Pregnancy 2011 - January



  • Lisak22
    Lisak22 Posts: 47 Member
    Alright, the doc just called, my levels today are 5700 something...he said as long as i dont have pains, stick with monday, if i have pains, call him right away. For some reason, my levels from the frist test arent in the system, he things because of the holiday...

    well that made me feel a bit better, but, i dont want to bleed anymore :(...thanks for all the advice, thoughts and prayers ladies!
  • bridgett28
    bridgett28 Posts: 41 Member
    My husband and I just found out the day after Christmas that we are expecting our first child together - he has two children that i claim as my own from his previous marriage. That would put me at about 5 weeks along. We had it confirmed at the doctor's office that following Monday. My first appt with my obgyn is on the 11th of this month (I would be about 7 weeks along).We are very exciting and I am a little nervous. This past year I lost over 100lbs because I had gastric bypass surgery. Now I am pregnant one year out. I have to take vitamins because of the surgery already and now I have added a prenatal vitamin and a DHA pill as well. When should I change my caloric intake up? I currently have it set at about1300 calories a day (which is to lose 2 pounds a week -- not that it is accurate). I don't want to go over board with gaining weight during my pregnancy (I understand that most of it comes off after you have the baby -- about 2-3 months after). Any suggestions out there for that?

    I currently weight about 229lbs. Last year at this time I was 343lbs. So 229 is amazing to me -- I don't remember the last time I weighed this. I hope that I can have a healthy pregnancy and not gain like 50lbs.

    How many ultrasounds do normal pregnancy have? How many are there with High Risk Pregnancies? I think since my surgery and bmi and weight that I will be considered high risk, but I am not sure -- guess i will find out more on the 11th.

    I know usually between weeks 4-6 morning sickness is something that is common to start, but if my mother didn't have it, is it possible that I won't have it? I am a little over 5 weeks and haven't had any nausea at all yet **knock on wood** but could it be possible to have it after week 6?

    What week do people normally start showing with their first pregnancies? Has any one here naturally concieved multiples?

    Sorry for all the questions, but I am 'new' to this. Good luck and I hope everyone has a health pregnancy.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Yay, I am glad I found this. My name is Rachael. I am 12 weeks pregnant and so excited. This will be my first baby. :) I am excited to find people with the same goals and who will also help motivate and inspire.

    Some of my challenges currently are getting enough water (it makes me sick in the morning, and I don't want to wake up all night going to the bathroom if I drink too much in the evening). Any recommendations? And getting enough protein. My doctor told me that I should be getting 90 grams of protein a day. I realized I normally only ate about 40-50. So this a huge jump. I have been eating eggs, yogurt, milk and protein shakes. For some reason I can hardly stand chicken or fish any more. It just makes me sick.(The joys of morning sickness :) ) How do any of you get enough protein?

    I finally buckled down and got my Zofran prescription! Hallelujah, yesterday was a totally different day. I should have done that sooner. Congrats to all of you mommy's to be and good luck to those trying.

    Chicken was a night mare my entire first pregnancy. And I couldn't eat any meat during my first trimester this time. Don't force yourself to eat anything that doesn't feel good right now. It is normal to feel that way about certain foods.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    My husband and I just found out the day after Christmas that we are expecting our first child together - he has two children that i claim as my own from his previous marriage. That would put me at about 5 weeks along. We had it confirmed at the doctor's office that following Monday. My first appt with my obgyn is on the 11th of this month (I would be about 7 weeks along).We are very exciting and I am a little nervous. This past year I lost over 100lbs because I had gastric bypass surgery. Now I am pregnant one year out. I have to take vitamins because of the surgery already and now I have added a prenatal vitamin and a DHA pill as well. When should I change my caloric intake up? I currently have it set at about1300 calories a day (which is to lose 2 pounds a week -- not that it is accurate). I don't want to go over board with gaining weight during my pregnancy (I understand that most of it comes off after you have the baby -- about 2-3 months after). Any suggestions out there for that?

    I currently weight about 229lbs. Last year at this time I was 343lbs. So 229 is amazing to me -- I don't remember the last time I weighed this. I hope that I can have a healthy pregnancy and not gain like 50lbs.

    How many ultrasounds do normal pregnancy have? How many are there with High Risk Pregnancies? I think since my surgery and bmi and weight that I will be considered high risk, but I am not sure -- guess i will find out more on the 11th.

    I know usually between weeks 4-6 morning sickness is something that is common to start, but if my mother didn't have it, is it possible that I won't have it? I am a little over 5 weeks and haven't had any nausea at all yet **knock on wood** but could it be possible to have it after week 6?

    What week do people normally start showing with their first pregnancies? Has any one here naturally concieved multiples?

    Sorry for all the questions, but I am 'new' to this. Good luck and I hope everyone has a health pregnancy.

    To help answer some of your questions:
    1. You don't have to change your caloric intake for a while. Baby is still very small and gets everything it needs from you. Eat when you are hungry, of course, allowing yourself to get too hungry can lead to overeating and morning sickness. Make sure you are eating nutrient rich foods, protein, calcium, and plenty of fruits, veggies, and whole grains. You don't have to gain any weight at all until probably well into your second trimester, and even if you gain very little weight everything will be perfect.
    2. It won't necessarily come off as easily or fast as you think. So be sure to listen to your doctor and keep the weight gain under control.
    3. It will depend on your doc on how many ultrasounds you have. I got them regularly because my doc had a portable machine and liked to check on things. However, it's normal to get only a few, sometimes even only 1 at around 20 weeks.
    4. You will probably be considered high risk, more for your surgery than your BMI. I was 234 when I concieved my first daughter and had a perfectly healthy pregnancy and delivered an 8lb 4oz baby right on time. Again, follow your doctors instructions to the T.
    5. You may or may not get morning sickness. Consider it a win if you don't! It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with the pregnancy. And it may hit you later, also. Every pregnancy is different. I had no morning sickness at all with my first and was miserable for 13 weeks with my second.
    6. When you show will depend on a myriad of factors. Hou much belly fat you have, how tall you are, where baby implanted, where your placenta is, etc, etc, etc. I showed at 17 weeks with the first, and 9 weeks with the second.
    7. My second pregnancy (ended in miscarriage) was naturally concieved twins. So, yes, it can happen.

    I loved my pregnancies and love to talk about pregnancy and babies, so friend me if you want to chat more!!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    My husband and I just found out the day after Christmas that we are expecting our first child together - he has two children that i claim as my own from his previous marriage. That would put me at about 5 weeks along. We had it confirmed at the doctor's office that following Monday. My first appt with my obgyn is on the 11th of this month (I would be about 7 weeks along).We are very exciting and I am a little nervous. This past year I lost over 100lbs because I had gastric bypass surgery. Now I am pregnant one year out. I have to take vitamins because of the surgery already and now I have added a prenatal vitamin and a DHA pill as well. When should I change my caloric intake up? I currently have it set at about1300 calories a day (which is to lose 2 pounds a week -- not that it is accurate). I don't want to go over board with gaining weight during my pregnancy (I understand that most of it comes off after you have the baby -- about 2-3 months after). Any suggestions out there for that?

    I currently weight about 229lbs. Last year at this time I was 343lbs. So 229 is amazing to me -- I don't remember the last time I weighed this. I hope that I can have a healthy pregnancy and not gain like 50lbs.

    How many ultrasounds do normal pregnancy have? How many are there with High Risk Pregnancies? I think since my surgery and bmi and weight that I will be considered high risk, but I am not sure -- guess i will find out more on the 11th.

    I know usually between weeks 4-6 morning sickness is something that is common to start, but if my mother didn't have it, is it possible that I won't have it? I am a little over 5 weeks and haven't had any nausea at all yet **knock on wood** but could it be possible to have it after week 6?

    What week do people normally start showing with their first pregnancies? Has any one here naturally concieved multiples?

    Sorry for all the questions, but I am 'new' to this. Good luck and I hope everyone has a health pregnancy.

    Your weight alone won't make you high risk. maybe not low risk, but not high risk. U/S vary by doctor. I was 220 this and last time when I got pregnant and neither times has that effected my u/s. But i had an ectopic in between so early on I had one, but you can't see anything then anyway. Most docs give them around 18-19 weeks if you have no complications. Nausea usually starts at or after 6 weeks and ends around 12 for most women. Of course that varies.

    I started showing what I would consider early. But not really to anyone else until I was 20 weeks. My pants got tight way before that, but I put on weight fast in the beginning. Talk to your doctor about your bypass surgery and ask him how that effects the babies nutrition. That is very important.
  • AnnaleisJ
    AnnaleisJ Posts: 50 Member
    Hey, my partner & I are TTC too. I found out in June last year that I have PCOS which is what brought me to this site and I have made good progress so far.

    I had no idea there was a group on here like this but what a great idea.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Alright, the doc just called, my levels today are 5700 something...he said as long as i dont have pains, stick with monday, if i have pains, call him right away. For some reason, my levels from the frist test arent in the system, he things because of the holiday...

    well that made me feel a bit better, but, i dont want to bleed anymore :(...thanks for all the advice, thoughts and prayers ladies!

    His concern with your levels can be M/C or ectopic. Depending on how far along you are 5700 would be good, that 's why he wanted to see your earlier levels to make sure they are doubling or going up. I had an ectopic previously and this time around we had to do the blood monitoring and early U/S like you. it was only at 5 weeks so we got to see the sac and that was pretty much it. We went back, I think 2 weeks later to see the yolk sac again to make sure things were progressing. I havent' had spotting before, but have had cramping, mildly in weeks 5 and 6. Good luck, don't worry. I know the waiting is hard. But with pregnancy, every pain makes you question whether something is wrong. It is normal.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    My husband and I just found out the day after Christmas that we are expecting our first child together - he has two children that i claim as my own from his previous marriage. That would put me at about 5 weeks along. We had it confirmed at the doctor's office that following Monday. My first appt with my obgyn is on the 11th of this month (I would be about 7 weeks along).We are very exciting and I am a little nervous. This past year I lost over 100lbs because I had gastric bypass surgery. Now I am pregnant one year out. I have to take vitamins because of the surgery already and now I have added a prenatal vitamin and a DHA pill as well. When should I change my caloric intake up? I currently have it set at about1300 calories a day (which is to lose 2 pounds a week -- not that it is accurate). I don't want to go over board with gaining weight during my pregnancy (I understand that most of it comes off after you have the baby -- about 2-3 months after). Any suggestions out there for that?

    I currently weight about 229lbs. Last year at this time I was 343lbs. So 229 is amazing to me -- I don't remember the last time I weighed this. I hope that I can have a healthy pregnancy and not gain like 50lbs.

    How many ultrasounds do normal pregnancy have? How many are there with High Risk Pregnancies? I think since my surgery and bmi and weight that I will be considered high risk, but I am not sure -- guess i will find out more on the 11th.

    I know usually between weeks 4-6 morning sickness is something that is common to start, but if my mother didn't have it, is it possible that I won't have it? I am a little over 5 weeks and haven't had any nausea at all yet **knock on wood** but could it be possible to have it after week 6?

    What week do people normally start showing with their first pregnancies? Has any one here naturally concieved multiples?

    Sorry for all the questions, but I am 'new' to this. Good luck and I hope everyone has a health pregnancy.


    This is my first pregnancy as well but I think I can answer a couple questions for you. I had my first ultrasound at 6 weeks. I had a kind of slow heart beat so I had another at 8 weeks. Since everything was fine my next will be at 18 weeks.

    I did not have any morning sickness until 6.5 weeks. Then it has been really bad for me, and my mom didn't have it either. Good luck :D

    I have heard that people usually start showing aroung 12-20 weeks but it depends on the body type.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Happy New Year! We managed to stay up until about 11 before passing out on the couch. My husband woke me up ten minutes before the ball dropped, and we went to bed shortly after. I feel like such a grandma anymore, but it's kind of nice.

    Went to the bathroom today and found a lot of blood on the toilet paper. I'm talking mid-period type amounts of bright red blood. My husband convinced me not to freak out (outwardly at least) and got out the fetal heart monitor. It took a bit but he finally found it. It was just as strong as ever, 170. I just burst out crying! I was so relieved. I can't wait to get this stupid cervical polyp out of me on Friday. It's never come close to bleeding like that before. It scared the bejesus out of me. I've been checking periodically throughout the day and the bleeding has slowed dramatically, if not completely stopped. I'm just going to relax and not worry myself anymore about it.

    Welcome to all of the new ladies. This thread is so helpful. Even when I don't get a chance to post as often as I like, it's a great resource. I am learning new things all the time!
  • bridgett28
    bridgett28 Posts: 41 Member
    Thank you all for answering some of my questions. I will talk it over more with my doctore especially about nutrition.

    You are all very insightful and I hope that this pregnancy will be a joyful one.

    Thanks again. Can't wait for my first appt! I am excited.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Just played scrabble and threw up... my life while pregnant :laugh:
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    i like to register @ when I'm pregnant. there's also if you want to compare. there might be others... I'm from cananda so I am also registered on another one there. these sites have little weekly newsletters that tell you what is normal to go thru at a certain stage and prepare you for what might be coming up. they also have pictures of what the baby kind of looks like and how big he/she is. it's pretty cool :)

    it also has lots of info about all the questions you asked, and more. and babyzone even has info on pregnancies for multiples :D

    HTH :happy:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Just played scrabble and threw up... my life while pregnant :laugh:

    Scrabble makes me sick too...all those little tiny letters. :sick: :laugh:
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    i like to register @ when I'm pregnant. there's also if you want to compare. there might be others... I'm from cananda so I am also registered on another one there. these sites have little weekly newsletters that tell you what is normal to go thru at a certain stage and prepare you for what might be coming up. they also have pictures of what the baby kind of looks like and how big he/she is. it's pretty cool :)

    it also has lots of info about all the questions you asked, and more. and babyzone even has info on pregnancies for multiples :D

    HTH :happy:

    Cool! I'm going to register. Thanks!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617

    I just keep telling myself I only have 12 more weeks and then I'll be off for 4 months with my little princess! (1 week Spring break, 6 weeks maternity leave, then 2 months summer) I am so blessed to have that much time off...our timing was excellent, lol. :laugh:

    I know we have discussed this before in this forum, but I can't believe how much the maternity benefits SUCK in the USA!!! I have no idea what they do in other countires though... maybe it is better than others but it is still awful....What about parents who are breast feeding? 6 weeks? Really??

    I hope you house gets finished really soon for you!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Hello! I'd like to be a part of this! I'm almost 34 and have been TTC #2 for two years now. My first son was conceived right away (I weighed 245ish I think) and I'm not sure why I'm having problems, but have been hesitant to seek medical advice because my weight is so high right now. Pretty sure I'll just be told to lose weight.

    I have a relatively active job, and would like to lose as much fat as possible before becoming pregnant again (although at my age and two years TTC getting pregnant takes priority over losing weight (as in, not going to try to lose it first!).

    Just thought I'd introduce myself and wish everyone a very happy new year!!

    Hello Andella and welcome!!! Don't be afriad to try and lose weight while ttc. It might just help more than you think :-) Once you have a confirmed pregnancy then I wouldnèt limit calories, but until then it would be no harm.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Happy newyear everyone!

    I am off to Hawaii tomorrow for 2 weeks! This will proably be out last real holiday until our children are grown, so I am definately going to make sure I enjoy it!!! We just got married in July. We went on a short Honeymoon down to Sandpoint, Idaho right after the wedding to stay in the family cabin, but this is our.. what I like to call proper honeymoon.

    I have been feeling fairly well, just a little bit of quesiness that is magnified when I am hungry (which is happening more and more lately). Eating a small snack has really helped me as well.

    I am also super excited that our basement is being finished while we are gone! So we get to come back to a finished basement! Yeah!!!

    Speaking of finishing rooms- is it ok to paint while pregnantÉ (for some reason my question mark is not working and making that weight e)
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    I know we have discussed this before in this forum, but I can't believe how much the maternity benefits SUCK in the USA!!! I have no idea what they do in other countires though... maybe it is better than others but it is still awful....What about parents who are breast feeding? 6 weeks? Really??

    it does suck.. my sister lives in syracuse and only had 6 weeks. she decided to take an additional 6 weeks unpaid, for her first child, and 5 weeks extra for her 2nd, but that is still crappy.

    my friend lived in Italy and had twins. she got 6 months leave / baby. so she got to stay home for a year. :)

    I live in ontario, canada. here's a quote from our Employment Insurance FAQ's website

    "Maternity benefits
    Maternity benefits are payable to the birth mother or surrogate mother for a maximum of 15 weeks. To receive maternity benefits you are required to have worked for 600 hours in the last 52 weeks or since your last claim. You need to prove your pregnancy by signing a statement declaring the expected due or actual date of birth.

    The mother can start collecting maternity benefits either up to 8 weeks before she is expected to give birth or at the week she gives birth. Maternity benefits can be collected within 17 weeks of the actual or expected week of birth, whichever is later.

    Parental benefits
    Parental benefits are payable either to the biological or adoptive parents while they are caring for a new-born or an adopted child, up to a maximum of 35 weeks. To receive parental benefits you are required to have worked for 600 hours in the last 52 weeks or since your last claim. You must sign a statement declaring the newborn's date of birth, or, when there is an adoption, the child's date of placement for the purpose of the adoption, and the name and address of the adoption authority.

    Parental benefits can be claimed by one parent or shared between the two partners but will not exceed a combined maximum of 35 weeks.

    Parental benefits for biological parents and their partners are payable from the child's birth date, and for adoptive parents and their partners from the date the child is placed with you. Parental benefits are only available within the 52 weeks following the child's birth, or for adoptive parents, within the 52 weeks from the date the child is placed with you, unless your child is hospitalized ."

    PLUS, if you have a high risk pregnancy and the dr decides it's not safe for you to work, you can be put on Sick Leave for 15 weeks before the baby is born. and still get the 15 weeks maternity and 35 weeks parental!

    so, it's not too bad :) I heard in Sweden they PAY their mom's to stay home with the children!!!! NICE!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Happy newyear everyone!

    I am off to Hawaii tomorrow for 2 weeks! This will proably be out last real holiday until our children are grown, so I am definately going to make sure I enjoy it!!! We just got married in July. We went on a short Honeymoon down to Sandpoint, Idaho right after the wedding to stay in the family cabin, but this is our.. what I like to call proper honeymoon.
    happy belated honeymoon and congrats on the finished renovations when you get back! how awesome it will be for you to walk in and have everything done and cleaned up when you return! SWEET!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Speaking of finishing rooms- is it ok to paint while pregnantÉ (for some reason my question mark is not working and making that weight e)
    oops forgot to add my 2 cents.

    I think water based paints are safe. oil paints, not so much... I would ask someone, where you buy your paints, to point out which one is safe for pregnant women to be around.