Need a better breakfast



  • beautyqueen1979
    beautyqueen1979 Posts: 151 Member
    I just posted this on my wall for my friends - but this is yummy and keeps me full :) Though I agree with others - eggs in the morning are great to start the day, and definately add in a morning snack a couple of hours after breakfast :)

    ...."If you're looking for something really yummy to eat as a snack that feels like it should be 'bad' - try mashing some banana on toast, drizzle with honey and sprinkle cinnamon on top, then grill until it starts to caramelise. MMMM! Just had it for breakfast (but with brown sugar rather than honey as I had none left :( ) and it came to 185 calories :D"....

    So it's a bit sugary, but once a week isn't too bad :)
  • jaylu
    jaylu Posts: 158
    OohhH beautyqueen i like that idea - for snack i do this which is something similar but without the bread...

    slice a banana in half long ways, crush some walnuts,mix with sugar and cinnamon and put under the grill, this can also be done in a george forman quick, easy filling and most of all healthy! (as long as its just a pinch of sugar!)
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    You may need to eat an apple or piece of fruit to go with your cereal. The fiber in the fruit helps fill you up. Another suggestion would be you might want to add a snack in. It's best to eat something small and sensible every 2-3hours, especially when you are losing weight.

    I used this when I was on weight watchers. I lost 35lbs with them. I was always hungry and I would have apple slices or a banana on hand (especially when I was on my way home from work or preparing dinner) and this would be just enough to hold me over until my next meal.

    Good Luck!
  • trgobble
    trgobble Posts: 51 Member
    If you add a hard boiled egg to your morning routine, that may help. The protein/fat in the egg will hold you much longer than the cereal. Also, Greek yogurt mixed with berries and some cinnamon are good and quick.

    I could definitely boil them in long do they keep, do you think? Yogurt does sound fact, I've been meaning to bring it for lunch. Great ideas, thanks!
  • trgobble
    trgobble Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks for the responses, everyone! I think the consensus isn't that I'm eating wrong, but that I'm not eating enough! Point taken. Tomorrow, I bring a banana to work with me! :)
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    If you're going to go with yogurt, get the Greek yogurt variety. It has a ton of protein which keeps me full a lot longer than cereal.
  • flattsfan22
    flattsfan22 Posts: 86 Member
    Every morning I have two pieces of whole wheat toast with Low Fat JIF, 8oz of milk, and a cup of coffee with cream and splenda. All comes to a litte lover 400 calories but it keeps me full till 11:30. I've spoke to my dietician as well and she's a big fan of my breakfast. I eat all of it in the car on the way to work :)
  • hplvt
    hplvt Posts: 62
    I usually have 2 hard boilled aggs with a banana or 2 light cheese sticks and a yogurt. I have to have a hefty protien breakfast in order to get through the morning. Cereal NEVER keeps me full, although the Kashi brands are better with more fiber and protein. The Chobani greek yogurt is yummy and very filling! My husband and I dash out of the house in the morning and so we have to eat quick, you can buy the pre cooked and peeled eggs too for a real time saver! Maybe a protien bar would be good? They have all kinids of flavors to pick one you might like best.
    Everything I've read reccomends eating every 2-3 hours too, maybe your just going too long? Snacking on carrots and snap peas also helps me. Good Luck!:flowerforyou:
  • cjemtegaard
    try chobani greek yogurt...they have plain or ones with fruit. add a little granola or cereal for something a little extra. or plain with a little honey and berries. check their website for coupons. the yogurt itself has 14 grams of protein, all natural, with no fat, and only 140ish calories. very good for your digestive system too! :D
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    i'm like you. i get up at 5:45 and want to be out the door by 6:15.

    what i've been doing is preparing a scrambled egg the night before. i wrap it in plastic wrap, then nuke it for 45 seconds. i also just bought vitatops muffins and tried them for the first time this morning. i nuked it for 18 seconds (i'm going to just thaw it overnight in the fridge from now on), and then threw it in the toaster for a few minutes while I did some other things. added a banana to my meal, and had my espresso. it was quick, nutritious, yummy, and easy to eat in the car. i eat the egg like a sandwich... no fork required. that was 5 hours ago and i'm just starting to feel hungry.
  • iAlly
    iAlly Posts: 66
    Smoothies made with yogurt, low fat milk and frozen fruit for ease. Add in a little oats or cereal to keep you fuller longer.

    Omelettes - you can make them in about 3 minutes
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    Think outside the box. You don't have to have "breakfast food" for breakfast. Make a sandwich out of Whole grain sandwich thins, with lean meats and laughing cow cheese. You'll have whole grains & protein that will stick with you more than 30 minutes.