for all the hopefull "wanna be" runners out there - trying t



  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    For W9D1, instead of running for time, I decided to run the 5K distance. Took me 38:19 to do what says is a 5K. I damn near sprinted the last 1/2 mile.

    I was kind of down on myself for how slow I was, but then a few things occured to me after I got back inside. 1. I have never run for 30 minutes straight before in my life, not even in HS could I think of a reason that I would have ran that long. 2. The conditions were terrible. The temp was in the upper 30's. Wind was sustained 20 mph out of the north, with a light dirzzle. The first half of the run was straight into the wind. I didn't realize how much extra weight I was pulling until I started peeling layers off and realized how heavy and soaked they were. But if you're going to run a 5K in December and Janurary you have to be prepared for such stuff.

    Now I'm pretty proud of my self. I'm going to back to the couch to watch football the rest of the day.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Excellent Tabbydog! Friendly advice(do whatever you want with it)- breath inthrough your nose and out your mouth, especially in the winter. It feels like you are not getting any air, but, the nose actually warms the air before it goes to the lungs. Much better for your lungs. AND...believe it or not, it actually controls your breathing so you don't hyperventilate.:flowerforyou:

    Thanks Nicolee, I will try that! I hate breathing through my nose, because I am often a little stuffy in the mornings, but I will give it a shot!

    Another 25 minutes in the morning.
  • rose14
    rose14 Posts: 4 Member
    I have a question for all you runners. I have a difficult time with speed.

    At what speed do you all run? Obviously this is more for those who use treadmills.
    If I'm 5'4 and running around 4.0 or that considered running?

    Does the Couch to 5K have any requirements regarding speed? I find try as I might I can not run long at 5.0 even.

    I get really discouraged by it, but I can't help thinking better to run at 4.0 than not all? I just feel like i should be progressing.
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    I have a question for all you runners. I have a difficult time with speed.

    At what speed do you all run? Obviously this is more for those who use treadmills.
    If I'm 5'4 and running around 4.0 or that considered running?

    Does the Couch to 5K have any requirements regarding speed? I find try as I might I can not run long at 5.0 even.

    I get really discouraged by it, but I can't help thinking better to run at 4.0 than not all? I just feel like i should be progressing.
    There is no "right" speed. It's different for all of us and your speed will increase as your stamina, bone strength and muscle strenght increases. Don't do too much too fast or it could cause injury and get you sidelined. The important thing is just keep going and listen to your body, it will let you know when it is time to increase speed or distance. My wife is the same height as you are and she runs at 4.5, I run at 6.5 but I have been at it for about 4 months now.
    As far as I know there are no speed requirements in the c25k program. One thing I have always heard though is that running too slow can cause some lower back problems so be careful of that. You may want to try walking at a faster pace for the entire distance before attempting any running.
    Hope this helps!!:drinker: :drinker:
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    For W9D1, instead of running for time, I decided to run the 5K distance. Took me 38:19 to do what says is a 5K. I damn near sprinted the last 1/2 mile.

    I was kind of down on myself for how slow I was, but then a few things occured to me after I got back inside. 1. I have never run for 30 minutes straight before in my life, not even in HS could I think of a reason that I would have ran that long. 2. The conditions were terrible. The temp was in the upper 30's. Wind was sustained 20 mph out of the north, with a light dirzzle. The first half of the run was straight into the wind. I didn't realize how much extra weight I was pulling until I started peeling layers off and realized how heavy and soaked they were. But if you're going to run a 5K in December and Janurary you have to be prepared for such stuff.

    Now I'm pretty proud of my self. I'm going to back to the couch to watch football the rest of the day.
    Awesome jop on the distance man!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    This is a great topic. About 4 -5 months ago, I too decided I wanted to be a runner. Now I can run three miles in under 30 minutes. Last time I ran, I did it in 27:40, which is REALLY good for me. My goal is to run a 25 minute 5K in the spring. So I run about 3 - 4 times a week from 2 - 4 miles at each stint. I found that I really like running because it's challenging, but more so because it allows my mind to just focus on one thing: running.

    Good luck everyone.
    Right there with ya sister - my goal is 25 min for a polar bear run in January - my last (and first time) was 27:02 - I have run 25:30 on the treadmill but not on the road - starting a training schedule this week though - we will see!!
  • rose14
    rose14 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you Darman!

    Hearing this makes me feel more normal. I suppose when I build up more muscles and take the weight off my body it will be easier to go faster.

    Thanks again!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Gm everyone! I took the weekend off fro mrunning because I had something else to do, but...I am back full force this week!
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Well, had the crappiest run ever today. I was supposed to run 25 min on the c25k program, and I just couldn't do it. I only ran 20. My knees hurt, my breathing was labored. I am very disappointed. :sad: I chalk it up to this: I ate crap all weekend. (Made Turkey dinner Sat. night w/ all the fixins and pigged out Sat. night AND yesterday, even had pie!) I went out Friday night and drank 4 beers, and Sat. night had about 3-4 glasses of wine. Yesterday the weather was so crappy I didn't do a darned thing all day.

    Also, the weather today was not too cold (about 35 degrees) but there was a biting wind, and I think I overdressed. I don't do well when I over dress for the weather.

    So, it was a lesson learned with regards to how your body feels when you treat it right, vs. when you don't. It will strengthen my resolve through the holidays to behave myself. At least mostly! At the moment I am eating a salad.....
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Sorry about the bad run Tabby! At least it some motivation to keep eating right through the holidays. :tongue:

    I didn't run today because I was traveling all day and was exhausted when I got home (and only had a short amount of daylight left). So this week my runs are going to be Tues, Thurs, Sat. :tongue:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Ran the 25 minute run today. Using I made a new route of 3 miles to walk 5 min, run 25, walk the rest. I ended up running about 2 miles and walking 1. So, by the time I get to 30 minutes of running, I am not sure I will be running 3 miles.. maybe 2.5 miles. So, I am debating if I should work up to just running the 3 miles and then start the 5K race series later in December, or just run the 5K on December 6th and see if I can make the 3 miles.. most likely being the last person to finish. :laugh: I guess it would feel good to just finish the race - not really mattering on time.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I would do the race Steph!!! You will have adrenaline on your side with all of the other people there. Just are far better off than the people that don't exercise or do anything about their weight at all! Someone has to be doesn't mean it is going to be you.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Tabby dog...I have running days like that too....just keep chugging along!:flowerforyou:

    As for is supposed to be a run day...right now it is pouring down hardcore...ugh:grumble:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement Nicole! And I think it'll be okay if I am last. :laugh: At least I am running, right? :tongue: The 5K series maybe gets a maximum of 20 people running any given 5K.. so it is probably really likely I am at the end. :laugh:

    Sorry about the pouring rain! I hope it clears up soon! I usually just go run with my windbreaker / water proof jacket. Run without glasses too, just put them in my pocket since I can see better without them than having them covered in water. :tongue:
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I think we've all had our share of bad runs, or missed work outs because rest seemed like a better option. Remember, proper rest; or is it wrest? is apart of proper fitness too.

    I went to a college football game on Saturday, and drank beer and ate crap. It was fun, but I also paid for it on Sunday when I ran. But I felt a whole lot better after I did.

    Now for a question. I've finished Days 1 and 2 of Week 9. 5K runs, first was 38, second was close to 38 min. When I get done with these runs, it's not my legs that hurt and feel tired, it's my ....ABS? They don't hurt during the run, it's not until a couple hours after that I feel like I did 500 sit ups. Does keeping my posture, and breathing for that amount of time really tax the abs that much? Am I running wrong? Anyone else dealt with this?
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement guys. I will run the 25 minutes again tomorrow, and hopefully a couple of days of being back in my routine of eating well will make a difference. Here's hoping!

    iplay, I can sometimes feel it in my abs when I run hills. I have strong abs from riding horses, so they don't hurt exactly, but I definitely feel like they are being used. I think that holding proper posture has a huge effect on core muscles. Think of the "plank" which a the yoga position which is like the top portion of a pushup. Just holding yourself there is an icredible ab workout, so it stands to reason that holding your upper body erect while running would also work these muscles.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Ok...good news...the rain stopped just for me and my run!!!! LOL:laugh: :laugh: turned out to be a nice 3 drizzled on me just a little bit at the end....who cares about that !!! Thanks for kicking my butt Steph!

    Iplay- I agree with Tabbydog. You are definitely working your abs when you run with good posture. You actually work more than that and you don't even realize it. For example...several years ago when I ran a 10 miler, my arms and back were sooooooo sore! I thought that was the strangest thing...until I thought about it and realized...duh...I am using my arms for a long period of time too, not just my legs!:tongue:
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Ok...good news...the rain stopped just for me and my run!!!! LOL:laugh: :laugh: turned out to be a nice 3 drizzled on me just a little bit at the end....who cares about that !!! Thanks for kicking my butt Steph!

    Iplay- I agree with Tabbydog. You are definitely working your abs when you run with good posture. You actually work more than that and you don't even realize it. For example...several years ago when I ran a 10 miler, my arms and back were sooooooo sore! I thought that was the strangest thing...until I thought about it and realized...duh...I am using my arms for a long period of time too, not just my legs!:tongue:

    Now that I think about it, it does make sense. I shake out my arms and shoulders from time to time while running. i guess the abs shouldn't be any different.
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    Well, went to see the doc yesterday and it looks like a torn maniscus on the interior of the knee - only - it just kinda sucks getting old - will be out for six weeks - not doing it yet - going to try taking it easy - ibuprofin - and most of all prayer
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Oh that stinks Darman!!!!:noway: Well, rest won't lose that much in 6 weeks!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    Well, went to see the doc yesterday and it looks like a torn maniscus on the interior of the knee - only - it just kinda sucks getting old - will be out for six weeks - not doing it yet - going to try taking it easy - ibuprofin - and most of all prayer

    I am sorry Darman! That totally stinks. Just rest and take it easy. *big hugs*