Lisak22 Member


  • That my workout pants fall down..that ive lost all the baby weight in 9 weeks and 50lbs in 11 weeks!
  • Does anyone know how to log breastfeeding as an exercise? Ive been trying to find it but i cant..thanks!
  • Hey Ladies,... Heres the official update! 6 weeks 2 days, with this little peanut! We had the ultasound yesterday and got to see the little flicker of a heart beat, and we heard it too!! Aamazing that something sooo little already has such a strong heart beat. They printed off a picture, and put it in a little frame…
  • Alrighty, heres a bit of an update...if you can call it that... Had my blood taken Sat, and my HCG levels arent going up as fast as they should. They went up only like 1000. SOO I had another ultrasound, and the water sac is getting bigger, granted its still not very big. She also saw some white stuff, in the water…
  • Alright, the doc just called, my levels today are 5700 something...he said as long as i dont have pains, stick with monday, if i have pains, call him right away. For some reason, my levels from the frist test arent in the system, he things because of the holiday... well that made me feel a bit better, but, i dont want to…
  • Alright ladies...i need some advice...Soo i took my test tuesday night, it was positive...all 6 actually...anyways thursday, i started spotting...went to the doc, drew blood, did an ultrasound, and they said they saw the water sac...nothing else. I had to go again for blood tests, and one last time monday so they can…
  • Hey Ladies,....I need some advice...well rather some ideas... im 11 days late, and i took my 3 tests yesterday...and GUESS WHAT!....THEY'RE POSITIVE!....altho im not gettting my hopes up till the doc says yes...i dont want to get my hopes up and then, its not true... heres the thing, i need to tell my man...but i wanted to…
  • ALRIGHT im 8 days late as of yesterday, so I will be buying a test today, and taking super nervous! So i've been thinking, if i am am I going to tell him?!...I want it to be cute, romantic...everything all in one, since its our first one, and we've been trying for a while now...I know i…
  • im in..223.8 for today, dont think it will change much by ready for this...i hope to loose more than 10...well see how good i do tho...lets start drinkin water...lots of water...:flowerforyou:
  • :grumble: I will do my best, but sometimes i find myself weighing like 3 or 4 times aday...i used to hate seeing the number, now, i go crazy if i dont...ugg...i will not weigh myself unitl 1/15....:angry:
  • I knew exactly what you were talking about before i even saw the pic...i cant wait till i can have a pic like that too!....AWESOME JOB! keep up all that hard work!
  • i might be a tad late, but i drank one :) Thanks!
    in STOP!!! Comment by Lisak22 November 2010
  • WHOA!....YOU LOOK AMAZING!....i hope i can do what you did...I only am at 24 tho....i have a LOOONNNNG way to go...
  • I was the biggest soda drinker out of all of my i just quit. I was in a wedding, saw the photos, and how horrible i looked. and i felt five times as uncomfortable in the dress i HAD to wear....So i quit...100%. told everyone i know im on a diet, and if they saw me with a pop, they must…
  • i saw excited since i love chicken... and then read it and busted out laughing cuz your pic is next to you sayin haha made ya i think im tired
  • 10 BABIES!?! do you do it?!.I needs to come where you must be in the water :wink: .whats the secret?...I just want one to start with...:ohwell: Congrats tho....
  • Hey Ladies!... Just found this on here, and i love this thread!...So i need some advice.. We've been trying for about 7 months, BUT not trying (if that makes sense) to have a baby. Pretty much, if it happens AWESOME, if it doesnt, it will one day. Im 25, hes 29...we're ready to start our little family... SOOOO, I decided…
  • Alright, I just weighed in at 241.4..ALMOST a 2 lbs loss....thought it would be more but thats ok...i still not complaining!
  • BYE BYE 200'S!...Awesome Job! Posh..GOOD LUCK! I hope every had a great halloween, drank their water, and staied away from all that candy :) Pumped for the weigh in, in a few hours!
  • I just started the 30 shred yesterday and i cant walk today :( It felt amazing, i took today off, im going to start up tomorrow and do it 5 days aweek :) GOOD LUCK! you can do it!!
  • Alright, so i started doing Jilian Michaels 30 day shred yesterday, and i can not move :(...I've decided that im taking today off as my rest day, and taking medicine, so i can maybe get better, and start it up tomorrow. My goal is to do it 6 days a week...for all of Novermber... here goes nothing...wish me luck :blushing:
  • KEEP GOING!...YOU CAN DO THIS!...i always have days where i just want to stop, and go back to soda and chips...BUT i didnt work this hard to loose 18lbs for nothing. I have alot more to go, but everyone has to start somewhere...and i just think of it as a game...i ALWAYS have to win.. dont preplan anything, just count your…
  • GOOOOD MORNING EVERYONE!... So I just wanted to drop in and say hi, and hope everyone has a great Halloween..I know some places trick or treat today OR tomorrow....remember stay away from that candy... I am sooo pumped for the weigh in Monday...I weighed myself today, and I'm going to have a waay better loss than just 1…
  • HOLY MOLEY!! YOU LOOK AWESOME!!..I JUST LOVE BEFORE AND AFTER PICS... ok done yelling now :blushing: .no but honestly, you look amazing :) I cant wait until i can take those before and after pics...congrats on your loss :drinker:
  • I read this post and new exactly how you feel! I still WANT the same thing, as you were talkng about but when i do eat something i know is "bad" or has too many caolories, i feel horrible after and sick...SOO i do my best to just remember that feeling when i go to pick up chips, or ice cream or even a snickers. Also i've…
  • Alright, so i've been drinking about 10-13 bottles of water a day....I just had a question...when you guys log your water, are you logging every 8 oz. or do you put one bottle as one on the little water glass on here?...I feel like im having a blond moment, :blushing: and i just want to make sure im keeping track of this…
  • GOOOOD MORNING!!..ok so im a bit behind since i wasnt on the puter at all for 2 days! :( BUT IM BACK! and i've been logging my food from my phone. So I just saw that spread sheet...and HOLY MOLEY! THATS AWESOME :) I made one for myself but wow thats awesome THANKS! And i need some ideas...I need to kick this up a…
  • so ive only lost a lb...BUT my pants are getting looser...i think im toning things up...i hope for a bigger weight loss next really working hard at look skinnier for my cruise in feb!!:blushing: ..
  • so ive only lost a lb...BUT my pants are getting looser...i think im toning things up...i hope for a bigger weight loss next really working hard at look skinnier for my cruise in feb!!:blushing: ..
  • IM totally in! just a little late, but will post again monday!...starting weight christmas 214.2!!! WOOT WOOT!