for all the hopefull "wanna be" runners out there - trying t



  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I've been battling a cold. I'm tired, feeling kind of cruddy. It's cold outside. However, I know from my High School days that often the best medicine for feeling better is to excersise. Now, Trying stuff I 'used' to be able to do in HS 12 years after the fact has got me into trouble before. So I figured if I started my W3D2 for C25K and it was too much that I would just turn around and go home and crash.

    Like most things just showing up is half the battle. Once my shoes and sweatshirt are on, and I'm outside there's no going back. I ran, and ran strong, often forgetting to look at my stop watch thus over shooting the intervals. Not only that. After the run I felt better and was more clear headed, both mentally and physicly, had I had been all week.

    So Morals of the story are, sometimes you CAN so stuff you did in HS...Don't let a cold hold you back... DON'T let the Cold win!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm so happy to find this thread! I see some other buddies from a C25k thread that we have going... and lots of other new faces.... I'd love to join!

    I am at week 9 of Cto5K and find that some days are great, others are struggles. I'm feeling a little clueless about what comes next. I run outdoors, incorporating several hills.

    There's a 5k/Half Marathon/Full Marathon I could sign up for - and it's not until March. I saw a couple of others who were thinking about 1/2 marathons... (which is secretly cool, but almost too scary to SAY!)

    I did great with the structure of c to 5K, but now what?
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Hi everyone!! Great thread and it definitely applies to me.

    I'm on one of the C25k threads and it has been an amazing motivation for me. I've been running for 8 wks now, but I'm on Week 5 of the C25k program. First 20 min run is tomorrow!!

    I used to run - over 4 years ago, but after an injury and string of mishaps I stopped and gained a lot of weight. Now that I have started running again - all of those old feelings are coming back to me. I can't believe I ever gave it up!

    My goal is to run a marathon some day, but for now - I'm working on finishing the C25k and then moving on to training for a 10k. Also, I am SO SLOW - so my other big goal after I finish C25k is to work on my speed.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm so happy to find this thread! I see some other buddies from a C25k thread that we have going... and lots of other new faces.... I'd love to join!

    I am at week 9 of Cto5K and find that some days are great, others are struggles. I'm feeling a little clueless about what comes next. I run outdoors, incorporating several hills.

    There's a 5k/Half Marathon/Full Marathon I could sign up for - and it's not until March. I saw a couple of others who were thinking about 1/2 marathons... (which is secretly cool, but almost too scary to SAY!)

    I did great with the structure of c to 5K, but now what?

    If you're in a decently populated area I have a hard time beleiving there's not a 5K you can enter before March. I asked a co-worker who's a runner about local races. He sent me to a local website that showed 5K's being run within driving distance almost every weekend until Mid-Jan. So, ask around. If you don't know anyone call a running store or other such business. They'll know.

    There's a Turkey Trot here that's 2 Miles. If my running next week is strong enough I plain on entering that and then a 5K in early December.
  • abredbenner
    abredbenner Posts: 125 Member
    If you lace up those shoes and get out there - you are a real runner. I started out not being able to run 1 mile without walking. I have complete 2 full and 2 half marathons and am now training for my first triathlon and 3rd half marathon. It just takes consistency and the I CAN DO IT attitiude.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm so happy to find this thread! I see some other buddies from a C25k thread that we have going... and lots of other new faces.... I'd love to join!

    I am at week 9 of Cto5K and find that some days are great, others are struggles. I'm feeling a little clueless about what comes next. I run outdoors, incorporating several hills.

    There's a 5k/Half Marathon/Full Marathon I could sign up for - and it's not until March. I saw a couple of others who were thinking about 1/2 marathons... (which is secretly cool, but almost too scary to SAY!)

    I did great with the structure of c to 5K, but now what?

    If you want to look into training for an 8K or 10K, check out where there are links to many training programs for after C25K. Or you can just keep to running 3.1 miles three times a week. It's really up to you. :smile:
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    Cold, rainy day here... but just thought I'd post my intention to go out for a run when my husband gets home in a little bit, so there's someone (other than me) expecting me to do it! I'll report back...
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    Just got back from my run--went 3.8 miles, and the cold and rain that made it so hard to take off my wool sweater and leave the house turned out to be the perfect running weather. I felt like I could have run forever today. Just another example of how getting started can be the hardest part!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Just got back from my run--went 3.8 miles, and the cold and rain that made it so hard to take off my wool sweater and leave the house turned out to be the perfect running weather. I felt like I could have run forever today. Just another example of how getting started can be the hardest part!

    I agree, just getting going is half the battle. My run was rained out this morning. But I'm off tomorrow so i'll do my run and my planned work out back to back. Might even do a little extra!
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    I guess this will be the new "home" of all the couch to 5 k graduates MFP is producing! I "graduate" after my next run this weekend and will have completed 2 5k races by the end of the month.

    I've never been big on running before - I'm not really sure what direction to take with it after this. 30-45 minutes at a time seems like plenty...
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm so happy to find this thread! I see some other buddies from a C25k thread that we have going... and lots of other new faces.... I'd love to join!

    I am at week 9 of Cto5K and find that some days are great, others are struggles. I'm feeling a little clueless about what comes next. I run outdoors, incorporating several hills.

    There's a 5k/Half Marathon/Full Marathon I could sign up for - and it's not until March. I saw a couple of others who were thinking about 1/2 marathons... (which is secretly cool, but almost too scary to SAY!)

    I did great with the structure of c to 5K, but now what?

    If you're in a decently populated area I have a hard time beleiving there's not a 5K you can enter before March. I asked a co-worker who's a runner about local races. He sent me to a local website that showed 5K's being run within driving distance almost every weekend until Mid-Jan. So, ask around. If you don't know anyone call a running store or other such business. They'll know.

    There's a Turkey Trot here that's 2 Miles. If my running next week is strong enough I plain on entering that and then a 5K in early December.

    Try checking for races in your area.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Just finished Week 3. I didn't have any Mojo today. It was a struggle, but I got it in. There are going to be some days like that.
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Great thread!! I am not a c25k graduate. I have tried to start it about 3 times now and just can't get into it. I can however run a mile continuously without walking in about 13 mins, and for right now that is enough. I am trying to just increase my time before I try to increase my distance. It is a struggle for me to get through the mile right now, but I make myself keep going until I reach it. It will be great to follow this thread for motivation and support.

  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Hey everyone! I just ran my first 20 min run in 5 years. AND - it felt easy and it felt great!! I can't believe it! I'm on my way. :bigsmile:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Daughter and I ran a different route on Saturday. She had mapped it on map my run or some site. The actuall run only took us 30 minutes. An extra 10 minutes for our warmup/down walks and stretches. I felt great! Didn't even have to stop during the run. WOOHOO!!

    Great job!

    Yep - I have about 3 different routes depending on what I want to do that day - really does help - Great job on the time!!!

    Oops! I have to make a correction. I misunderstood what Amy said. Apparently we ran for 40 minutes not including the warmup walks. :embarassed:

    Anyway, we didn't run last night so we're supposed to run tonight. I'll see how we do. :smile:
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    Hey everyone! I just ran my first 20 min run in 5 years. AND - it felt easy and it felt great!! I can't believe it! I'm on my way. :bigsmile:

    Way to go!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm so happy to find this thread! I see some other buddies from a C25k thread that we have going... and lots of other new faces.... I'd love to join!

    I am at week 9 of Cto5K and find that some days are great, others are struggles. I'm feeling a little clueless about what comes next. I run outdoors, incorporating several hills.

    There's a 5k/Half Marathon/Full Marathon I could sign up for - and it's not until March. I saw a couple of others who were thinking about 1/2 marathons... (which is secretly cool, but almost too scary to SAY!)

    I did great with the structure of c to 5K, but now what?

    If you're in a decently populated area I have a hard time beleiving there's not a 5K you can enter before March. I asked a co-worker who's a runner about local races. He sent me to a local website that showed 5K's being run within driving distance almost every weekend until Mid-Jan. So, ask around. If you don't know anyone call a running store or other such business. They'll know.

    There's a Turkey Trot here that's 2 Miles. If my running next week is strong enough I plain on entering that and then a 5K in early December.

    LOL - it's the "decently populated area" I'm missing. I live on an island... in the pacific ocean.... pretty sure that what there is is what there is!!! :) Thanks for the encouragement though. Someone listed a site to check - so I'll take a look at it. The big thing is not quitting, right?
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm so happy to find this thread! I see some other buddies from a C25k thread that we have going... and lots of other new faces.... I'd love to join!

    I am at week 9 of Cto5K and find that some days are great, others are struggles. I'm feeling a little clueless about what comes next. I run outdoors, incorporating several hills.

    There's a 5k/Half Marathon/Full Marathon I could sign up for - and it's not until March. I saw a couple of others who were thinking about 1/2 marathons... (which is secretly cool, but almost too scary to SAY!)

    I did great with the structure of c to 5K, but now what?

    If you're in a decently populated area I have a hard time beleiving there's not a 5K you can enter before March. I asked a co-worker who's a runner about local races. He sent me to a local website that showed 5K's being run within driving distance almost every weekend until Mid-Jan. So, ask around. If you don't know anyone call a running store or other such business. They'll know.

    There's a Turkey Trot here that's 2 Miles. If my running next week is strong enough I plain on entering that and then a 5K in early December.

    LOL - it's the "decently populated area" I'm missing. I live on an island... in the pacific ocean.... pretty sure that what there is is what there is!!! :) Thanks for the encouragement though. Someone listed a site to check - so I'll take a look at it. The big thing is not quitting, right?

    LOL! That explains the beautiful profile pic. DON'T QUIT!
  • Ivorymae
    I used to run, slow, but I ran. After a back problem and weight gain I stopped you all have encouraged me to began agan
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    I'm not sure that I consider myself a runner, but the C25K has been amazing. I start the final week next week, and I'm amazed and proud.

    So when do you guys think it's okay to consider yourself a runner? When you run 3 miles 3 times a week? Or more? I know it seems silly, but what's the criteria?