for all the hopefull "wanna be" runners out there - trying t



  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Darman-I actually use the smartcoach on That has given me good times before. (meaning last year and the year before pre-injury) I sometimes vary from what they do though. I like to put hill repeats in and different repeats other than 800's on the track. I sometimes do 400's, 200's, 100's. Sometimes I do them as a ladder. 1x1600, 1x800, 2x400, 4x200,etc. I don't always do that many. AND......I am not doing that many right now. But smartcoach will give you times that you can do some of your repeats on.

    I have no idea what this means...
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Great job on all the cardio iplayoutside! Wow! I bet you were exhausted. :laugh:

    Tabbydog - 25 minute run tomorrow, here we come! :wink:

    It's supposed to be raining here, so we'll see how it goes. I am going to throw on my wind breaker / water proof jacket and hope for the best. :laugh: I am traveling tomorrow to visit friends about 5.5 hours away, so I am waking up at 5:30/6:00am to run. Maybe it will shock my body and kick some pounds. :tongue:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Darman-I actually use the smartcoach on That has given me good times before. (meaning last year and the year before pre-injury) I sometimes vary from what they do though. I like to put hill repeats in and different repeats other than 800's on the track. I sometimes do 400's, 200's, 100's. Sometimes I do them as a ladder. 1x1600, 1x800, 2x400, 4x200,etc. I don't always do that many. AND......I am not doing that many right now. But smartcoach will give you times that you can do some of your repeats on.

    I have no idea what this means...
    Jan- I am talking about doing intervals on a track. The repeats are 800meters, 1600 meters, etc. Does that make sense?

    Stephanie and Tabbydog- good luck on the 25 minutes tomorrow!
    I feel your pain about the weather. I ran 3 today and it rained on me the whole time. Oh yeah...and the temp was 43!!!:sad: :sad: Oh's getting close to winter!

    Iplay- cool with the more energy! I know it was tiring, but think about how you were 49 lbs ago! Not doing all of that activity!
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Ok, so I've got somewhere to go tonight so I"ll be missing my aquafit class. Still haven't actually made it to the gym, so I thought - well, put on the running shoes and run outside. So I put on a week 6 podcast - 25 minute run and decided not to worry about the time and just run around the .9 mile loop in my neighborhood. Well I use my phone for my podcasts - and it rang - which stops the podcast and starts it over when the call ends. It was my sister, so we ended up talking as I ran, then walked, and I kinda wandered up and down the street - so I have no idea either how long or how far I ran... but it felt good. The end.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    My dreams of running a 5K almost took a serious set back this morning. I rolled my ankle....but I kept my stride didn't feel any pain so I kept going. Aside from it scaring the hell out of me I'm fine.

    W8 is in the books. I'm signing up for my races this afternoon after work. I have to go to a running store to do so, which is why I've been putting it off because it's a half hour out of my way...and I haven't had the extra coin to do it.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Woohoo! I completed my 25 minute run in the rain. :tongue: I feel pretty good about it. I think distance wise it was between 2 and 2.5 miles. I guess it was 2.5 miles with the warm up and cool down walk. :smile:

    iplay - Sorry about the ankle! I am glad that it was just a scare and not much pain. Good luck with signing up for a 5K!

    Nicole - Yes, it is getting close to winter! I would rather it be snowing than raining to run in. Since snow doesn't leave you extremely wet. :tongue:

    JPrice - glad you got some run time in. :smile: As well as a chat with you sister!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    My dreams of running a 5K almost took a serious set back this morning. I rolled my ankle....but I kept my stride didn't feel any pain so I kept going. Aside from it scaring the hell out of me I'm fine.

    W8 is in the books. I'm signing up for my races this afternoon after work. I have to go to a running store to do so, which is why I've been putting it off because it's a half hour out of my way...and I haven't had the extra coin to do it.

    I know what you mean about rolling the ankle! I ahve done that before...argh! At least you were ok, but it put s in perspective, hey maybe I am not as invincible as I think that I am!:grumble:

    I also understand about te extra coin! My kids run too and I really wanted to do my 1st race in a year and a 1/2 with them on Thanksgiving. But it would be $20 a person and we have to drive to Eugene with is 1 1/2 away. SOOOOO....we decided to make our own 5k race! I am even making t-shirts! I found t-shirts for $2.50 and I have fabric paint. We named it the Turkey Lurkey 5k. I just ran the course yesterday! It should be fun! My daughters Cross Country friends may join us.:laugh: :laugh:

    Stephanie- have fun with your friends !!!:bigsmile:
  • nikos1mom
    Great post! I was a serious runner before I had my son. Then it all went down hill, lol. I'm just starting to run again after almost 2 years off. I've been doing 3-5 miles in the morning about 4-5 days a week. Man, those days I don't run are tough tho. Now I feel like I'm dragging all day if I don't get a good run in before work! I love that! Keeps me motivated.

    I went to and made myself a running schedule, which is great for goal setting. You just put in your current mile time, or 5k time, and then set a goal.... like I want to run a half marathon next summer.... and it'll make a running schedule for you.

    Good luck everyone! We should all keep each other updated as to goals met and stuff too.

  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Welcome Annie! I too am just getting back into running! I had a year hiatus from an injury. Needless to say, I was overweight before, and then packed it on even more!
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    25 Minutes this morning! Whooo hoooooooo! Mind you, I did have to walk for 30 seconds or so b/c 2 big dogs came out and were running after me, so I walked until I heard them stop following me. Of course, my dog wanted to go say hi, but I don't think they were friend material. Anyway, I wouldn't have had to walk otherwise, b/c I was feeling pretty good at that point. It was on a downhill section of the run. My entire run was just over 2 miles. 2.2 I believe. A little slow, but it is a lot of uphill. I did it!!!

    Congrats to you too Steph! It is fun having someone else who is on the same running schedule.

    It was cold this morning. About 20 degrees. Another couple of degrees and I willl need to wear a scarf to breathe through. The cold air was hurting my lungs on the up hill portions. Still wearing pretty light weight clothes though, long-sleeved T and fleece vest with sweat pants. Plenty warm. I end up taking my hat off after about 10 minutes or so!

    I am so excited to be running again, I can't even stand it!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Excellent Tabbydog! Friendly advice(do whatever you want with it)- breath inthrough your nose and out your mouth, especially in the winter. It feels like you are not getting any air, but, the nose actually warms the air before it goes to the lungs. Much better for your lungs. AND...believe it or not, it actually controls your breathing so you don't hyperventilate.:flowerforyou:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Wow you are all doing so great. I've really slacked this week. I've got to get my butt back in gear and start running again. My first 5k is only 15 days away. That is if my dd doesn't mess everything up and not go after all. Then I won't have a way to get there because I don't drive and I don't think there are any buses I can take that run early enough. In that case I'll have to wait for the one in December when there'll be one in my town that's within walking distance of my apartment.

    Keep up the great work everyone. It makes me ashamed of myself for slacking.
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    Darman-I actually use the smartcoach on That has given me good times before. (meaning last year and the year before pre-injury) I sometimes vary from what they do though. I like to put hill repeats in and different repeats other than 800's on the track. I sometimes do 400's, 200's, 100's. Sometimes I do them as a ladder. 1x1600, 1x800, 2x400, 4x200,etc. I don't always do that many. AND......I am not doing that many right now. But smartcoach will give you times that you can do some of your repeats on.

    As for the knee pain, it just went away after a little rest. Do you have alot of mileage on your shoes?

    Thanks much for the info for training - shoes are about 370 miles
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    The money is down, the waivers are signed, and I have numbers to pin to my shirt. Something I've been talking about is now closer to becoming reality.

    I actually signed up for 3 races. 2 Mile Turkey Trot on the 21st. This one was was $20, but it came with a really nice long sleeve shirt. Then I signed up for a 5K on Dec 12th, and just to keep me honest over the Holiday's another 5K on Jan 23rd.

    I also met a runner who lives in my small town too. Turns out we run the same rout...just 5 minutes apart so we don't ever see eachother.
  • SkyraBee
    SkyraBee Posts: 39 Member
    This is a great topic. About 4 -5 months ago, I too decided I wanted to be a runner. Now I can run three miles in under 30 minutes. Last time I ran, I did it in 27:40, which is REALLY good for me. My goal is to run a 25 minute 5K in the spring. So I run about 3 - 4 times a week from 2 - 4 miles at each stint. I found that I really like running because it's challenging, but more so because it allows my mind to just focus on one thing: running.

    Good luck everyone.
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    I just read an article that stated using the elliptical on incline without bars is a good way to keep your body in running shape during the winter when you don't want to go outside (or when it's unsafe to).

    As soon as the snow hits and stays I won't be able to run. I live in a town where the sidewalks aren't properly cleaned so they stay icy as heck once it cools down enough.

    In the meantime it's great to run when the air is cold! Easier to run farther when outside factors keep the body cool.

    Anyway, just thought I'd give the elliptical tip for those of you who are planning to run inside until summer.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Iplay, congratulations! You have to run now. :smile: I'd love to sign up early for my 5k but I'm just too afraid something will come and and my daughter will end up not going and l'd be out the money for both of us because I told her I'd pay for hers too. (Incentive for her to not back out)

    Sniffles, did the article say what incline to set the treadmill at? I set it at 2 because I think I read that somewhere on MFP.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Sniffles and Skyra- Welcome!

    Bettyand Iplay- I can't wait to hear about your races!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Great job tabbydog! The 25 minute run was fun. Good idea for walking with the dogs chasing you.

    Iplay - Great job for signing up for a few races!

    Welcome Sniffles & Skyra!
  • love_love_me
    love_love_me Posts: 2 Member
    i remember when i started running, a mile felt like forever. i kept at it and quickly built up to 5 miles 3-4 times a week. i like running because of the rush you get after words, you know that athlete's high.