30 Pounds By Christmas 10wk challenge Part 2!



  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Tuesday Challenge Outcome:

    Water: 12 cups
    50 mins Exercise: 2 hrs 20 mins (walking, zumba class, treadmill)
    10 mins Resistance Training: 15 mins (tricpes, biceps and chest press)
    Under Calorie Goal: Accomplished
  • char3
    char3 Posts: 8
    Is this group available to anyone?
    I would love to join. I was reading all of your posts and wow! Each of you should be so proud of yourselves.
    You are so inspirational and now I am so motivated.
    Today I ate very well and did 60 min of cardio. My goal is to lose 20 pounds by Christmas!
    Can't wait to actually be excited for Christmas photos this year :smile:
  • Hi everyone!! did pretty well this week on my calories except for yesterday and today. I have been working out hard with p90x this week too!! I lost 2 lbls!! thanks and see you next week!
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    Is this group available to anyone?
    I would love to join. I was reading all of your posts and wow! Each of you should be so proud of yourselves.
    You are so inspirational and now I am so motivated.
    Today I ate very well and did 60 min of cardio. My goal is to lose 20 pounds by Christmas!
    Can't wait to actually be excited for Christmas photos this year :smile:

    Yep, anyone can join.
  • SanDiegoUbermom
    SanDiegoUbermom Posts: 36 Member


    10 Water, Under Cals, 50 minutes of exercise plus 10 minutes of resistence training.... for example: lift weights, do pushups, squats, lunges, calisthenics..SP??


    10 Water, Under Cals, 50 minutes exercise, 10 minutes stretching or Yoga for relaxation and flexibility training

    We can do this y'all! Can't wait to post in the morning with my weigh in! FINGERS CROSSED!! :flowerforyou:

    Water - done :drinker:
    Under Cals - done :laugh:
    50 Min Cardio - no (I've missed the pass two days of walking, I have a sick child at home) :embarassed:
    10 Min of Resistence Training - Well if you call working and playing w/over 300 kids for 2 hours "Resistence Training", then ya I did it. lol I love to play four square with them! :laugh:

    Good night everyone! :yawn:
  • barefootbabe
    barefootbabe Posts: 271 Member
    Hi everyone!

    We are on Wednesday here in Aus so I will report on this challenge:


    10 Water, Under Cals, 50 minutes exercise, 10 minutes stretching or Yoga for relaxation and flexibility training

    I'm at 8 glasses of water and 40 mins of exercise at 3 30pm.

    After work I'm playing a game of basketball with my summer team, which will add another 45 minutes of exercise and probably a good 1.5litres waters. I'll so some stretching after I get home from my game.

    So far, so good!

    (And in the interest of full disclosure I re-weighed myself today as I just estimated when I did my first post.... my starting weight is actually 162.3 pounds, not 160 as I first stated :blushing:)

    Keep up the great work everyone!

  • Lisak22
    Lisak22 Posts: 47 Member
    GOOOOD MORNING!!..ok so im a bit behind since i wasnt on the puter at all for 2 days! :( BUT IM BACK! and i've been logging my food from my phone. So I just saw that spread sheet...and HOLY MOLEY! THATS AWESOME :) I made one for myself but wow thats awesome THANKS!

    And i need some ideas...I need to kick this up a knotch...i drink about 10-13 glass's of water, but i want to join a gym..im in VA, but american family is a bit too expensive..there arent any ymca's around me...anyone here in the richmond area?..any ideas?..

    I love this group :) yall keep me going...keep drinking :)
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
  • Checking in for yesterday! I was under calories, and got in 10 cups of water. Only 20 mins of exercise <-- My weakness!
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    Hi everyone. Just reading some of the posts and wanted to join. Is this a check in everyday? Which I probably need lately I have been so off track in calories. Blah! Anyway, I see the goal is to drink your water, work out and eat under calories every day. Wish it was that easy.

    I will check in tomorrow, hopefully today is the day Dorritos and candy do not find me at 7pm.

  • Well I did so good yesterday. I exercised and ate right. I actually was a little under my calories. This morning I splurged on Mcdonalds, but i brought a healthy lunch and snacks for while I am at work. I plan on doing some lite weights on my lunch break.
  • I dont see myself on the spread sheet.. here's my info

    sw 314.8#

    christmas goal 285#

    week 1 314#

    thanks :)
  • Would love to start but how do I. (New as of today) Not sure how you get it under info like you guys show. Thanks,
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    FINALLY got in 10 glasses of water (and I haven't even had dinner yet). Whew!
    30 minutes walk through park - still taking it easy on my knee
    I'm going to do as the daily challenge suggests and do some yoga tonight before bed. I'm very sore from my physio session, so perhaps it will help!

    Gotta push the cardio somehow tomorrow - i want a big weight loss week this week. If the knee is sore, I'm thinking of upper body work, like shadow boxing with a few kicks thrown in (if they don't hurt). Wish me luck. I wish you all lots of luck and motivation!
  • SayLiLIG
    SayLiLIG Posts: 197 Member
    I dont see my name on the spreadsheet...i couldve missed it, but yea. lol

    Thats really cool though. Could you maybe sort our names from a to z though?
  • SayLiLIG
    SayLiLIG Posts: 197 Member
    I just saw it! Wow im lame lol
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Would love to start but how do I. (New as of today) Not sure how you get it under info like you guys show. Thanks,

    Go to Community, and then look right above the forums and click on Signature. Anything you want to show up in all your posts, put it there. To put your weight loss ticker there, copy the code from the Tools tab and paste it under Signature.

    Is that what you mean?
  • arm619
    arm619 Posts: 2
    The good news: I forgot to post my weigh in on Monday, but my starting weight was 139 and I'm now at 137.5!
    The bad news: I've been on such a huge cardio exercise kick that I actually really hurt my achilles tendon and now cannot exercise for at least 2 weeks (maybe more) depending on how quickly it heals - doctors order :( I've very bummed about it but I'm hoping just continuing to track what I eat and drink water and do weights and abs and pilates, I'll still be able to stay on track and lose weight, but just at a slower pace. Fingers crossed!
  • simplykim419
    simplykim419 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey everyone, you're all doing so well.

    I just got back from walking for an hour in some really strong wind gusts. People were kinda staring at me as I was walking, I think they thought I was crazy.

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Water - done
    Exercise - no, day off
    Under calories - done

    Today I will get in all of my water with no problem. I will be under calories. I have got my exercise in and I will try some yoga tonight if I can find some on Exercise TV since I have never done this. And maybe walk some more tonight after work, but I am a little shy about it since I do not get off work until midnight. I really wish I would have someone to walk with at this time of night.

    Have a good everyone, need to go get things done before work.
  • cmlewis86
    cmlewis86 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey everyone! Just checking in. I haven't been doing a very good job the last few days logging my calories though I have been watching what I eat and I'm sure that I have been under my cals. I have been drinking quite a bit of water wich is hard for me to do (I have to add crystal light). I haven't been exercising very much because I have been running like crazy at work and I have been so tired when I get home that I just couldn't make myself do it. Everyone is doing great and I can't wait to see everyone's results next week.

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