Pregnancy 2011 - January



  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Back to work for me today... :sad: It's been so nice to be off for the holidays! I know I was blessed with that much time, it just seems like it goes so fast!

    Went to the doctor yesterday and had the 1 hour gestational diabetes test. It didn't taste as bad as what others have said, but it still wasn't tasty. It just tasted like really sugary orange kool aid to me. My results are suppose to be back today, but they said no news is good news. So hopefully I won't get any phone calls from them today! According to their scale I have gained 8 lbs this month....grrrr. I always to in the afternoons though after I eat lunch, so I trust mine at home more, when I weigh weekly. The doctor said she thought it was water weight though .... however I have been REALLY bad eating whatever I want, and not exercising....:embarassed: I really need to start walking and stretching...I can really tell I'm starting to tighten up, and having a little bit of the restless legs syndrome I think. Really need to up my water too. Hopefully since I'll be back to work I can get back to my schedule and routine...being off I didn't drink that much water, but while at work I constantly have to refill my bottles, etc so I'm hoping that will help.

    Still hoping to be in our house soon...they're suppose to be building the porches today and the contractor said *maybe* everything will be done by the end of this week. Not getting my hopes up...We were originally suppose to be in Dec. 15th! Our lease is up on our rental jan. 15th, soooo they better hurry!

    Hope everyone has a good day today...I'm struggling to stay on task you can tell by my sitting on MFP instead of doing something productive... :laugh:

    The good thing is the 1 hour test is only a screening test, not diagnostic. I was border line on the 1 hour so they made me go back and do the 3 hour GGT test and it was fine. Now I have to redo the 1 hour next week, because they can't figure out why the baby is growing so fast. My SIL failed her 1 hour miserably and still was barely able to pass teh 3 hour.

    I hope you fasted before your 1 hour, they don't tell you to do that, but it gives false readings if you don't. My SIL ate 2 donuts and coffee with sugar before she took hers DOH.

    I'm like you the drink wasn't as bad as some women make it out to be. The 3 hour is more concentrated so that can bring on the gag reflexes. But it tasted like a Hurricane, without the alcohol in it. The 1 hour taste like orange fanta with no fizz. Hope it comes out well.

    Yum! I am one of the strange ones that enjoys the drink! I have mine on the 21st of this month. My doctor did tell me not to eat any sweets or sugary items on the day of the test prior to the`testing.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    You are walking so much, that is awesome. Keep up the hard work.:drinker:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    You are walking so much, that is awesome. Keep up the hard work.:drinker:

    Thanks so much! On the days my son cooperates and there is good television I seem to do a bit better. Today not much great tv the first part of the walk but then came on Dog the Bounty Hunter. I have really grown to like that show lately especially when his one son Duane Lee is in it. :wink:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hi everybody, it has been a week of incredible emotions, the pelvic pain I was experiencing just kept getting worse and worse and I went to sleep Wednesday afternoon about 4 pm. Woke up at 10 pm and it hurt so bad. Went to the ER and they were awesome. Did a blood draw and checked my urine for a UTI and a pelvic and an ultrasound. The baby was there but no heartbeat, told me I was 6 weeks and 4 days, the blood results, the ultrasound and the uterus size all matched up. Told me to take it easy and rest. Had to go with hubby to a doc appt Thursday morning and do some shopping with the kids. I know not resting but dd needed shoes and the appt for dh has about his back fusion. Started spotting brown blood in town and it continued all week-end. I figured it was from the pelvic but was scared. Called my OB and they were like well it is probably nothing, take it easy. I am very emotional and decided that wasn't good enough. Our small town doesn't have OBs but has a good hospital and doctors so I called up the clinic that had the ER doc who saw me in the ER. They told me to come in right away since the discharge papers say if bleeding occurs to come back. So yesterday I went in and the doc that say me did another blood draw and I got a real ultrasound this time. There was the baby with the little heart beating at 136 beats per minute. I have switched my care to our small clinic and feel very confident about it.

    I may have overreacted and if I was miscarrying I know there is nothing they can do but the worry was killing me.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    The only reason I was paid with my first is because i saved up vacation and sick leave.

    My 3 sick days and 5 vacation days don't roll over, so no saving up here. I'll use the 1 week paid vacation and then probably 1-2 unpaid and go back. Anyway, if I had saved up since the day I started working there 5+ yrs ago I still would have only 7-8 weeks saved up!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Sweet! It's nice that you were able to save up a little bit of money. I have probably said it before, but in Canada maternity benefits are across the board for the whole country. As long as you have 1 year into your job, they must allow you 1 year of maternity leave and job security. But your employer does not pay you, it is basically "unemployment insurance" that pays us- a government program that every single working person must pay into on their pay cheques. Surely they have a similar program down south when people lose their jobs? What I guess is different here is that they allow us to tap into unemployment insurance when we have our babies. We get 55% of our regular pay for 52 weeks. Should we choose to stay home after that it is unpaid, and your job is gone.

    I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can be a SAHM after my year is up!

    Who else plans to stay home full time with their little one?

    Yeah - we have that here but true - you can't use it for pregnancy / maternity leave. Which I think sucks, because... I'm paying into unemployment and disability, but the odds that I will ever use it are so slim. Basically you just pay for other people who do use it.

    I'll be home full time with mine, but I work from home, so it's a little of both. Well, a lot of both... at the same time! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I've been a SAHM since Emma was born, I did have 600 hrs so I was able to get all my benefits owed to me, but I never went back to work after, so I didn't collect anything for the birth of my son. My husband did tho. He got to stay home for 35 weeks with me! THAT was AWESOME. Financially it was tight, but I LOVED having him home. it was like a 9 month vacay! :D I'm hoping he'll take parental leave again with #3.

    Oh my gosh. I would hate this! He would drive me insane! He was unemployed (no benefits) for 6 months so home, and I wanted to kill him! I can't stand that much time together!! :laugh:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Hi everybody, it has been a week of incredible emotions, the pelvic pain I was experiencing just kept getting worse and worse and I went to sleep Wednesday afternoon about 4 pm. Woke up at 10 pm and it hurt so bad. Went to the ER and they were awesome. Did a blood draw and checked my urine for a UTI and a pelvic and an ultrasound. The baby was there but no heartbeat, told me I was 6 weeks and 4 days, the blood results, the ultrasound and the uterus size all matched up. Told me to take it easy and rest. Had to go with hubby to a doc appt Thursday morning and do some shopping with the kids. I know not resting but dd needed shoes and the appt for dh has about his back fusion. Started spotting brown blood in town and it continued all week-end. I figured it was from the pelvic but was scared. Called my OB and they were like well it is probably nothing, take it easy. I am very emotional and decided that wasn't good enough. Our small town doesn't have OBs but has a good hospital and doctors so I called up the clinic that had the ER doc who saw me in the ER. They told me to come in right away since the discharge papers say if bleeding occurs to come back. So yesterday I went in and the doc that say me did another blood draw and I got a real ultrasound this time. There was the baby with the little heart beating at 136 beats per minute. I have switched my care to our small clinic and feel very confident about it.

    I may have overreacted and if I was miscarrying I know there is nothing they can do but the worry was killing me.
    Sounds like you made the right decision. Never be scared or feel bad for going in for a second opinion. I'm so glad they saw the heart beat.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I started making my baby quilt today. I'm so excited to see how it turns out.

    I thought about making one for my SIL but I just don't think she would appreciate it the time, effort, money and love that goes into a handmade quilt. She so snobby. Maybe I'm being ugly. My husband (her brother) said he didn't think she would appreciate it either.

    I have to decide soon though, because her baby shower is at the end of January.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Hi everyone..happy new yr!!! Anyone out of breath when they try to work out or go up stairs? Im only 4 months, and it's so hard for me to get up 3 flights of stairs now!!!! I read that it's normal, but what causes it?

    A 50% increase in blood volume, decreased lung capacity from organs constricting the diaphragm, increased progesterone...
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Neat thread :D I'm currently 20 weeks pregnant and just recently got over my morning sickness...I have gained quite a bit of weight so far (25 LBS) ugghhh...odd thing is i have not changed my diet that much...i eat as healthy as i ever did (i added 200 calories to my diet because my nurse recommended me to for the baby to gain more weight; so i currently eat 1400 calories a day). the big change though is that prior to getting pregnant i was burning off an average of 2000 calories a day give or take since i was exercising intensely about 4 hours a day. now my best work out is just going for a walk (on days that i was unable to work out much prior to getting pregnant i ate 1200 calories but i still always burned no less than 600 calories that day)...

    Sounds like you were undereating to begin with (600 net cals a day to function on) so when you started eating more your body horded calories, even though you were by no means overeating. Would have happened if you were pregnant or not once you quit the detrimental deficit. Be sure you eat more on days that you exercise more - it will boost your metabolism, vs just burning what is there.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Hi everybody, it has been a week of incredible emotions, the pelvic pain I was experiencing just kept getting worse and worse and I went to sleep Wednesday afternoon about 4 pm. Woke up at 10 pm and it hurt so bad. Went to the ER and they were awesome. Did a blood draw and checked my urine for a UTI and a pelvic and an ultrasound. The baby was there but no heartbeat, told me I was 6 weeks and 4 days, the blood results, the ultrasound and the uterus size all matched up. Told me to take it easy and rest. Had to go with hubby to a doc appt Thursday morning and do some shopping with the kids. I know not resting but dd needed shoes and the appt for dh has about his back fusion. Started spotting brown blood in town and it continued all week-end. I figured it was from the pelvic but was scared. Called my OB and they were like well it is probably nothing, take it easy. I am very emotional and decided that wasn't good enough. Our small town doesn't have OBs but has a good hospital and doctors so I called up the clinic that had the ER doc who saw me in the ER. They told me to come in right away since the discharge papers say if bleeding occurs to come back. So yesterday I went in and the doc that say me did another blood draw and I got a real ultrasound this time. There was the baby with the little heart beating at 136 beats per minute. I have switched my care to our small clinic and feel very confident about it.

    I may have overreacted and if I was miscarrying I know there is nothing they can do but the worry was killing me.

    I don't think you overreacted at all! I'm glad everything is okay now.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    My dr. told me I didn't have to fast but she did tell me to not eat much sugar that day; stick to hopefully it will come out ok. haha I probably would have liked to eat 2 donuts though!!

    I hope everything goes okay for you!
    I told my supervisor I'm expecting this morning and one of the first things she told me is to NOT eat anything at all before the test. She was told she could eat protein but she & everyone she knows who did eat protein beforehand ended up failing the test (but then went on to pass the 3 hour test). Maybe it was just a coincidence. But I guess I'll attempt actually fasting. My test is at 8am (and not until April :laugh:) so I think I'll be okay fasting since I'm in no way an early riser.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I started making my baby quilt today. I'm so excited to see how it turns out.

    I thought about making one for my SIL but I just don't think she would appreciate it the time, effort, money and love that goes into a handmade quilt. She so snobby. Maybe I'm being ugly. My husband (her brother) said he didn't think she would appreciate it either.

    I have to decide soon though, because her baby shower is at the end of January.

    I will definitely be making my baby some quilts, I love homemade baby blankets, well all things homemade but can't wait to start. It is too early for me though. Have fun!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Hi Hi Preggos! Hope everyone is healthy and doing well. I hope to join you very soon. DH and I are in the midst of TTC #1 this month. AF has shown her ugly face twice this cycle, so she is making it a bit difficult. Oh well, we will just be taking what God gives us. LOL Best wishes to everyone in the New Year!
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    Glad I saw this post!!

    I'm a sahm and have 2 kids. My son will be 4 in March, and my daughter will be 3 in June. I'm 17 weeks prego with baby #3 who is due in June!

    I gained a lot of weight in both of my previous pregnancies, and still haven't managed to get back to pre-prego weight. I'm not going to try to lose weight now, but I also don't want to gain a lot again. I'm going to be eating healthy and walking (only exercise I can do that doesn't hurt my back or cause pains during pregnancy). So far I've lost 6lbs since my first appointment in Nov...but I think a lot of that was not being able to eat much because of sickness...that has finally started going away a bit lol!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Hi everybody, it has been a week of incredible emotions, the pelvic pain I was experiencing just kept getting worse and worse and I went to sleep Wednesday afternoon about 4 pm. Woke up at 10 pm and it hurt so bad. Went to the ER and they were awesome. Did a blood draw and checked my urine for a UTI and a pelvic and an ultrasound. The baby was there but no heartbeat, told me I was 6 weeks and 4 days, the blood results, the ultrasound and the uterus size all matched up. Told me to take it easy and rest. Had to go with hubby to a doc appt Thursday morning and do some shopping with the kids. I know not resting but dd needed shoes and the appt for dh has about his back fusion. Started spotting brown blood in town and it continued all week-end. I figured it was from the pelvic but was scared. Called my OB and they were like well it is probably nothing, take it easy. I am very emotional and decided that wasn't good enough. Our small town doesn't have OBs but has a good hospital and doctors so I called up the clinic that had the ER doc who saw me in the ER. They told me to come in right away since the discharge papers say if bleeding occurs to come back. So yesterday I went in and the doc that say me did another blood draw and I got a real ultrasound this time. There was the baby with the little heart beating at 136 beats per minute. I have switched my care to our small clinic and feel very confident about it.

    I may have overreacted and if I was miscarrying I know there is nothing they can do but the worry was killing me.

    I don't think you overreacted at all, I would have been the same way. I'm so glad that everything is ok.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I started making my baby quilt today. I'm so excited to see how it turns out.

    I thought about making one for my SIL but I just don't think she would appreciate it the time, effort, money and love that goes into a handmade quilt. She so snobby. Maybe I'm being ugly. My husband (her brother) said he didn't think she would appreciate it either.

    I have to decide soon though, because her baby shower is at the end of January.

    How fun! I have to start crocheting my baby blanket here fairly soon. I need to go pick out some yarn. Not sure if I should keep it a baby blue like I made for my last son or do something a little different. I already plan to do a different pattern so I might just stick with baby blue yarn.

    I definitely wouldn't take the time to make a blanket for someone who won't appreciate the effort. And if your husband agrees with you I definitely wouldn't spend the time on it. I have crocheted blankets for some people and looking back I wish I had never done it for them.

    Have you picked out your fabric?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm just learning to knit so I've started on a baby blanket already just to get some knitting practice. I guess I'll crochet one next to learn how to do that & get practice with it as well. I'm excited about it.

    Does anyone here use a pregnancy pillow? I'm having a hard time getting comfy in bed (yep, already) & wondered if I should splurge on a pregnancy pillow specifically or if a $10 body pillow would do the trick just as well.
  • Mamatoabunch
    I'm just learning to knit so I've started on a baby blanket already just to get some knitting practice. I guess I'll crochet one next to learn how to do that & get practice with it as well. I'm excited about it.

    Does anyone here use a pregnancy pillow? I'm having a hard time getting comfy in bed (yep, already) & wondered if I should splurge on a pregnancy pillow specifically or if a $10 body pillow would do the trick just as well.

    I am thinking of making this wee one a blanket. One of my oldest made a crazy quit for her secret brother or sister, for Christmas.

    I just sleep w/ a pillow under my head, one between my legs, thinner, and one in front of my chest.

    I workout today to the same new dvd workout, Denise Austin cardio w/ weights. I am a little sore today from yesterday so that is good!