looking for support....

First a little about me...I will be 26 this month, I am a single mom to an awesome 3 year old boy!! I am going to school for Social Work and still have @ least 3 years remaining but I truly enjoy college so its not that bad. I work in a restaurant and love it for the most part, I really enjoy working with people and having cash in my pocket. I am a bit of an emotional eater at times and also eat when I am bored...I am not horrified with my body but I am definitely not as confident as I once was. I would really like to find a way to stay motivated to eat healthier and cook healthier meals for my son as well. I also need to find a way to stay motivated to run...I am new to running but seem to like it the best out of all other exercises I just cant seem to get myself to the gym to do it. Any advice would be great...I think a support team is necessary for me to achieve results. Good luck to all of you as well!!


  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    I am truly an emotional eater also. I have heard from friends that have lost a significant amount of weight that watching what you eat where most of the weight will come off. This has definitely been a huge help to me because I am held accountable for what I put into my mouth. I have definitely made better decisions regarding what food and what portions to eat. I am here for your support! Feel free to add me and welcome to MFP! =)
  • sherhop
    sherhop Posts: 25
    Hey! Wish you all the luck in your weight loss. I've really found that since joining this site that I keep focused and motivated. I know that you will be successful. You can add me as a friend, if you would like.
  • dore0021
    dore0021 Posts: 137
    Well this is a great place to start!
    I'm an emotional eater as well. I also eat when I'm bored. I also like to eat my sons left overs ;-)

    Though, it is easier to cook healthy when you know you're improving your childs quality of life and helping him make healthy choices.

    As for the gym. Pack your gym bag. Bring it with you every day and go whether you want to or not. Make it so you do not have a choice! Usually once I get 10 mins done I'm okay to do another 20... first 10 is the hardest.

    Congrats on making it here, and being a single hard working mom. You're doing a fantastic job.
  • betsy720
    Thank you for the post! I really hope that this is finally the motivation that I need to make a change. Thanks for the advice :smile:
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    You will find so much support here! good luck on your journey xxx
  • cjemtegaard
    Welcome to MFP! This site in the time that I have been here has also helped me to be held accountable for what is going into my mouth. I like to eat when I am bored, or watching t.v./movies. I am a mother of two sons and I am working on making healthier choices for all of us as well. I would love to help support you in this journey, so please add me. I know when working out if I sometimes focus on taking small steps towards getting my workout in when I don't want to it can help. For example...if I am feeling blah I will say..well I am going to get my exercise clothes on, then once you do that...ok going to get my shoes on...and usually once I just focus on those small steps and kinda talk myself into/through it...I am rolling and into my exercise before I know it. I have been working on accomplishing small goals, to make it to my larger one. I make goals for my exercise and I keep adding to it everyday. Things can seem daunting all at once...so break it down....get your clothes on, shoes on, and in your car for the gym and usually then its easier to just go with it.
  • Ckonner
    Ckonner Posts: 101 Member
    Welcome! I am a mom of three kids and I am motivated to eat healthier for them. I teach them what are good food choices and what isn't and it has helped me. I find exercise motivation in the way that every time I exercise I immediately come here and log it - I need the accountability. There is a folder at allows you to create reports. I understand sometimes it feels like you can't find time but remember, even 15 minutes counts! I would like to help motivate you and you me... please add me too!
  • Ckonner
    Ckonner Posts: 101 Member
    Welcome! I am a mom of three kids and I am motivated to eat healthier for them. I teach them what are good food choices and what isn't and it has helped me. I find exercise motivation in the way that every time I exercise I immediately come here and log it - I need the accountability. There is a folder at allows you to create reports. I understand sometimes it feels like you can't find time but remember, even 15 minutes counts! I would like to help motivate you and you me... please add me too!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I recently joined the site on Friday and I think this is great for accountability and motivation.
    Im looking for supporters as well, so please add me so that we can support each other.

    Good Luck on this wonderful journey!