In Home Workouts

BetterVersion Posts: 459
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Well, here in the panhandle of Nebraska we've been absolutely dumped on with snow. This means my outside walks will be few and far between now that the winter weather has begun, and I'm at a loss as to what would be the best workouts for me to try in home. Joining a gym is out of the question, so I was hoping for suggestions for either a good workout routine or even a workout video that would be efficient. I'm looking for moderate to high calorie burn, but am not what you would call coordinated, so things like Tae-bo really aren't for me. :laugh:

Any ideas????


  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I do most of my workouts in my house since it's hard for me to get out with the kids.. i :heart: The biggest loser cardo max dvd, and i use my stairs for workouts, my couch for back and arm work outs.. i hold on to the front of my couch and lift my self up and down off the floor for the stairs i use them to workout my legs and i do push ups off them. You can do lunges all through out the house , sit ups can be done any where, squats, and another great dvd if you like walks is Walk away the pounds i do those on days i can get out for my daily walks....
  • AngelaBeaulieu
    AngelaBeaulieu Posts: 109 Member
    Sweatin to the oldies . . . I still have the VHS ones but love them . . . My mom gave them to me!
  • The Biggest Loser DVDs. I have Cardio Max and Power Sculpt. The Wii Fit is pretty darn sweet too! I really like it. There is also a Biggest Loser game for Wii, I am going to get it today.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    P90 is a great workout. There is P90 and P90X. P90 is a great place to start. There is an online community for support and you can keep track of your workouts as well. It is a 90 day program and starts off at a level 1-2 and moves up to level 3-4. It is 6 days a week with one rest day. You do sculpting (weights or bands) one day and then cardio the next day. It is an awesome program that I have completed before and you will see amazing results!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Do you have Comcast On Demand? If so there are tons of workouts on there. If not I suggest Turbo Jam and/or 30 Day Shred.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,072 Member
    I'd recommend Power 90 or Slim in 6.
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    I love the biggest loser dvd's bootcamp and yoga for weight loss. I think they're more for beginners than the P90 program. If you aren't a beginner then they'd probably be fine for you!
  • Bootcamp and weight loss yoga are what I use. I also use the wii dance pad and take taekwondo.
  • I like Jari Love's Ripped 1000. It claims that you can burn upto 1000 calories in about an hour. I have been doing it off and on for a few months and the most that I have ever burned was about 450. It is a great workout though. It incorporates weights and cardio. If you have bad knees though, I would watch yourself. There is a lot of squats and jumping jacks and such. Does your local public library have workout videos? Our library is fabulous and they have a wide assortment of workout videos to choose from. So when I get bored I just go find a new one! I hope that youf ind something that you like.

    Oh, and also I would recommend finding a few different ones that you like. You will come to find that doing the same video over and over gets really boring and your body will get used to the routine and you won't burn as many calories. Good luck!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    I just started Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga yesterday, and level 1 was harder than I thought it would be. I also have Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones and a few of The Firm's DVDs. if you have cable you can check out the Fitness Channel, the only problem with that is the workouts are really good but they still play commercials. if you have a DVR or TIVO you can just record and fast forward I guess.
  • If money is an issue, invest in a couple 12$ workout dvds from Wal*Mart. My pilates dvd came with a workout band and you can mix and match the 10-minute segments to just do what you want that day. There's also a channel on tv that has workouts at certain points in the day. I can never seem to catch it at the right time, but I hear they try to keep things interesting. Good luck finding your thing!
  • Crunch Fat Burning Pilates is what I use. Its basically standing pilates based toning coupled with cardio. And then a mat workout and cool down at the end, I am not coordinated at all. My husband says I don't need help falling the ground can level and I am still apt. to fall or trip, but anyway the video is not hard to follow there are even alternate was of doing some moves for people less advanced.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Wife and I are doing 30 day shred, that's a good one. I'm on day 10 and I can feel it.

    Very efficient 30 minute circuit train workout. Time flies by, you'll sweat, we enjoy it. :smile:
  • judymari
    judymari Posts: 69 Member
    Hi from (south central) Nebraska!! I was given some Leslie Sansone 'walking' DVDs and have since gotten more, higher impact ones (off Ebay). I have shattered my leg/ankle and can't do a bunch of jumping etc with the hardware in my leg, but can do these. Using several different of her DVDs, i find that i enjoy them more than any other inside physical exercises i do. No coordination required, ya just keep moving!!
  • Thanks a lot everyone!!!! I'll definitely be looking into a lot of these suggestions to find out which ones will work for me. I currently use the Walk Away the Pounds videos, so those will be good to switch out with a few of the others I choose to do.

    Thanks again! These are all very helpful. :bigsmile:
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    I used to try and think of what I used to do in gym class in elementary school. A lot of the activities are still great now... for muscle toning, you can do push ups and those leg scissor thing, also sit - ups. If you have high ceilings, pick up a jump rope... that is excellent to get the heart pumping. Also, running on the spot. I find it actually harder than when I am out for a run. Also, grab a stool (that's not too high) and do some step ups.

    I hope this helps!
  • Ok so I am new to this site and I'm loving it already! Everyone is so inspiring!
    I just started Slim in 6 this week after losing 18 pounds by walking (FAST) and some Tae Bo. I was just getting stagnant and felt un-challenged at this point. In any case, Slim in 6 is very hard- at least for me. I thought I was in decent shape but apparently I am delusional : ) I did the start it up phase for 2 days and moved onto phase 2-(ramp it up) and I am dying! Sore thighs is the biggest understatement of the year for me. I am hoping to keep at it and will look to this blog for support from all who endure their own routines and goals. The problem area that I am having at this point is diet. I am eating the right foods but I'm not sure I'm eating enough, or maybe I'm eating too much. I have hit a plateau with 20 pounds left to go.............. any suggestions? : ) BTW- I am trying to limit my calorie intake to 1200 but some days I eat far less than that for lack of time..... house full of kids........
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Before I started running this summer, my only form of exercise came from exercise videos (and a little exercise bike). Here are my favorites:

    Biggest Loser Cardio Max
    BL Power Sculpt
    Turbo Jam (any cardio party)
    30 Day Shred
    Walk Away the Pounds
    Biggest Loser DVD 1
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,072 Member
    Ok so I am new to this site and I'm loving it already! Everyone is so inspiring!
    I just started Slim in 6 this week after losing 18 pounds by walking (FAST) and some Tae Bo. I was just getting stagnant and felt un-challenged at this point. In any case, Slim in 6 is very hard- at least for me. I thought I was in decent shape but apparently I am delusional : ) I did the start it up phase for 2 days and moved onto phase 2-(ramp it up) and I am dying! Sore thighs is the biggest understatement of the year for me. I am hoping to keep at it and will look to this blog for support from all who endure their own routines and goals. The problem area that I am having at this point is diet. I am eating the right foods but I'm not sure I'm eating enough, or maybe I'm eating too much. I have hit a plateau with 20 pounds left to go.............. any suggestions? : ) BTW- I am trying to limit my calorie intake to 1200 but some days I eat far less than that for lack of time..... house full of kids........
    Don't feel bad. Slim in 6 IS very hard, but the good news is that it gets easier if you keep at it every day. I did a couple of rounds of P90X first, so I expected SI6 to be a piece of cake. Wrong! When I first started it, I muttered that P90X was for wussies! Now that's not really true. They're just different kinds of hard. Be prepared for Burn it Up to be considerably more difficult than Ramp it Up. It's 11 minutes longer, but the pace is much faster, which is what makes it more challenging. Just do your best, and each day, your best will be better. I promise. If I could make only one diet suggestion, it would be to EAT MORE! Let MFP calculate your calories, enter all your exercise, and eat your exercise calories too. You are earning those calories, and you'll stand a much better chance at being successful with the workouts. Plus you'll feel better too. And isn't that really what you want? Good luck!!!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member < Free workouts.
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