for all the hopefull "wanna be" runners out there - trying t



  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Wow, I can't wait until 3 miles is an easy run. I'll get there though.

    I noticed this morning that I'm always running up hill, not a steep one, but enough to notice. Now I'm not an old man telling stories, but during my run it finally hit me. I do my warm up walk going down hill. By the time I'm done with the walk it's back up again. So when I'm coming back it's up hill.:grumble:

    I feel your pain. Nearly all of my running is uphill. I walk the first 1/2 mile because it is a very STEEP uphill, but after that it is up hill and down. I just keep telling myself that if I ever run on the flat, I will be able to run forever!

    It was a chilly 25 degrees this morning. A little ice on the road. Still in just my regular running clothes, but with an extra t-shirt. Oh, and a bright orange vest so the lunatic schoolbus driver can see me. She has nearly run over me twice! :grumble:
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    Hey you both are going to be in great shape for running on a flat surface, hahahha.:happy: I do my running on a treadmil, but I do keep it on an average incline of anywhere from 0.5 to 2.0. sometimes if I want to really kick it up I will go up to 4 ,but that is hard.So, I really feel for you all that run outside and have no control of this. good luck and you'll be running your 5K's with little effort before you know it.
    I am going out for a short sprint/interval run this afternoon.
    good luck to everyone today,
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    It happened - I have developed some sort of knee "issue" - and, of course it decides to show up 2 weeks before my very first 5k race!!:grumble: :mad: :explode:
    I went to talk with my gym lady and she says it has been building up for some time - it just decided to show itself - apparently I have been pushing too hard - I have been running 6 days a week - so I have to take it easy:grumble: :grumble: I am not happy about it but if i cut down to 3-4 days a week my knee should recover

    Great job everyone on adding your distances and lessening your times!!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    wow Darman, 6 days a week!!!! I feel accomplished if I run 4 days!:tongue:
  • I coach a beginner running program that takes individuals off the couch to running their first 5k. If anyone needs any help with advice or training, feel free to contact me...awesome job everyone!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Thanks for the feedback -there was a lot to digest, I'll probably be reading it a couple more times. And yes, the link worked. Thanks!

    I found a "faster" paced playlist in my ipod - so my pace was faster for the most part -and I did it in intervals - as in, I would pick up the pace and push it for a minute or two - until I reached a pre=chosen landmark, then would slow back down to "easy" pace - and then would pick it up again. It felt really good today - not like lead legs at all!

    The total time out was 50 minutes (combination of walk/run). Pretty sure the running was 35 minutes, the rest was walking, a total of 4 miles... I'll keep pushing it. Can't wait to report a run of 4 miles.... :)
  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    wow, my run last night wasn't nearly as good as my last one. I took way too many days off. I was supposed to run Friday but ended up giving blood right after work, and didn't run over the weekend to make up for it. Will definitely not go that long again. I did the 5/1 run/walk but only did 5 laps around the neighborhood instead of 6.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Cool smiles! I know that was a little overwhelming!

    Lisa- I know I have days like that! Not everyday is going to be perfect, but you just keep chuggin' along.

    As for's raining outside and 45 degrees....:grumble: :grumble: I am trying to push myself to go out for a run...the forecast for the rest of the week is not any better....I know I can do this!!!!! MUST do this!!!:devil: I want to run 2 miles today.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    WOW !!!!
    you ppl's that run outside and live in places that get crappy weather...... My hat is off to YOU!!!!!
    I have a hard enough time with motivation, and my treadmil is inside and I live in So. California. we get rain maybe 5 times a year. But... KUDOS to you all....
    I give you all the praise and admiration that I can send out.
    YOU GO GIRLS and GUYS....... Here's to YOU...:drinker: :flowerforyou:
    Just wanted to let you all know your doing great!!!!
    see ya,Kim
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Thanks Kim!:happy: :happy: It is wonderful how much support everyone gives each other on this site.

    As for my run....I sucked it up and ran in the rain! I am glad I did. But guess what...the sun just came out now!:grumble: LOL That's ok...I think it's supposed to rain again.

    I live in Southern Oregon, so I don't get the rain in the summer....just the other months!
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Hi all! I was out of town for a week at a conference - and I ran the 5k I was training for. They didn't have a very good timing system, so I'm not sure it was accurate, but my "official" time was 38 minutes! (I think it really was closer to 40, but who's to argue!)

    The food was incredible - and I worked really hard all week - and ate a ton of amazing food. It will take a while to balance back out to my "normal" routine. I picked up a few pounds, but I think some of that will come off quickly as I'm sure I was eating more salt than normal.

    I swam at the gym yesterday, and today ran for 20 minutes before my aqua fitness class. I'm going to need a new running goal to stay motivated. Doing 2 5k's a week apart was a lot of fun.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hi all! I was out of town for a week at a conference - and I ran the 5k I was training for. They didn't have a very good timing system, so I'm not sure it was accurate, but my "official" time was 38 minutes! (I think it really was closer to 40, but who's to argue!)

    The food was incredible - and I worked really hard all week - and ate a ton of amazing food. It will take a while to balance back out to my "normal" routine. I picked up a few pounds, but I think some of that will come off quickly as I'm sure I was eating more salt than normal.

    I swam at the gym yesterday, and today ran for 20 minutes before my aqua fitness class. I'm going to need a new running goal to stay motivated. Doing 2 5k's a week apart was a lot of fun.

    Good for you!!! I would pick out another race that is a month from now and train for it! Races always keep me motivated.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    nicolee..great job on getting out there and running.... I'm, originally from just 30miles west, outside of Portland. so I understand rain. I moved here 5yrs ago, my hubby is Navy...and wish it was forever. I feel like I've already had a lifetime of rain. I love Thanksgiving and Christmas in shorts on the patio. I still haven't missed the weather yet, the ppl..:wink: all the time,:happy: but never the weather....:laugh:
    I did my run/walk of 60mins today 4.5 miles. keeping it simple this week. I have lots to do the next few days.
    I hope you all have a great week. keep running.....
  • nene51983
    nene51983 Posts: 13 Member
    I am a "wanna-be runner" for sure. I have never been able to run for even the smallest amount of time and I dream of just one day opening the front door with my running sneakers on and going for the longest, most relaxing run I could possibly do.

    My issue is I cannot even go 5 mins on a treadmill at 6.0 without feeling like I am going to die. I do nto know how to breath when I run so snot comes out my nose and I cramp real bad.

    Anyone have any advice for the novie of all novice runners?
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I am a "wanna-be runner" for sure. I have never been able to run for even the smallest amount of time and I dream of just one day opening the front door with my running sneakers on and going for the longest, most relaxing run I could possibly do.

    My issue is I cannot even go 5 mins on a treadmill at 6.0 without feeling like I am going to die. I do nto know how to breath when I run so snot comes out my nose and I cramp real bad.

    Anyone have any advice for the novie of all novice runners?

    Start Couch-to-5K, the first few work outs are intervals of jogging and walking for a minute, maybe a minute and a half, and build up from there. For best results do it outside.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I am a "wanna-be runner" for sure. I have never been able to run for even the smallest amount of time and I dream of just one day opening the front door with my running sneakers on and going for the longest, most relaxing run I could possibly do.

    My issue is I cannot even go 5 mins on a treadmill at 6.0 without feeling like I am going to die. I do nto know how to breath when I run so snot comes out my nose and I cramp real bad.

    Anyone have any advice for the novie of all novice runners?

    I agree with Iplayoutside. Try the couch to 5k. Also, to control your breathing, try to start a rythmn. For example, in through your nose for 3 footfalls, out for 2 footfalls. IF you would be sprinting it would be faster. The learn to blow snot rockets!:laugh: :laugh: I am really good at them!LOL
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Finished W6D2 today. I'd be lying if I didn't say it was a struggle, my hip hurt, the wind was gusting 35 mph, I wanted to be in bed, and during the last quarter of the run my hammy on the other side of the hip started tightening up. Although, I wasn't real happy with my effort, I didn't stop, and didn't walk. I'll be stretching more over the next few days.

    That was the last interval training for C25K, the rest is straight up distance running. I did attempt to sign up for the races I mentioned above, but registration doesn't begin until next week. You can bet I'll be getting that done.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    good job iplay...days are like that! One day you feel great, the next....yucky! Good luck with hte stretching.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Hey Kim, Thanks for the encouragement! Come about January or so when the folks from CA and FL and such places are thinking about how "cold" it is wherever they are and how they're having a hard time getting out and running they might want to refrain from saying it "out loud!" LOL (Like one person in VA or someplace that was bummed about running in 50 degree weather. Not sure where I saw that post, but it made me chuckle). I lived outside of LA for a year and man, the only thing I didn't get sick of was the weather. Back in VT now, we get -40 in January most years. :cry:

    I had a good run yesterday morning. My horse chores took longer than usual, so I didn't have "enough" time, but I went anyway. I just eliminated some of the walk breaks (I am on W4D3 of couch to 5K) I ran for 8 minutes straight! Whoo hoo! I was proud of myself because in the past I would have just used the excuse that I didn't have time and said "bag it!"

    No running today. Zumba tonight! I :heart: Zumba!
  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    oh trust me, I would NEVER say something like that out loud. I live outside Tampa and I am so thankful I don't have to run/drive/do anything in snow.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Hi all! I was out of town for a week at a conference - and I ran the 5k I was training for. They didn't have a very good timing system, so I'm not sure it was accurate, but my "official" time was 38 minutes! (I think it really was closer to 40, but who's to argue!)

    The food was incredible - and I worked really hard all week - and ate a ton of amazing food. It will take a while to balance back out to my "normal" routine. I picked up a few pounds, but I think some of that will come off quickly as I'm sure I was eating more salt than normal.

    I swam at the gym yesterday, and today ran for 20 minutes before my aqua fitness class. I'm going to need a new running goal to stay motivated. Doing 2 5k's a week apart was a lot of fun.

    Well, look at you! Two 5k's. I'm impressed. You're doing fantastic!

    My running partner keeps backing out and I have to run on the treadmill at my apartment complex by myself. I'm hoping I'll be able to run the 5k next month in Seattle. I'd almost bet money, she backs out of that and I'll have no way to get there because I don't drive. I'll have to check the bus schedule and see if there's any buses in my town that run early enough to go. :frown:
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    I am a "wanna-be runner" for sure. I have never been able to run for even the smallest amount of time and I dream of just one day opening the front door with my running sneakers on and going for the longest, most relaxing run I could possibly do.

    My issue is I cannot even go 5 mins on a treadmill at 6.0 without feeling like I am going to die. I do nto know how to breath when I run so snot comes out my nose and I cramp real bad.

    Anyone have any advice for the novie of all novice runners?

    ok... I would feel like I was going to die if I started out trying to run at 6.0 on a treadmill for 5 minutes! SLOW DOWN! (I also echo the couch to 5k recommendation) My running pace is about 4.8 now - it started at 3.8, moved to 4.2, 4.5... you get the idea.

    I never ran much as a kid because of chronic sinus problems... claritin helps me a lot. However, the two races I ran I had problems with drainage the first mile. After that I was okay. Note to self... take along hanky...
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Hi all! I was out of town for a week at a conference - and I ran the 5k I was training for. They didn't have a very good timing system, so I'm not sure it was accurate, but my "official" time was 38 minutes! (I think it really was closer to 40, but who's to argue!)

    The food was incredible - and I worked really hard all week - and ate a ton of amazing food. It will take a while to balance back out to my "normal" routine. I picked up a few pounds, but I think some of that will come off quickly as I'm sure I was eating more salt than normal.

    I swam at the gym yesterday, and today ran for 20 minutes before my aqua fitness class. I'm going to need a new running goal to stay motivated. Doing 2 5k's a week apart was a lot of fun.

    Well, look at you! Two 5k's. I'm impressed. You're doing fantastic!

    My running partner keeps backing out and I have to run on the treadmill at my apartment complex by myself. I'm hoping I'll be able to run the 5k next month in Seattle. I'd almost bet money, she backs out of that and I'll have no way to get there because I don't drive. I'll have to check the bus schedule and see if there's any buses in my town that run early enough to go. :frown:

    Thanks, Betty!

    Sounds like you need a new running partner :-)
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    My take on the beginning runner/pace thing--first of all, I :heart: Couch to 5k!! It got me back into running relatively painlessly after a very sedentary year after my 2nd son was born. But the other thing I have to say is that an old dog taught me how to run. Really. I always used to hate running. The first time in my life I ever did it was one summer when I was in grad school, living with a friend who had an old dog who hated running even more than I did. :laugh: I used to take her out, and I wanted to run, but she didn't. So we compromised--she walked quickly, I jogged slowly, and I suddenly found myself able to sustain my pace much, much longer than I ever had been able to before.

    As for the weather, I don't know how you people in hot climates do it! I MUCH prefer running in the cold! I lived in Baltimore for a while, and was miserable during the summers. I'll take 40 degrees over 90 any day! :wink:

    I missed my Monday run this week because of a stomach bug. :frown: I stay at home with my kids, who are too big to take in the stroller/too small to run with me, so I have limited running opportunities, and it's difficult for me to make up a missed run, but I'll be back out tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a good week! :smooched:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great day, it looks like I will be running tomorrow, in the rain, again.....:grumble: :grumble:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Hi all! I was out of town for a week at a conference - and I ran the 5k I was training for. They didn't have a very good timing system, so I'm not sure it was accurate, but my "official" time was 38 minutes! (I think it really was closer to 40, but who's to argue!)

    The food was incredible - and I worked really hard all week - and ate a ton of amazing food. It will take a while to balance back out to my "normal" routine. I picked up a few pounds, but I think some of that will come off quickly as I'm sure I was eating more salt than normal.

    I swam at the gym yesterday, and today ran for 20 minutes before my aqua fitness class. I'm going to need a new running goal to stay motivated. Doing 2 5k's a week apart was a lot of fun.

    Well, look at you! Two 5k's. I'm impressed. You're doing fantastic!

    My running partner keeps backing out and I have to run on the treadmill at my apartment complex by myself. I'm hoping I'll be able to run the 5k next month in Seattle. I'd almost bet money, she backs out of that and I'll have no way to get there because I don't drive. I'll have to check the bus schedule and see if there's any buses in my town that run early enough to go. :frown:

    Thanks, Betty!

    Sounds like you need a new running partner :-)

    Yeah, I'll see if she goes to this 5k or not. I'm not going to register until the morning of the run even though it's $5 more at that point. I can't afford to just throw $25 away if I end up not going. :frown:
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    4.6 miles for me today, and it felt great! :happy: I'm not sure if it was the intervals on Saturday, or the prospect of not feeling so bad indulging in some Halloween candy, but I wish every day were like today!

    Betty, I feel for you--I sure wish I had a running partner! I hope she pulls through for your race.

    We are going to my SIL's house for Halloween, and may spend the night, but if we don't I'm going to run a 5k on Sunday morning. That will probably be my last race before spring. I'd really like to do a 10k, but I think I'm too late in the season at this point, so I'll have to wait for warmer weather.
  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    So since I didn't want to spend money on a costume, I just wore my running clothes to work today and pinned a number on my back. Now I feel like running all over my office! :laugh:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    aeswan- Do have to stop running in the winter? I never have! Where I used to live they had a run series that happened once a month. You could choose either a 5k or 10k and it was a great way to stay motivated over the winter months.

    Lisa- I Love the costume!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Betty- I have a friend that would do that to me all of the time. Bail on races at the last possible minute. Then, I planned a race where my husband could go and she tried to tag along. I said no and BOY WAS SHE MAD!!!! I definitely learned my lesson with her, don't rely on anyone but yourself!

    I went to the track and did an interval workout this morning. Overall I did 3 miles, with 100 and 200m repeats. Didn't go too bad! I hoep everyon has a great weekend!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    aeswan- Do have to stop running in the winter? I never have! Where I used to live they had a run series that happened once a month. You could choose either a 5k or 10k and it was a great way to stay motivated over the winter months.

    Lisa- I Love the costume!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Betty- I have a friend that would do that to me all of the time. Bail on races at the last possible minute. Then, I planned a race where my husband could go and she tried to tag along. I said no and BOY WAS SHE MAD!!!! I definitely learned my lesson with her, don't rely on anyone but yourself!

    I went to the track and did an interval workout this morning. Overall I did 3 miles, with 100 and 200m repeats. Didn't go too bad! Tomorrow I am going for my long run of 5 miles! HA! HA! That used to be a warm-up for me! LOL Funny how life changes! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
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