

  • Calorie calculation takes into account the gender and weight as well as steps and cadence. So a heavier male is going to burn more calories than a lighter woman for example. What are your stats if you don't mind sharing? And what was the distance that was shown for that 7000 steps?
  • To answer a few of the different questions posed. - Currently only the Striiv Play with the Striiv iPhone App has an automatic integration with the MFP website. You can enter your steps or activity minute stats at the end of each day via the MFP website as an exercise entry. - The Striiv and Striiv Play are pedometers an…
  • What is the trouble you are experiencing? When you enter the MFP app on the Striiv App and enter your MFP login information what do you see?
  • We are working with MFP to develop an alternative to the all or nothing connection. Have it update throughout the day your walking and running, but enable you to also add any non-tracked exercise such as swimming, or gym classes, etc.
  • We are working with MFP to allow the flexibility that an all day monitor can still have some activity that would not have th emonitor on, such as exercise classes, swimming and biking. - Katherine - Striiv CustomerCare
  • Thank you for trying the Striiv App and your patience as we worked with MFP to work through the issues. Be sure to Rate the App as well! - Katherine, Striiv CustomerCare
  • Nancy, you are exactly correct. If a Striiver is seeing a negative number on the Exercise Tab for the Striiv Calorie Adjustment. Then check your Activity level setting. Set that to Sedentary. The number being a negative on the Daily Summary page is because the math is subtracting the exercise number from your calorie goal.…
  • Please check your inbox in the next day or so for an update from MFP on how they are using the data from their new partners that monitor all throughout the day.
  • RunfortheWine, To access the MyFitnessPal icon on your Striiv App, the Myland, Charts and Trophies icons scroll from right to left. As you scroll you will see the Weight, Tips and MFP icons. Tap on the MFP icon, enter your login information and your connection will be set. Be sure to set your "Update diet/fitness profile"…
  • We here at Striiv and the great team at MFP have been working together to resolve the issue of how your Striiv calorie data is being translated and displayed on your Daily totals. The MFP team jumped on this immediately and deployed corrections last night, today and there will be additional changes tonight. For the morning…
  • Melenlana and Bethany, Thank you for trying the Striiv app! To accommodate the new category of partners who provide all day activity tracking devices vs. specific exercise events, MFP made a significant change in how they take our submitted data and then use it on your daily calorie counts. One component to getting the…
  • That is a great life lesson. And it has been a lesson for us as well, the octopus was an overlooked loophole used in the testing phase. It is being corrected in the next release. To bring back the happy, you can sell off your items and winnow down the coins and energy back to the levels you actually earned. And then…
  • This is great of you to set up. If you don't mind I am going to share this groups name to our Facebook community. Thank you for doing this! - Striiv
  • @ubae - be sure to upgrade to the new 1.2 release and create your my.striiv.com account. We are growing the MyStriiv website and we will have many more features: community and around viewing all your data in coming weeks/months - Striiv
  • I work for Striiv, so I cannot share my experience. But here are some threads that have postings about Striiv from customers: If you Search for Striiv you will see them in a variety of threads.
    in Striiv.. Comment by karthurs1 May 2012
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