Mandie1120 Member


  • Almost everything is the same as my story- Ok... i am 5'5' but you get the picture. I weighed as much in high school and walked on the track. It was very inspiring to hear (read) your story! I know I am on the right track! THANK YOU~!
  • My MIO Active Connect has matched the gym equipment ever time. I didnt believe it so I kept testing it :) It is great and tracks calories you burn, calories you intake, steps, and uploads to MyFitnesspal!!! Plus they give a discount to MFP users :)
  • I had the MIO Petite and now I have the MIO active connect... I love them both! they both work great to monitor calories and hear rate and they are simple. The MIO Active Connect just connected to MFP and uploads to your account if you want! Makes it much easier!
  • I am in the same boat. I take spinning classes and my hear rate is typically 170. I like it there and feel good pushing myself. Now I am told i am burning calories and not fat and that is why i am not loosing weight ?!?! Seriously? I dont get it. I want some advice too!
  • I just got mine about a week ago. I had the MIO Petite before. The new watch is VERY sensitive. If i sweat at all under the watch it does not track well. I have to clean it off with a towel then test. Its easier to text once that does happen. With my other one you had to push the buttons. The connect just set your fingers…
  • So I finally got my MIO to connect to MFP. I just used Google Chrome on my computer instead of Firefox. Weird. Still having a hard time getting a decent reading while working out. I do not sweat buckets but its enough to make moisture under my watch (during spin i do sweat buckets). Still says dry off on the screen.... got…
  • Thank you! I will have to make sure everything is up to date on my laptop. I tried it again today and it would not read with even a tiny bit of sweat :( I had to use my towel and that is a huge inconvenience when/ if I run. I am NOT happy with mine as of yet. Want to give it one more try.....
  • I may return as well. I hope MIO can give me some answers soon!!!!!
  • I can not get mine to link either!!! I just wrote to MIO in hopes that Something was wrong with their server. Let me know if anyone can figure it out. I am pretty sad about the MIO connect. It wont read when there is even the least bit of sweat present; whats the point then.... It also only measures me burning 120 calories…
  • I do believe so. I dont think it can connect to anything without the cord.... I was reading about it and it is really simple to connect though :)
  • I currently have the MIO petite Active and I love it. Occasionally i check results with my workout equipment and it is right on target with the calories burned and heart rate. I always update my weight though because it becomes more accurate. I love it. It gives me motivation that someone couldn't give me. I love that it…
  • I have that problem too. I could choose a bag of chips for $.99 or a healthy granola type bar for $1.99. However, I learned to eat smaller portions and not snack ALL day long so that cut down on my bill to make up for what it was costing. You can also eat the same foods but in the low cal version. I started doing like sour…
  • What ever scale you use, stay consistent for your actual weight. If you loose a lbs you will see it on the scale either way so if it is 8 lbs more at work and you loose a lbs it will still show up as a lbs lost. You could also bring a 5 lbs weight to work and see if it registers 5 lbs. Do it with your home scale too. My…
  • I went to the store tonight and realized my favorite cookies are being put out for the season!!! AHHHH. Its the cashew ball cookie things that only come out during the fall/ winter season. I walked away tonight but next week may be another story :( I KNOW I will eat more than 4 though... thats what scares me. If i could…
  • Its funny Mary because you used to get in "trouble" for eating not enough calories... Now you feel guilty for going so close to your limit and still not going over??? really? Dont feel guilty! You are feeding your body so that it can perform! You may not Loose weight as fast but you are doing it healthy!!! Keep up the good…
  • I used to do butt squeezes at my desk :) I also parked farther away for that extra walk. Under your desk you can kick your legs like you are swimming and that totally works your legs. There are tons of them and some other people posted some good ones too. Just dont do the Hershey nugget arm curls anymore ;)
  • I think if you should wait until you have gotten down to your target weight. My boobs were great when I was pregnant and full and bouncy when I stopped and lost the weight and the milk they are just not the same. Its like they are tired and want to rest on my thighs and take a break :( You dont want that hun... trust me.…
  • Thanks everyone! I need all the support I can get. I have been over weight since 5th grade. It was never obese just a little overweight. Now its gotten to the point that I cant even handle my own weight. I am going to keep on going and work my butt off.(at least half of it ;) ps... Mary I love you too and miss you more…
  • hmmmmmmmmm that might be a factor ;) Nick said he is moving into the basement when that happens.... I dont blame him. There are vitamins and supplements that can help get you through though. Knowledge is power. Do your research and arm yourself :)
  • I recently started exercising to relieve stress and I wasnt sure If I was noticing a difference but EVERYONE around me noticed it so I guess it is! My fiance and I were arguing about a certain bill before I left and went to Zumba and then when I came home he said it was like I was a different person. I personally think I…