

  • great tips and very inspiring! thanks for sharing :flowerforyou:
  • I also like the biggest loser DVD's...another great one I found was pilates for plus-size or even the good old classic Richard Simmon's Sweating to the Oldies or any of his others. I have been getting them through my local library to try them out first before committing to buying them. I also throw in plenty of walks. But…
  • that's fantastic, way to go! i too will have those days, and generally I have found also exercise usually helps..and if it doesn't like you said you can always stop. i talk myself into getting my workout clothes on and then usually by that point, i am ready and may as well exercise. :happy:
  • Hello! I am new to the thread, also a SAHM. I have two boys one is 8 years old and the other is 9 months old. On the west coast in WA state. Working on a healthier "relationship" with food! Learning healthier life long habits for myself and my family.
  • see that is what i was figuring! thank you for that....so the question still remains...what do you log?! LOL... I knew it was more then just the walking the dog, because dang I am pushing that stroller plus my kiddo that's some resistance and weight, and still trucking at a pace of walking the dog plus some! :laugh:
  • definitely true! guess i really need that HRM that sounds perfect for now :tongue: Thanks!
  • I have been enjoying Workout One on One Training with Jackie (Jackie Warner from Bravo) has a 60 minute workout broken down to upper, lower, and abs/core and you can customize your workout or do them all.
  • That is really interesting...they didn't have my exact body size but i checked out just my height..and then just the weight...very interesting to see the different body types. Thanks for sharing! :flowerforyou:
  • I love Jackie Warner!! I am currently using her WORKOUT One on One training with Jackie video and it kicks my butt! She is a maniac but she knows what she is doing. That is awesome she has a new show. I will have to try and catch an episode online. We cut our cable, because we would just sit and watch hours on end. I…
  • Haha I was wondering if anyone else did this! I use it every so often...I find myself doing it sometimes during an intense workout video when I just can't do what they are doing but I want to keep moving. The goal is to get moving, so hey whatever works! :wink:
  • Hey Monique, it's very nice to meet you! WELCOME TO MFP! I also have a big goal of losing 95 lbs. I want to give up a lot too...but I have been really trying this time to focus on smaller goals. Since joining this site and keeping the diary and being true to myself, I have lost almost 5 lbs (only been on almost 2 weeks).…
  • Welcome to MFP! This site in the time that I have been here has also helped me to be held accountable for what is going into my mouth. I like to eat when I am bored, or watching t.v./movies. I am a mother of two sons and I am working on making healthier choices for all of us as well. I would love to help support you in…
  • i had no idea about the breastfeeding mom option in the food database! thank you i have been wondering that. :flowerforyou:
  • HEY GIRL! TYSM!! :flowerforyou: I needed :blushing: something like this so much! :bigsmile: Keep up the good work Am,:drinker: we are both going to get there and then we will celebrate together in Disney or something haha :laugh:
  • bump! i will need this on-hand :laugh: good suggestions thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • i was wondering the same thing, thanks for asking! :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: my bmi is the same but i would be model thin if i ever got down to 135...would be happy with 180 for sure :tongue:
  • WELCOME! I love this site, there is so much support and it helps hold me accountable! I wish you all the best in your journey.
  • thank you oldbat61 for all the kind words of encouragement and the advice. i really appreciate it and i will try to take it all into consideration. i am also very sorry to hear of your husband's passing i can only imagine how i would "cope" or the lack thereof. enjoy your sister-in-law and your son and his partner. that…
  • :laugh: not sure if this was in here already or not but i love to make split pea soup with ham. i put a whole package of split peas in the crock pot with 7-8 cups, more or less depending on how thin or thick you like it, of half chicken stock and half vegetable stock. then i chop up celery and carrots and onions to your…
  • these recipes are fabulous...sooo many i want to try!! thanks everyone keep the ideas coming!! :wink:
  • Wow thank you everyone for the wonderful welcome. Just another reason why I love this site!!
  • Hey guys I am jumping in here, I really appreciate all of your honesty!! I have struggled on and off with alcohol. I like to drink, but my body doesn't like it. :( Since quitting drinking and getting pregnant and now nursing, I dropped a lot of weight not drinking. As my son is getting older though I can feel myself…
  • we really like to make a french bread pizza...i brown the lean hamburger and drain excess fat. then warm up the sauce, usually a jar of heart healthy spaghetti sauce or i throw my own sauce together, with the hamburger. when the sauce is warm we spread the sauce on both halves of the french bread...and then top with a…
  • try chobani greek yogurt...they have plain or ones with fruit. add a little granola or cereal for something a little extra. or plain with a little honey and berries. check their website for coupons. the yogurt itself has 14 grams of protein, all natural, with no fat, and only 140ish calories. very good for your digestive…