 2 Member
    Starting L1D1 tonight.. hoping it won't kick my butt the way it used to!
  • Hi, I just bought the dvd the other day and started today. Man that workout kicked my butt but it was over pretty quickly and I could feel it everywhere. Having not really been exercising that intensely for a long time, having to stop for a sec here and there was fine in my book. I was super glad about completing the whole thing. :) So Day 1 Level 1 for me.
  • ERnurse
    ERnurse Posts: 77
    So seriously sore today - tomorrow is L1D2 - I decided to not do anything today and let myself rest - this work-out is really good - but grooling for those of us that are out of shape :S
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Level 1 Day 4 complete!

    I'm almost at the point where I can do the side squat/lunges/ arm lifts! that crap is hard!
  • Manikchia
    Manikchia Posts: 5 Member
    Did D3L1 today! I am SO proud of myself for sticking with something every day for three days in a row (and not taking breaks during). I agree, with above, those side-lunge-arm-raises are killer--the first day I had a little muscle spasm in my shoulder the rest of the day. I did a yoga "sun salutation" today before shredding and it helped really stretch me out first. I think I'll do that from now on. Here's a question though: does anyone have EXTREMELY sore ankles/shins? My ankles are throbbing. They have since after D1 and I noticed today that even though I have the endurance, it was REALLY difficult to finish the last cardio segment, because of the pain!! Is this shin splints? and can I hurt myself by pushing through?

    Great job sticking with it so far, everyone!!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I just found this thread and I've been doing the sh®ed for 7 days now on level 1.
    For the first 3 days I was somewhat sore but I feel good now.
    It was just yesterday, day 6, that I started to get a bit better at the workout. I was able to do some of the harder variations on some of the moves. Finally today I finished the 3rd strengths set without stopping. Those side lunge, shoulder raises are HARD!!

    As background, I have not worked out AT ALL for at least 2 years and am woefully out of shape.
    If I can do this you can too, keep at it.

    For those of you yet to start, all you need is some 3 lb weights. The jump rope is just pretending.
    I found that I was doing better and feeling stronger near the end of the DVD and it was because I was warmed up. The warm up at the beginning of the DVD is not long enough for me so now I do an extra 2-3 mins before the DVD starts and it helps A LOT

  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Did D3L1 today! I am SO proud of myself for sticking with something every day for three days in a row (and not taking breaks during). I agree, with above, those side-lunge-arm-raises are killer--the first day I had a little muscle spasm in my shoulder the rest of the day. I did a yoga "sun salutation" today before shredding and it helped really stretch me out first. I think I'll do that from now on. Here's a question though: does anyone have EXTREMELY sore ankles/shins? My ankles are throbbing. They have since after D1 and I noticed today that even though I have the endurance, it was REALLY difficult to finish the last cardio segment, because of the pain!! Is this shin splints? and can I hurt myself by pushing through?

    Great job sticking with it so far, everyone!!

    Hi Manikchia,
    I was getting sore ankles before I added extra warm up time. I do some ankle circles too. It helps. I do calf stretches too.
    Do you wear sneakers?
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    D8L1 in the bag first thing this morning! Then a BIG hi cal breakfast....well, it's Sat & Blueberry pancakes were all that would soothe the "baby" or the baby's momma (umm...that'd be me):bigsmile: ...and besides, I'm so proud of myself for making it through a whole week of the Shred without a rest day and staying within my cals this week & drinking all my water this week. I've been a VeRy GoOd GiRl this week. No scale so I don't know if it has paid off, but my endurance is definitely lots better & I can make it through most of the dvd without lots of resting so....I'll count it all as a great one.

    BTW, Manikchia, I finally had to start wrapping my ankles with an ace wrap before I got rid of that sore - almost thought I had twisted them - ankle feeling. Now that I am wrapping them, it feels okay when I work out. I just thought my ankles were really weak. Also, try to jump "lighter" - quietly - why it helps, I have no idea, but it just does! HTH :drinker:
  • emmie305
    emmie305 Posts: 23
    L1D1....This is soooo hard!! But I know that it is going to help me in the long run!
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    Level 1 Day 4 complete!

    I'm almost at the point where I can do the side squat/lunges/ arm lifts! that crap is hard!
    That is my LEAST favorite move. I seriously hate it. I can barely do it the second time. I honestly think that move is the reason I like level 2 better!
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    I did Jillian's Burn Fat Boost Metabolism video this morning. Holy crap! It's intense. But I wanted to post here because I think it is a great transition from Level 3 of 30 day shred. It incorporates a lot of those moves. There are no hand weights for this one, lots of cardio but still a lot of strength training using your own body weight. Just FYI for when you get to level 3 and want to go even further! I liked the plan I did this week. I'm hoping next week I can do the same - all three levels 3 days in a row, rest day and then BFBM on Saturday morning. Hoping the scale moves this Tuesday. I've been a little stuck. Definitely not a plateau but stuck all the same.
  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    L1D7 done!!! Started this week at 159, weighed in this morning at 156 for the second day in a row. Have really been good about keeping in my calories (having the MFP app on my I-phone really helps!) I think I may have done those side lunges/arm raises incorrectly today, I was so focused on trying to do the arm raises and now my shins hurt.
  • ERnurse
    ERnurse Posts: 77
    D2L1 done - I used my mini trampoline to help with some of the cardio because my knees were hurting a little bit and I have hardwood floors - I am finding they don't give you a lot of time to transition from the floor to standing up or the other way around - LOL I feel like I am stumbling around trying to get myself into position - and I HATE FORWARD LUNGES :P
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    Great job everyone! Keep up the awsome work!

    D4L1 done! I'm loving this! Its hard, but its over fast! My husband was away this week and I haven't been feeling so energetic (I have a infant and toddler so I feel like I've been running a marathon a day) and this workout was perfect! I can't wait until day 30 to see how far I've come!
  • Day 2 Level 1 completed successfully. I honestly didn't think I would do it but after looking in the mirror today I just had to push myself. If I want that person in the mirror to change then I have to do this. And yes all of it is very hard but I'm hoping it pays off in the end. I chalked some of the soreness and pains I'm experiencing to the fact that I haven't been exercising for years. I mean there's muscles hurting that I wasn't even aware I had. LOL!!! I got to buy a scale so I can see if my hard work is paying off. :) Keep it up everyone!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Okay, my DVD arrived in the mail today. My plan is to do it Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but I'm tempted to start tomorrow (Sunday). I took my measurements with my weigh-in on Thursday so that I can keep track of those too! Very exciting.
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    Okay, my DVD arrived in the mail today. My plan is to do it Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but I'm tempted to start tomorrow (Sunday). I took my measurements with my weigh-in on Thursday so that I can keep track of those too! Very exciting.

    I wish I had a measuring tape! I should buy one since thats the number I want to see change.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I hope I can join too. I've been doing shred for two months but only two days a week (along with curves, other dvd's). After reading your posts, I am soooo excited to start level 1 for this next 10 days. I'll see how it goes.
  • ERnurse
    ERnurse Posts: 77
    I'll be happy to see my measuring tape shorten! :P
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I completed Day 5 level 1 yesterday and I must say I'm not seeing much improvement in my endurance, perhaps cuz on Wed I took a day off and that threw everything off? dunno. I will keep pushing myself this week to complete the next 5 days and reach Day 10 of Level 1. I really hope by then things will have gotten easier and the measuring tape gets shorter.

    Good night ladies :flowerforyou:
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Did my first day of Shred this morning. I like it! It is very similar to the 20-minute circuits that my boyfriend and I have already been doing but he picked a little too heavy of a weight, so he had a harder time with it. I'll probably just skip around through the levels and mix it in with my other circuit workouts.

    My plan is to a Shred (or similar) workout MWF, do a jump rope cardio workout on TTh, Saturday off (or a long walk) and Sunday power yoga. I also walk to work and back, so that's an hour a day.
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    Holy ouchie batman! I was boxing on the wii the other night and I think I over did it. When I went to bed my shoulder blade was like a lump. I took yesterday off from the shred and I thought my shoulder was better...NOPE! even the jumping jacks hurt. Just thought I'd share. lol

    PS. does anyone else find the shred hard on the calves?
  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    L1D9 done! Starting to get nervous because I start Level 2 on Wednesday and I still can't complete the second set of side lunges/arm raises. Considering doing my last day at Level 1 with 5 lb weights, just to see how far I can go. Went the whole weekend without going over my calories! Even yesterday when I usually kill time at the laundromat by going to the Chinese Food place next door. I ate a VERY big healthy meal before I went and resisted temptation, which was a very big step for me.
  • tnewcom
    tnewcom Posts: 58
    back at it today...took 4 days off b/c i had hurt my knee...hubby and i did finally started again tonight! It was great..we both loved it!
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Soooo, ladies, Day 10 Level 1 DONE!! :bigsmile:

    Tomorrow is Day 1 Level 2...hmmm, I'm a little scared!
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