MMiles96 Member


  • Welcome Aboard!! I have found lots of positive support here!
  • That is so wonderful for you!! Something to be very proud of, Keep it up.
  • That is one of my favs from Blake!! Good choice Cowboy!
  • Me too!! If I started every morning like that it would be a wonderful day EVERYDAY!!
  • When I go to the club to work out I always use the treadmill. I just cant seem to get the hang of the elliptical
  • There are a lot of overweight men and woman that feel the same. I take photos for a hobby, and I hear at times, Can you make me look smaller? Ummm no not really, A bit but not make you a skinny model type. I battle the same feelings, I love taking pictures, I hate being in them. I can't even tell you the last picture I was…
  • That is awesome... Very good for you. That is right on with the NSV!! I think any marker you can use as a success point is worth taking! Keep up the great work and stay safe. I have a few classmates that I keep in contact with that are deployed and it is rough. I am not that close to them anymore but I like to know they…
  • Welcome aboard!
    in Hey All Comment by MMiles96 July 2011
  • That is such a good feeling, Congrats to you!!
  • to stop and
  • Thanks all, that is definitely some "food for thought" I haven't really decided what to do, I am trying to eat healthier and exercising, for the most part I am doing well except come afternoon I have a hankering for some sugar... That is where the day goes down hill for my calories and such.
  • Good Job - That is a tough one for some to do!! Keep up the good work.
  • Be careful with that, I was on it for a while and as soon as I got off I didn't change my eating or exercise but i gained back everything and then some, I am surprised they started you out with a high dose like they did. They usually start out with 10 or 15 mg (or they did me and a friend of mine too) Good luck, Feel free…
  • On a friday night none the less.....
  • I do a weigh in every 5 to 7 days. That gives my body to metabolize the foods for the week and exercise I have done.
  • For starters weighing yourself everyday is not good for you, your weight can fluctuate around 3 lbs or so in a day just from morning to evening, so for starters make sure you are comparing the same time of day weight. Cutting out soda is a great way to drop some lbs, make sure you are not filling that void with unhealthy…
  • Good Luck to you, my ultimate goal is to lose 150 lbs, to be 1/2 the size I am now. I have been working on this since Feb and just today reached 20 lbs!!
  • Welcome aboard - Grilled chicken is one of my favorites, add some seasonings (non salt) and grill. Add the chicken to a salad, flatbread or just eat plain. I could live on grilled chicken and pretty much do, I don't eat any fish or any thing that primarily swims, so my choices for "healthy" foods are almost cut into half.…
    in Hi Comment by MMiles96 May 2011
  • I started the 30 day shred a few days ago only I am not doing the video everyday, I do the video on days that I know I won't have time (or even if I think I wont have time) that way if I do the video and then do something else it is like an added bonus for my body. I wake up before everyone else in the house and exercise…