Pregnancy 2011 - January



  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    My doctor put me on bedrest for the duration of my pregnancy and up until 6 weeks after delivery. It is much different waking up with lil ones in the bed wanting to watch cartoons than it is running to the office at 3:30am. I will definately be logging all of my food since I wont have much else to do other than rest. Hubby takes care of us, all of you going through m/s should teach dh to cook. It will help you out tremendously when the baby is born and you cant get around much. The last time we had a baby we ate spaghetti for a week because it was the only thing he knew how to cook. Last night he whipped up a meatloaf and mashed potatoes... what a difference! Geez I love him, and I am oh so lucky.

    Glad to hear it, I know you've been waiting for this. My husband cooks, but I am a monthly freezer cooker. So I am planning on cooking about 3 weeks worth of food and freezing it to make it easier on him and myself. Last time our church group brought over food every day for 4 weeks. We almost died it was way too much food. It was really nice though.

    We don't belong to that group anymore, so this time it will just be me planning ahead and family.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I just got my first "Was it planned?" & I almost laughed out loud when the woman asked because I've read/heard so many pregnant women *****ing about being asked that question.

    Seriously though, why do people think that's an appropriate question to ask? I would never in a million years have the balls to ask someone that!

    People are just that way, hubby and I got married at 20 and had our first at 21. People always assume that I got knocked up young and dont realize that at 28 I am about to celebrate my 8 year wedding anniversary and that my first baby was born MORE than a year AFTER we got married. I remember when my first was a few months old, I was in line at the market and a lady told me I was too young to have a baby. Screw people, they are rude. All that matters is that you are having a baby, all of ours have been planned but I could care less what anyone thinks.

    They do the same thing when you are an older mom, with older kids. I guess people just have a set age for the mom and for the siblings to be apart.

    My SIL gets asked that because she is 41 and her last one is over 8 years old. And no it was not planned.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I just got my first "Was it planned?" & I almost laughed out loud when the woman asked because I've read/heard so many pregnant women *****ing about being asked that question.

    Seriously though, why do people think that's an appropriate question to ask? I would never in a million years have the balls to ask someone that!

    I know, right?! My husband and I have been married for over 3 years, and I've still had people ask if it was an "oopsie". Really?? :laugh:

    I got the "was it planned" question too. But the best comment I have gotten so far, was yesterday. I walked into work after being gone for the holidays, and my co-worker said "WOW, you finally look pregnant and not just fat. I was wondering when the pregnancy would overtake the fat." :noway:

    I was like...gee...thanks, I really appreaciate your thoughtfulness. Seriously, who says something like that!!!!

    HAHAHA! That is just crazy! I get those too...from one person inparticular...First she told me my hips were starting to get wider (great, thanks!) at the very beginning of my pregnancy and I hadn't even gained any weight, then comes up with comments like "wow, you're starting to look funny!" Funny? Really? She said her husband told her that all the time, that she looked funny. I would think she wouldn't have liked it, so don't call other people that too, lol. Sometimes you just gotta laugh!

    Sooo...I know this has nothing to do with pregnancy but I've been telling you all about our house. Well, the final inspection was set up for Friday as long as they could finish the well and build porches today. OF COURSE it's raining today so we won't be able to have the house inspected Friday. I was just looking at my calendar and had the realization that "OMG our lease is up on the 15th...that's only next Saturday!!" There's no way we'll be in by then (because after final inspection we have to wait on the bank for closing)! Looks like we'll be homeless for a few days...or weeks...! We'll have to find a place to store all of our, boxes, etc, and live out of a suitcase somewhere (friends?, family?...). It wouldn't be SO bad except we have two inside dogs...who's going to take us in, with our two big dogs? LOL So that's just what's on my mind today...I'm stressing out a little bit! All I can do is pray and not worry over the things I can't control, but I guess it's time to start looking for a place to crash! :laugh:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Dont' stress. You will get into your house one way or another. You may have to kennel the dogs. I know it is expensive but it will give you piece of mind. I'm glad to hear ya'll are getting so close. I would be so scared to build a house, It made me nervous just adding on. There are so many things that have to be considered.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    mwilson, miracles can happen! When we bought this house in March it had been a short sale and then a foreclosure. After 9 months of waiting and multiple offers the bank closed in ten days! So we actually had possession 10 days after our offer was accepted. It was very stressful, but so nice to get done! I would suggest getting all your paperwork in order and letting the bank know what is going on--underwriting was what took the longest for us and that wasn't bad. All my ramblings is to say it will work out!:laugh:
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    When we told my mother in law that we may be expecting twins, the first thing she said was, "Oh man, you're gonna get SO FAT!" :huh: Thanks Sally, as if that hadn't crossed my mind when I knew we were expecting one, you've reassured me that it will in fact happen if we are having two :mad:
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!
    I'm sorry about some of the comments
    you ladies have had. Some ppl are so
    insensitive. I had the "was it planned ?"
    but it came from my lil brother hahaha
    i just laughed it off cause he's so curious
    about TTC and he's way to young to be
    thinking about that right now.

    So, i was wondering what you ladies are
    using for stretch marks. i've been keeping
    my water intake high and using vaseline
    cocoa butter, i like it because it doesn't
    smell too strong and it isn't too greasy. I had
    a scare I found a red bump on my lower abdomen
    that itched but turns out its a pimple or ingrown hair
    of some sort cause it's going away. I know i'll
    get stretch mark and they're not all avoidable but
    I'd like to get away with just the minimum haha

    My appt went so well yesterday. We got to hear
    baby's HB it was going strong at 154bpm :D I
    was so excited yesterday. :D It's such a relief
    because at the beginning of this pregnancy i was
    constantly scared because of the spotting and it's
    comforting to know that M/C drops significantly after
    this week. Just thankful today. :)
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I would totally pay 75$ to have an ultra sound at 15 weeks to find out the sex. I am going to ask my dr. monday and then call and check around private places.

    I told my students today and I got the was it planned question MANY times but nothing much worse. They were actually all very sweet about it. They told me I was going to the best mom, they would babysit, they told me I was so skinny they were sure I wouldn't get too big, they were so excited for me, one told me she would hold the trash can ;D From high schoolers these are nice things to hear.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I just got my first "Was it planned?" & I almost laughed out loud when the woman asked because I've read/heard so many pregnant women *****ing about being asked that question.

    Seriously though, why do people think that's an appropriate question to ask? I would never in a million years have the balls to ask someone that!

    I know, right?! My husband and I have been married for over 3 years, and I've still had people ask if it was an "oopsie". Really?? :laugh:

    We had our first around the same time in, but he was very much NOT planned.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I would totally pay 75$ to have an ultra sound at 15 weeks to find out the sex. I am going to ask my dr. monday and then call and check around private places.

    I think if one scan were not covered by my ins I would not get one at all. $75 is too much for me to pay even if it's the only chance to find out! It'd have to be around $20 for me to even consider and then I might still opt for buying groceries or gas instead :laugh:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I paid the $75 at a private u/s place, because my doc's office doesn't offer sex determ. scans. I'm glad I did it, because when we got to my body parts scan for the doctor the tech couldn't confirm sex. So I was glad I found out on my own. I'm one of those that just has to know.

    I'm feeling yucky and funky today. The baby is moving funny, he feels very very heavy in my lower abdomen. It almost makes me feel like puking, but not quite. It is a weird sensation.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Sooo...I know this has nothing to do with pregnancy but I've been telling you all about our house. Well, the final inspection was set up for Friday as long as they could finish the well and build porches today. OF COURSE it's raining today so we won't be able to have the house inspected Friday. I was just looking at my calendar and had the realization that "OMG our lease is up on the 15th...that's only next Saturday!!" There's no way we'll be in by then (because after final inspection we have to wait on the bank for closing)! Looks like we'll be homeless for a few days...or weeks...! We'll have to find a place to store all of our, boxes, etc, and live out of a suitcase somewhere (friends?, family?...). It wouldn't be SO bad except we have two inside dogs...who's going to take us in, with our two big dogs? LOL So that's just what's on my mind today...I'm stressing out a little bit! All I can do is pray and not worry over the things I can't control, but I guess it's time to start looking for a place to crash! :laugh:

    Isn't that the way things go? We added an attic room to our house. Started it the end of October 2009 and they told us it would be a four week project. I looked at my husband and laughed and said it will finished in a year. Never realized how true that statement would be. The company we chose was a nightmare and we ended up having to get out of the contracts and everything. The room is finished and the hallway has a little bit of hardwood floor that still needs to be installed because my husband didn't order enough. They are to come out Saturday to finish it up. Then I can say we are completely done, just a little over a year later. Ah what's the difference 4 weeks, one year :grumble: . After that fiasco I would never be able to build a house.

    Glad you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel though. And you are absolutely taking the right outlook on the situation. Hang in there!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Got my 6 miles in today and burned 727 calories. Today I officially hit my halfway mark of 200 miles walked. I was determined to get there today.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    My doctor put me on bedrest for the duration of my pregnancy and up until 6 weeks after delivery. It is much different waking up with lil ones in the bed wanting to watch cartoons than it is running to the office at 3:30am. I will definately be logging all of my food since I wont have much else to do other than rest. Hubby takes care of us, all of you going through m/s should teach dh to cook. It will help you out tremendously when the baby is born and you cant get around much. The last time we had a baby we ate spaghetti for a week because it was the only thing he knew how to cook. Last night he whipped up a meatloaf and mashed potatoes... what a difference! Geez I love him, and I am oh so lucky.

    Glad to hear it, I know you've been waiting for this. My husband cooks, but I am a monthly freezer cooker. So I am planning on cooking about 3 weeks worth of food and freezing it to make it easier on him and myself. Last time our church group brought over food every day for 4 weeks. We almost died it was way too much food. It was really nice though.

    We don't belong to that group anymore, so this time it will just be me planning ahead and family.

    I could only wish we had family like that. My family would pick something up or order a pizza. The inlaws on the other hand have shown up in bulk to see the other kiddos and expect ME to somehow feed THEM. Oh yeah I really can cook something up or afford to feed 10 people with disability pay. Huh, they will get a big shocker this time cuz DH does not work anymore so there is no $ for any of that.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I'm feeling yucky and funky today. The baby is moving funny, he feels very very heavy in my lower abdomen. It almost makes me feel like puking, but not quite. It is a weird sensation.

    Hope you are feeling better soon! I see you got some additional miles walked today! Great job!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I paid the $75 at a private u/s place, because my doc's office doesn't offer sex determ. scans. I'm glad I did it, because when we got to my body parts scan for the doctor the tech couldn't confirm sex. So I was glad I found out on my own. I'm one of those that just has to know.

    I'm feeling yucky and funky today. The baby is moving funny, he feels very very heavy in my lower abdomen. It almost makes me feel like puking, but not quite. It is a weird sensation.

    I think the princess is break dancing in my tummy. She has been super active and bouncing off the wall. It feels really weird and she kicked my cup of coffee this morning when I put it near my tummy. Either she really likes the coffee or didn't want another sip. Hmm well we should just enjoy the aliens on the inside while they are in there. It feels so weird and she is so strong. Seems different from the boys
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Sooo...I know this has nothing to do with pregnancy but I've been telling you all about our house. Well, the final inspection was set up for Friday as long as they could finish the well and build porches today. OF COURSE it's raining today so we won't be able to have the house inspected Friday. I was just looking at my calendar and had the realization that "OMG our lease is up on the 15th...that's only next Saturday!!" There's no way we'll be in by then (because after final inspection we have to wait on the bank for closing)! Looks like we'll be homeless for a few days...or weeks...! We'll have to find a place to store all of our, boxes, etc, and live out of a suitcase somewhere (friends?, family?...). It wouldn't be SO bad except we have two inside dogs...who's going to take us in, with our two big dogs? LOL So that's just what's on my mind today...I'm stressing out a little bit! All I can do is pray and not worry over the things I can't control, but I guess it's time to start looking for a place to crash! :laugh:

    I'd take being homeless for a while if it got me into a house! I am so sick of renting (6 years in crappy too small places) but we have another 3-5 years or so before we can even think about having enough saved for a down payment. :ohwell: We're actually looking to just push that back a little more and scrap together the monthly cash to rent somewhere decent for a few years so we're not so miserable while renting and waiting (think white trash neighborhoods...)
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I'm feeling yucky and funky today. The baby is moving funny, he feels very very heavy in my lower abdomen. It almost makes me feel like puking, but not quite. It is a weird sensation.

    Hope you are feeling better soon! I see you got some additional miles walked today! Great job!

    I went to the gym this morning and walked. It was raining here. At least that is something. My iron must be low today is all I can figure. I'll be glad to go to the doctor next week to ask her my questions.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    FYI: Old Navy's having a huge sale & a lot of their maternity stuff is on sale. Tons of shirts for $5-6, lots of pants for $10-15.

    I just bought 2 pairs of maternity pants, 3 maternity shirts, and 2 things for baby for $53.70 (including tax & shipping). I had already placed an ON order on Sunday for 2 pairs of mat pants and 4 mat shirts & 1 thing for baby for $58 so for just about $100 I think I may be all set (plus I got 3 extras for little one!). I already have tons of loose fitting flowy skirts for 3rd trimester in the summer if the pants don't fit the whole time.
    Kind of hard for me to spend that much right after the holidays but I'm so glad I don't even have to think about how I'm going to afford to clothe myself anymore. I was seriously worried after seeing prices even in places like Target! I'm so cheap.

    I give in already -- I can hardly wait to wear comfy stretchy maternity pants starting in a week or 2 (whenever my clothes arrive). :laugh:
  • kjrosa
    kjrosa Posts: 34
    I weighed myself today and I maintained this week...

    weight before I got pregnant: 175 lbs
    current weight: 200 lbs