for all the hopefull "wanna be" runners out there - trying t



  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Hi all! I was out of town for a week at a conference - and I ran the 5k I was training for. They didn't have a very good timing system, so I'm not sure it was accurate, but my "official" time was 38 minutes! (I think it really was closer to 40, but who's to argue!)

    The food was incredible - and I worked really hard all week - and ate a ton of amazing food. It will take a while to balance back out to my "normal" routine. I picked up a few pounds, but I think some of that will come off quickly as I'm sure I was eating more salt than normal.

    I swam at the gym yesterday, and today ran for 20 minutes before my aqua fitness class. I'm going to need a new running goal to stay motivated. Doing 2 5k's a week apart was a lot of fun.

    Well, look at you! Two 5k's. I'm impressed. You're doing fantastic!

    My running partner keeps backing out and I have to run on the treadmill at my apartment complex by myself. I'm hoping I'll be able to run the 5k next month in Seattle. I'd almost bet money, she backs out of that and I'll have no way to get there because I don't drive. I'll have to check the bus schedule and see if there's any buses in my town that run early enough to go. :frown:
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    I am a "wanna-be runner" for sure. I have never been able to run for even the smallest amount of time and I dream of just one day opening the front door with my running sneakers on and going for the longest, most relaxing run I could possibly do.

    My issue is I cannot even go 5 mins on a treadmill at 6.0 without feeling like I am going to die. I do nto know how to breath when I run so snot comes out my nose and I cramp real bad.

    Anyone have any advice for the novie of all novice runners?

    ok... I would feel like I was going to die if I started out trying to run at 6.0 on a treadmill for 5 minutes! SLOW DOWN! (I also echo the couch to 5k recommendation) My running pace is about 4.8 now - it started at 3.8, moved to 4.2, 4.5... you get the idea.

    I never ran much as a kid because of chronic sinus problems... claritin helps me a lot. However, the two races I ran I had problems with drainage the first mile. After that I was okay. Note to self... take along hanky...
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Hi all! I was out of town for a week at a conference - and I ran the 5k I was training for. They didn't have a very good timing system, so I'm not sure it was accurate, but my "official" time was 38 minutes! (I think it really was closer to 40, but who's to argue!)

    The food was incredible - and I worked really hard all week - and ate a ton of amazing food. It will take a while to balance back out to my "normal" routine. I picked up a few pounds, but I think some of that will come off quickly as I'm sure I was eating more salt than normal.

    I swam at the gym yesterday, and today ran for 20 minutes before my aqua fitness class. I'm going to need a new running goal to stay motivated. Doing 2 5k's a week apart was a lot of fun.

    Well, look at you! Two 5k's. I'm impressed. You're doing fantastic!

    My running partner keeps backing out and I have to run on the treadmill at my apartment complex by myself. I'm hoping I'll be able to run the 5k next month in Seattle. I'd almost bet money, she backs out of that and I'll have no way to get there because I don't drive. I'll have to check the bus schedule and see if there's any buses in my town that run early enough to go. :frown:

    Thanks, Betty!

    Sounds like you need a new running partner :-)
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    My take on the beginning runner/pace thing--first of all, I :heart: Couch to 5k!! It got me back into running relatively painlessly after a very sedentary year after my 2nd son was born. But the other thing I have to say is that an old dog taught me how to run. Really. I always used to hate running. The first time in my life I ever did it was one summer when I was in grad school, living with a friend who had an old dog who hated running even more than I did. :laugh: I used to take her out, and I wanted to run, but she didn't. So we compromised--she walked quickly, I jogged slowly, and I suddenly found myself able to sustain my pace much, much longer than I ever had been able to before.

    As for the weather, I don't know how you people in hot climates do it! I MUCH prefer running in the cold! I lived in Baltimore for a while, and was miserable during the summers. I'll take 40 degrees over 90 any day! :wink:

    I missed my Monday run this week because of a stomach bug. :frown: I stay at home with my kids, who are too big to take in the stroller/too small to run with me, so I have limited running opportunities, and it's difficult for me to make up a missed run, but I'll be back out tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a good week! :smooched:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great day, it looks like I will be running tomorrow, in the rain, again.....:grumble: :grumble:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Hi all! I was out of town for a week at a conference - and I ran the 5k I was training for. They didn't have a very good timing system, so I'm not sure it was accurate, but my "official" time was 38 minutes! (I think it really was closer to 40, but who's to argue!)

    The food was incredible - and I worked really hard all week - and ate a ton of amazing food. It will take a while to balance back out to my "normal" routine. I picked up a few pounds, but I think some of that will come off quickly as I'm sure I was eating more salt than normal.

    I swam at the gym yesterday, and today ran for 20 minutes before my aqua fitness class. I'm going to need a new running goal to stay motivated. Doing 2 5k's a week apart was a lot of fun.

    Well, look at you! Two 5k's. I'm impressed. You're doing fantastic!

    My running partner keeps backing out and I have to run on the treadmill at my apartment complex by myself. I'm hoping I'll be able to run the 5k next month in Seattle. I'd almost bet money, she backs out of that and I'll have no way to get there because I don't drive. I'll have to check the bus schedule and see if there's any buses in my town that run early enough to go. :frown:

    Thanks, Betty!

    Sounds like you need a new running partner :-)

    Yeah, I'll see if she goes to this 5k or not. I'm not going to register until the morning of the run even though it's $5 more at that point. I can't afford to just throw $25 away if I end up not going. :frown:
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    4.6 miles for me today, and it felt great! :happy: I'm not sure if it was the intervals on Saturday, or the prospect of not feeling so bad indulging in some Halloween candy, but I wish every day were like today!

    Betty, I feel for you--I sure wish I had a running partner! I hope she pulls through for your race.

    We are going to my SIL's house for Halloween, and may spend the night, but if we don't I'm going to run a 5k on Sunday morning. That will probably be my last race before spring. I'd really like to do a 10k, but I think I'm too late in the season at this point, so I'll have to wait for warmer weather.
  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    So since I didn't want to spend money on a costume, I just wore my running clothes to work today and pinned a number on my back. Now I feel like running all over my office! :laugh:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    aeswan- Do have to stop running in the winter? I never have! Where I used to live they had a run series that happened once a month. You could choose either a 5k or 10k and it was a great way to stay motivated over the winter months.

    Lisa- I Love the costume!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Betty- I have a friend that would do that to me all of the time. Bail on races at the last possible minute. Then, I planned a race where my husband could go and she tried to tag along. I said no and BOY WAS SHE MAD!!!! I definitely learned my lesson with her, don't rely on anyone but yourself!

    I went to the track and did an interval workout this morning. Overall I did 3 miles, with 100 and 200m repeats. Didn't go too bad! I hoep everyon has a great weekend!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    aeswan- Do have to stop running in the winter? I never have! Where I used to live they had a run series that happened once a month. You could choose either a 5k or 10k and it was a great way to stay motivated over the winter months.

    Lisa- I Love the costume!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Betty- I have a friend that would do that to me all of the time. Bail on races at the last possible minute. Then, I planned a race where my husband could go and she tried to tag along. I said no and BOY WAS SHE MAD!!!! I definitely learned my lesson with her, don't rely on anyone but yourself!

    I went to the track and did an interval workout this morning. Overall I did 3 miles, with 100 and 200m repeats. Didn't go too bad! Tomorrow I am going for my long run of 5 miles! HA! HA! That used to be a warm-up for me! LOL Funny how life changes! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Thanks for the support ladies. I don't know, maybe I'm just being to hard on her. I realize she has other responsibilities at home and she has a lot of stress right now because of finances and other issues but grrrr, she's the one that got me iinvolved with the whole c25k program because she didn't want to run by herself. (She being my dd).

    Her hubby was running with us for awhile until he hurt his ankle and, because he's diabetic, it took a long time to heal up so he quit. Still, he can watch the kids for an hour or so while we run. And if she has a headache so she doesn't feel like running, then take some Tylenol. :huh: Or cramps, well take some Tylenol. :huh: Or doesn't feel like running today. :huh: Well run anyway. I feel like running today. Oh well. Maybe if I offer to pay her registration fee that'll give her more incentive to go. I just want to do the 5k. It's all her fault for getting me involved with c25k. :bigsmile:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Wow, I sound like a cranky, selfish old lady don't I. :tongue:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Wow, I sound like a cranky, selfish old lady don't I. :tongue:

    No...actually you don't. Not to me because I was through the situation before!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Awwww Betty!!! I'm thankful you had your buddy with you to get you started and get you going - b/c look at you now!!! You're a die hard - and an inspiration to the rest of us. :)

    I've been going it alone (well, with the support of mfp-ers) - and it helps to have this group to check in with...

    If Amy can't make it with you - know that you can still do it by yourself - FOR yourself!!! :) Proud of you!

    Btw, I went for a run this morning - a total of 42 mins - not sure the distance, but I can tell my mileage is increasing a bit. Fun, fun, fun to run! :)

    Happy Halloween everyone!
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    Nicole, I don't stop running during the winter, there are just far fewer races to sign up for. I haven't looked super-hard, but a quick reading through the listings on shows nothing longer than 5k within a reasonable distance of me until March.

    3 miles for me this morning--not my greatest day, but I got through. Oh, but what I did do today that was different--I often run along the bluff above the beach on Lake Michigan--today I actually went down the bluff and ran along the beach a bit (on a path, not on the sand), which that meant that then I had to come back UP, so I added some stairs to my run. :laugh: Chilly and windy, but a beautiful fall day. I just hope the rain holds off long enough to get in some trick-or-treating this evening.

    Happy Halloween everyone! :devil:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Well...I didn't run today...I bagged!:grumble: But I will do my 5 miles tomorrow morning!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Well, I did my 5 miles today and I cut of 45 seconds! Not much....but I am glad!:happy: I hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Wow, for all you people out there running 3, 4, 5 miles, I don't think you can call yourself "wanna be" any more! Congrats! I started d1w5 of c25k this morning. It was another cold one, about 28 or so, and going to be a little colder the rest of the week. Ha ha! Bring it on! (whine, whimper!) :bigsmile:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Wow, for all you people out there running 3, 4, 5 miles, I don't think you can call yourself "wanna be" any more! Congrats! I started d1w5 of c25k this morning. It was another cold one, about 28 or so, and going to be a little colder the rest of the week. Ha ha! Bring it on! (whine, whimper!) :bigsmile:

    I just did W5D1 also! I was actually surprised at how easy it was for me compared to last weeks runs. Though the 8 min runs and 20 minute run are going to get me. I just have to tell myself it's all in my head and that I am quite capable. :wink:
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Congrats Steph! I didn't think it was too hard either. :drinker: