for all the hopefull "wanna be" runners out there - trying t



  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Well, ran 25 min again this morning. After Monday's run I was really dreading it, and it was great! Go figure! I was slow, but I ran the whole thing and felt really good.

    Nicolee, I tried the breathing in my nose thing that you suggested. It was cold this morning (about 17 degrees) and so breathing through my mouth was a bad thing. I had a hard time settling into a rythm, but once I did, it was totally doable. I had to take a deep breath through my mouth occasionally when I was in the hills and getting out of breath, but I imagine my body will get used to nose breathing. I noticed that throuout the day I haven't had the little bit of chest congestion I usually have after a cool weather run.

    I need to rethink the clothes. I was getting a cramp in my calf, and I think it was b/c of the cold weather. Maybe more layers on the bottom, and take off a layer on top. Hmmmm. I hate wearing too many clothes when I run, but I think it is more important to keep the lower half warm. What do you guys think?

    Darman, that is terrible about your knee. I worry about mine. I can feel them giving out on me one day. Yikes!:sad:

    I was thinking about my abs today when I was running b/c of iplay's comment the other day, and I totally feel it in my abs when running up hill, and in my lower/middle back when running downhill. Just an interesting observation.

    Steph, you should most definitely do the race. It will give you a reason to push on through the colder months. I have been wishing I could find a race to sign up for in my area, but it ain't gonna happen!

    Have a great day everybody! :happy:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Great job tabby! I am glad you got through the run! I will be doing my second one tomorrow since my schedule is a little off this week. Next week I will be running MWF again. :wink: Glad breathing through your nose has helped with the cold too. :smile:

    I will do the race! I will just have to push a lot and hope I don't walk. :laugh:
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    That sucks about the knee. I strained my miniscus in April and it hurt like hell. Didn't think I'd ever walk normal again. I'm so afraid of doing it again that anytime I feel anything beyond normal in my knee I stop what I'm doing to make sure everythings ok with it.

    One thing that I have used in my last two runs that helps with breathing is a Pearl Izumi ski mask. I used it when I was Mt Biking a lot, works just as well for running. It helps filter the cold air, and it will get wet, but the material does a good job of making it not feel wet.

    I have a Co-Worker who has lost 110 pounds and has kept it off for several years. I talk a lot of fitness stuff with him. He used to run X-Country before he blew up. He said the constant knee lifting also contributes to the ab work during running. He showed me a couple runners ab excersises to try.

    Ok, Tomorrow morning is supposed to be the final Couch-to-5K work out. I have a 2 mile race on Saturday. Should I go ahead and run 5K in preperation for the race Saturday, or should I just run 2 miles as fast as I can, and continue with 5K (or longer) next week? It's 3 weeks until my 5K race.
  • nsgrimm
    I started training this week for a half marathon next year. I could all of the encouragement I can get!!!

  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    That sucks about the knee. I strained my miniscus in April and it hurt like hell. Didn't think I'd ever walk normal again. I'm so afraid of doing it again that anytime I feel anything beyond normal in my knee I stop what I'm doing to make sure everythings ok with it.

    One thing that I have used in my last two runs that helps with breathing is a Pearl Izumi ski mask. I used it when I was Mt Biking a lot, works just as well for running. It helps filter the cold air, and it will get wet, but the material does a good job of making it not feel wet.

    I have a Co-Worker who has lost 110 pounds and has kept it off for several years. I talk a lot of fitness stuff with him. He used to run X-Country before he blew up. He said the constant knee lifting also contributes to the ab work during running. He showed me a couple runners ab excersises to try.

    Ok, Tomorrow morning is supposed to be the final Couch-to-5K work out. I have a 2 mile race on Saturday. Should I go ahead and run 5K in preperation for the race Saturday, or should I just run 2 miles as fast as I can, and continue with 5K (or longer) next week? It's 3 weeks until my 5K race.
    stick with the plan and make sure you take the day off before the race - then on race day bust it out!!
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    thanks for the concern and encouragement all!! i think i pushed the distance too far too fast - you dont go from no running at all to running 4 miles a day 5-6 days a week - well at least i don't but i would rather this happen early on then later - advice is to get it fixed now and the issue should not return -
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    I started training this week for a half marathon next year. I could all of the encouragement I can get!!!


    You go!! that is so awesome - I would like to do that also - what training plan are you using?
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Tabbydog- I am glad you are getting used to the nose breathing. I find that I actaully do a couple of big mouth breaths every once in a while too. As for the pants...that is entirely up to you! Everyone is different. I tend to have less on the bottom and more on the top. I hate it when my arms get cold and I like to keep my core warm. My legs... unless I am SUPER cold...I have a pair of spandex that is kinda fuzzy lined. That is pretty much all I wear in the winter time.

    Iplay- I agree with darman. Keep the c25k going. The 2mile race can be your sprint workout for your 5k. What ab exercises did your co-worker suggest for running?

    Steph- keep up the good work!

    nsgrimm- Excellent! I have done 2 half marathons...It is a challenge, but as far as I'm concerned, still within reach!:tongue:

    Darman- When I did my 2nd half marathon, I used smartcoach on runner's world. It got me to the finish in 2:06:19. I was on pace for under 2hrs, was an extremely hilly course and the last 1.1 miles is literally uphil...I didn't walk on that last mile...but I might have been faster if I did!LOL:laugh: :laugh:
  • nsgrimm
    I found one online for free, and I'm using that, I wouldn't mind sharing it with you either on here or via e-mail. :smile:
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Couch-to-5K is Done! I did run 5K this morning. I did it in 36:00. I'm getting faster.

    My 2 Mile split was 22:00. So my goal for Saturday is to try and beat that. I think with having other runners around I'll find an extra gear, or at least an over-drive.

    I've noticed with these longer runs it's taking longer to recover, or maybe that has more to do with I lifted yesterday evening so there was less than 12 hours between work-outs. But I've done that before and not had this much trouble. Maybe I'm dehydrated. I'm pounding the a 44 oz cup of water right now.

    Also, is it cheating if you weigh yourself after you run.
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Iplay, If it were me, I'd just run my regular 30 minutes today and make sure I rest Friday.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Couch-to-5K is Done! I did run 5K this morning. I did it in 36:00. I'm getting faster.

    My 2 Mile split was 22:00. So my goal for Saturday is to try and beat that. I think with having other runners around I'll find an extra gear, or at least an over-drive.

    I've noticed with these longer runs it's taking longer to recover, or maybe that has more to do with I lifted yesterday evening so there was less than 12 hours between work-outs. But I've done that before and not had this much trouble. Maybe I'm dehydrated. I'm pounding the a 44 oz cup of water right now.

    Also, is it cheating if you weigh yourself after you run.'s cheating weighing yourself after you run....I always like to see how much water weight I lose. You sweat it out. I remember reading about Lance Armstrong and one of his Tour de France's, and he lost a sick amount of weight after each ride. I am talking like 14 pounds...He is not one that can afford to lose it!!! Obviously he (and us too) Put it back on when we hydrate and eat.

    Good luck with your 2mile race on sat!:flowerforyou: :drinker:

    As for me...I am going to incorporate so repeats in my run today. We have our 5k on Thanksgiving....I am looking forward to it!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Iplay - Good luck on your run this weekend! :drinker:

    Nicole - Thanks! Keep up the good work too!

    I just did my second 25 minute run today on a different route and it still ended up being about 2.05 miles. So, my pace is pretty much the same. :tongue: So at this pace I can expect to finish a 5K in about 37 minutes. :tongue: I know only if I continue to keep doing what I am doing will the time decrease. :bigsmile:
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Contrats iplay! whoo hoo! I can't wait to be where you are!

    My next run is tomorrow. I was considering running tonight instead, because I have Zumba tomorrow night, and I usually do it on Wed. night. Decisions decisions...... :huh:
  • Desiderata
    I am definitely in! I run for 40 minutes a day, with a 10 minute mile, so i qualify. I've been gettin consistantly better, better meaning i can run longer with a few past paced intervals, but i hope to be able to run more than 5 easily.

    We'll keep working on this!

  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I figured it was cheating, that's why I didn't change the ticker. When I wrestled it wasn't uncommon to lose 10-12 pounds in one practice.

    I went and scouted the race route at lunch, a bunch of other people had the same idea. There were a lot of 10 Mile people getting their tune-ups in. That got me excited. I'm going to have to find a way to stay down for 48 hours.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Welcome Desiderata!

    So I did my run with my intervals in it...they are actually called Fartleks....I won't tell you what my kids and I say about them!!LOL:laugh: They went les were pooped from doing squats and lunges yesterday. It was perfect weather today! About 50degrees and sunny!! YEAH!!
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    iplay, an ounce lost is an ounce lost, it doesn't matter how you do it. I weigh myself in the morning, AFTER my run, before my shower, and if I pee, I get on the scale again (I know, I know, tmi....) :blushing:

    Two hours in traffic tonight getting home means I run in the morning, probably in the rain, and do Zumba tomorrow night. Decision made!

    Four miles in 40 minutes, you are definitely not a "wanna be." If I could run 4 miles in any amount of time short of 24 hours I would be happy..... :huh: Welcome! :drinker: :drinker:
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Couch-to-5K is Done! I did run 5K this morning. I did it in 36:00. I'm getting faster.

    CONGRATULATIONS! And good luck on your run Saturday!