1st January 2010 Weight Loss Challenge!



  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    here's to using the next hole on your belt, LOVE that feeling! :smokin:
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    03rd Sep - 165.6
    10th Sep - 164.8
    17th Sep - 163.8
    24th Sep - 163.6
    01st Oct - 162.8
    08th Oct - 161.6
    15th Oct - 160.8
    22nd Oct - 160.8 :grumble:
    29th Oct -
    05th Nov -
    12th Nov -
    19th Nov -
    26th Nov -
    03rd Dec -
    10th Dec -
    17th Dec -
    24th Dec -
    31st Dec - (last weigh in - New Years Eve!) :flowerforyou:

    jeans are loser, scales are evil! lol :laugh: lets see what next week will bring! :drinker:
  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    17-9-2009= 162
    24-9-2009= 160
    1-10-2009= 161
    8-10-2009= 160
    15-10-2009= 161
    22-10-2009= 160
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    3/09/2009 - 198
    10/09/2009 - 198.5
    17/9/2009 - 199
    24/9/2009 - 198.5
    1/10/2009 - 196
    8/10/2009 - 197
    15/10/2009 - 197
    22/10/2009 - 193.5
    29/10/2009 -
    5/11/2009 -
    12/11/2009 -
    19/11/2009 -
    26/11/2009 -
    3/12/2009 -
    10/12/2009 -
    17/12/2009 -
    24/12/2009 -
    31/12/2009 -
  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    wow!!! go thumper! :drinker:
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    well done thumper! :drinker:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Thank you.
    I know my previous weigh in of 197 had some water weight. I saw 195.5 that previous Friday.

    ~ 2-2.5lbs more and I will be out of the obese catgegory... :drinker: :drinker:
  • Maria061
    Maria061 Posts: 118
    start-28th Mar. 09 -1 83.0 lbs
    01st Oct - 175.0
    08th Oct - 172.0
    15th Oct - 171.0
    22th Oct - 175.0
    29th Oct -
    Goal - 138.0
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I've been sick most of this week, and subsisting on soups. But I weighed in anyway, just to see. Since I am, at this very moment, wearing the "skinny" jeans my cousin kindly gave me, I'm pretty impressed with myself!:bigsmile: Of course, this means that I'm only 2 pounds from the goal I set for myself for New Years.:drinker: Therefore, I am resetting my goal to 175. That's 12 pounds in 10 weeks, since I just did 15 pounds in 7 weeks, I'm pretty hopeful it'll happen!

    03rd Sep - 202
    10th Sep - 200
    17th Sep - didn't weigh in
    24th Sep - 197
    01st Oct - 197
    08th Oct - 190
    15th Oct - 190
    22nd Oct - 187
    29th Oct -
    05th Nov -
    12th Nov -
    19th Nov -
    26th Nov -
    03rd Dec -
    10th Dec -
    17th Dec -
    24th Dec -
    31st Dec - 175!!:smokin:
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    well done that is fantastic! :drinker:

    how did you lose 7 pounds in one week? :wink:
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    Another point to ponder

    Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    www.weightwatchers.ie - website :flowerforyou:

    "The thing is, we have to want it enough AND we need to work with ourselves, not against ourselves."

    There seem to be 2 age old questions to do with losing weight -

    1. What's the “secret” to losing weight?
    2. Why is it so hard to lose weight?

    Question 1 can be answered straight away. The secret to losing weight is to Eat Less and Move More. That's it in a nutshell. However the answer to question 2 is a bit more challenging. You see needing to lose weight isn't enough to make it happen. Even wanting to lose weight won't necessarily do it either. The thing is, we have to want it enough AND we need to work with ourselves, not against ourselves.

    What do I mean? Well, every single person on the planet, whether they realise it or not, is fundamentally driven by one of two desires – the desire to get away from pain or to go towards pleasure. Furthermore, it turns out that more of us are driven by the desire to get away from pain than towards pleasure. That is an amazingly powerful piece of information to have about how our mind works. It means that instead of telling ourselves something we need to know, we start telling ourselves the things we need to know the most.

    This month, I thought we'd put this piece of wisdom to practical use.

    STEP 1: Take out a sheet of paper and across the top write, “10 Reasons for Me to Lose Weight” and then start writing. Don't stop to think too much about what you are going to write. When we do, we tend to make judgements on what we are going to say. You aren't going to be showing this list to anyone (unless you want to), so you can be as honest or as blunt as you want to be. Here's a mix of some of the reasons people have given me:

    1. Look better
    2. Feel great
    3. Live Longer
    4. Have more confidence
    5. Feel more attractive
    6. Help me in work
    7. Smaller clothes
    8. Save me money
    9. Finally shut some of my family and friends up
    10. Stop going on all the time about being overweight

    Ok, so that's an example of what some people had to say. Now it's over to you. Get writing...

    Welcome back. I'm assuming you've now written your own personal 10 reasons for losing weight. Now these 10 reasons are your motivators if you are someone who is drawn to pleasure more than away from pain. But what if you belong to the other, bigger group – the group of people who are driven more by the thought of getting away from what hurts than towards the things that bring pleasure? This brings us nicely to...

    STEP 2: This time, I'd like you to take another sheet of paper and across the top write, “10 Outcomes for Me If I Don’t Lose Weight”. This time, I want you to stop and think because I want you to take the 10 reasons for losing weight, and turn them into negatives. So, for example, taking the list above, it would now read something like this:

    1. I would look just like I do today
    2. I wouldn't feel any better/happier in myself
    3. Maybe I wouldn't live as long as I would like to
    4. My confidence will stay as low as it is today
    5. I won't feel anymore attractive than I do right this minute
    6. I won't look the part in work
    7. I'll be searching for size X clothes for the rest of my life
    8. I'll be a paying member of Weight Watchers forever
    9. Everyone will be on my case about needing to lose weight
    10. Being overweight is going to shadow me every day for the rest of my life

    So it's eyes down and pen out and off you go again.

    Now you need to ask yourself which of these lists produces the strongest reaction in you? Which would make you say “NO” to a really tempting treat right now? Everything you write on both lists will motivate you, but what you've written on one list will motivate you more than the other and that's the list you want to consciously focus on as you make your journey to goal weight.

    Two more lists to go and we're done...

    STEP 3: The heading for this list is “Good Reasons For Not Losing Weight”. You'll notice I haven't put any particular number on this list, because I've learned that people very often can only think of 1 or 2 reasons. Here's the list one person made:

    1. I can eat anything I like
    2. ?????

    Other than being able to eat anything she liked, this person could think of no other good reasons for not losing weight. She said the funny thing was that even as she wrote the words, somehow the idea of eating anything she liked didn't seem as big a deal anymore. So, see what you come up with and whether it feels as exciting as you thought it would.

    And finally...

    STEP 4: On this final list, write the heading, “10 Things I Can Do To Lose Weight”. Again, don't think too much about it, let your heart, rather than your logical brain do the talking. As before, here's an example of what others have written:

    1. Cut out suppers on week nights
    2. Get out for a 'clear my head' walk during my lunch break
    3. Stop pressuring myself thinking of the stones I've to lose and think of the next 3 or 4 pounds
    4. Tell myself how great I am instead of how awful I am
    5. Only share my goal with people who will support me the way I need to be supported
    6. Make honest changes in my portion sizes
    7. Buy and eat fruit/vegetables when I want a snack
    8. When I'm out, I could 'Think before I drink'
    9. Plan my new size X wardrobe
    10. Make, “I Am Worth It”, my mantra

    If you're serious about losing weight, then you must be willing to put in the effort it takes, so begin using the information you have gathered since you started reading this article and create your dream future. Work with yourself and make the journey as easy as possible and then you will have your own answer to the 2nd question I mentioned at the start of this article.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    well done that is fantastic! :drinker:

    how did you lose 7 pounds in one week? :wink:

    That was the end of the third week of paying close attention to my sodium, and conscietiously reducing it. Amazing how much "water" weight you have. Raised sodium levels causes a higher volume of water in your blood. And I had previously been eating 2, 3 or even 4 time the RDI of 2500mg!:noway: Needless to say, this one change was HUGE for me!:bigsmile:
  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    how was everyone's weekend?

    I didnt get near as much exercise that I wanted, and i didnt go TOO far over my calories. I still weighed in 159 this morning, so if I can carry that into tomorrow I should hopefully see 158 by Thursday. I will say I counted things I normally wouldnt as exercise, I went to a community wide garage sale and I counted all my walking time as exercise. tonight I played pretty hard on Rockband drums so I counted that. and cleaning. but I did record all my food this weekend so I'm counting that as a positive.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Name – Raymond
    Starting Weight – 237
    Goal Weight – 210
    Hobbies – Cycling, Running
    Interesting Facts – I have 1 wife, 2 kids, and 4 bikes… .is that OK?

    Not sure if this group has room for 1-more? I need, badly need, a good accountability group to help me end 2009 lighter and leaner. I’ve hit a bit of a slump with several business trips and now a nasty cold that’s set me back, all the way back. Since holidays are a battlefield of the will power, it will be great to have an accountability refuge from the temptation of cheese trays, cookies, and anything that can be dipped in almond bark.

    It’s OK if you already have a comfortable group going and don’t want another to barge in. I can offer some great diet and fitness advice when appropriate and help however I can. Let me know….either way is fine.

  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Welcome Raymond! The more the merrier!:flowerforyou:

    (Also, my son's name is Raymond, so you can join just for that one!:wink: )
  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    So last night I dreamt that I stood in a HUGE Taco Bell. It served every tasty food I could think of. The entire dream was me trying to talk myself out of ordering anything. People kept telling me to hurry up and order. I think I drooled a little bit. But I didn't order anything!!! :laugh:
  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    17-9-2009= 162
    24-9-2009= 160
    1-10-2009= 161
    8-10-2009= 160
    15-10-2009= 161
    22-10-2009= 160
    29-10-2009= 157 :bigsmile:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    People kept telling me to hurry up and order. I think I drooled a little bit. But I didn't order anything!!! :laugh:

    Way to Go Lisa. 3 lbs. woo hoo...

    Just remember that dream, and when stuck with that experience, go ahead drool and don't order anything. :laugh:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    3/09/2009 - 198
    10/09/2009 - 198.5
    17/9/2009 - 199
    24/9/2009 - 198.5
    1/10/2009 - 196
    8/10/2009 - 197
    15/10/2009 - 197
    22/10/2009 - 193.5
    29/10/2009 - 193.0
    5/11/2009 -
    12/11/2009 -
    19/11/2009 -
    26/11/2009 -
    3/12/2009 -
    10/12/2009 -
    17/12/2009 -
    24/12/2009 -
    31/12/2009 -
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    03rd Sep - 165.6
    10th Sep - 164.8
    17th Sep - 163.8
    24th Sep - 163.6
    01st Oct - 162.8
    08th Oct - 161.6
    15th Oct - 160.8
    22nd Oct - 160.8
    29th Oct - 160.6 :indifferent:
    05th Nov -
    12th Nov -
    19th Nov -
    26th Nov -
    03rd Dec -
    10th Dec -
    17th Dec -
    24th Dec -
    31st Dec - (last weigh in - New Years Eve!) :flowerforyou:
  • Maria061
    Maria061 Posts: 118
    start-28th Mar. 09 -1 83.0 lbs
    01st Oct - 175.0
    08th Oct - 172.0
    15th Oct - 171.0
    22th Oct - 175.0
    29th Oct - 175.0
    6th Nov -
    13th Nov -
    20th Nov -
    27th Nov -
    Goal - 138.0
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I'm not sure how much I believe my new scale. It's been fairly erractic. I'm putting down the most recent reading, but I'm not logging it as progress on the site until I get back to my MIL house to check on the scale I started on.

    03rd Sep - 202
    10th Sep - 200
    17th Sep - didn't weigh in
    24th Sep - 197
    01st Oct - 197
    08th Oct - 190
    15th Oct - 190
    22nd Oct - 187
    29th Oct - 185
    05th Nov -
    12th Nov -
    19th Nov -
    26th Nov -
    03rd Dec -
    10th Dec -
    17th Dec -
    24th Dec -
    31st Dec - 175!!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    How was everyone else's Halloween? Mine was an epic FAIL!!! I was doing really great until we started the trick or treating. Candy has always been a weakness, and this holiday proved to be more than my will power could handle!:sad:

    But I did have one success. This afternoon I sat down with my kids, explained that all that stuff in the bowl had too many calories, and wasn't very good for us. We sorted through their candy, and they got to choose what they wanted to keep and what we were giving away. They did a great job (they are 2 and 5). We now have about 1/2 of the candy bagged up ready to give away. Now, just to get it out of my house!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    How was everyone else's Halloween? Mine was an epic FAIL!!! I was doing really great until we started the trick or treating. Candy has always been a weakness, and this holiday proved to be more than my will power could handle!:sad:

    But I did have one success. This afternoon I sat down with my kids, explained that all that stuff in the bowl had too many calories, and wasn't very good for us. We sorted through their candy, and they got to choose what they wanted to keep and what we were giving away. They did a great job (they are 2 and 5). We now have about 1/2 of the candy bagged up ready to give away. Now, just to get it out of my house!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    How was everyone else's Halloween? Mine was an epic FAIL!!! I was doing really great until we started the trick or treating. Candy has always been a weakness, and this holiday proved to be more than my will power could handle!:sad:

    But I did have one success. This afternoon I sat down with my kids, explained that all that stuff in the bowl had too many calories, and wasn't very good for us. We sorted through their candy, and they got to choose what they wanted to keep and what we were giving away. They did a great job (they are 2 and 5). We now have about 1/2 of the candy bagged up ready to give away. Now, just to get it out of my house!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    How was everyone else's Halloween? Mine was an epic FAIL!!! I was doing really great until we started the trick or treating. Candy has always been a weakness, and this holiday proved to be more than my will power could handle!:sad:

    But I did have one success. This afternoon I sat down with my kids, explained that all that stuff in the bowl had too many calories, and wasn't very good for us. We sorted through their candy, and they got to choose what they wanted to keep and what we were giving away. They did a great job (they are 2 and 5). We now have about 1/2 of the candy bagged up ready to give away. Now, just to get it out of my house!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    How was everyone else's Halloween? Mine was an epic FAIL!!! I was doing really great until we started the trick or treating. Candy has always been a weakness, and this holiday proved to be more than my will power could handle!:sad:

    But I did have one success. This afternoon I sat down with my kids, explained that all that stuff in the bowl had too many calories, and wasn't very good for us. We sorted through their candy, and they got to choose what they wanted to keep and what we were giving away. They did a great job (they are 2 and 5). We now have about 1/2 of the candy bagged up ready to give away. Now, just to get it out of my house!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Wow. Sorry that last one posted so many times! Not sure how that happened!:grumble:
  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    this weekend was an epic fail for me too. not with candy, i only had a few pieces but with the fast food. my husband and I were on the go ALL WEEKEND and we ate pretty crappy. my weigh in this morning was pretty scary. plus I have hormonal issues going on so that doesnt help.
This discussion has been closed.